Birmingham, Alabama 2012

Birmingham, Alabama 2012

  The City of Birmingham was my second stop in Alabama.  I arrived a little after sunset and got settled in at The Church at Brook Hills.  Later, I enjoyed the men’s bible study there.  Tuesday I was glad to find that Birmingham would not be dry like the week prior. In other words I met Christians who were not ashamed to identify with Jesus! This really goes a long way in setting the stage for a productive week.   

  Wednesday morning I was informed that my ministry would be better suited for the downtown area.  The reasons stated, “this is a wealthy area” and “we have a lot of vandalism by the youth around here.”  All I will say is: I was surprised as this was the launching pad where “RADICAL” recently became a common term in US Christianity.

The Narrow Way

The Gospel the Narrow Way

  Moving on (no pun intended), just a few miles away I found a place that would be home the rest of the week.  After I relocated I went across town to do laundry.  I had a great time meeting folks and sharing Jesus. There I met a brother that I will not soon forget.  To be encouraged and to encourage is so dear to me.  Thank you Brother David.       

  Thanksgiving Day was great, I decided to go to Cracker Barrel and the place was packed.  But there was a parking spot up front on the end!  Praise God!  When I went to have my name put on the list, I was told it will be one and a half hour wait.  No problem, the weather was great and what a set up to witness!  So, I spent more than three hours there and one of the best conversations was with my waitress Melba.  I saw the Holy Spirit at work in her.  What I mean is her attention was so focused on the gospel; it looked as if she was taking it in like a dry sponge set in water and had no regard for time.  At one point she smiled and said, “This is what I needed”.  Praise God!  Please pray for Melba; that God would protect her from the enemy’s efforts to kill, steal and destroy!  Pray that the Holy Spirit would brood over Melba until she comes to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! 

  Friday was kind of crazy and you may know what I mean before I write about it.  Really? ……… I don’t know the words to say but; fanaticism, greed, me, me, me and get outta my way!  I thought, “What must God think?  Does not Jesus weep?  How sorely is the Holy Spirit grieved?”  Times like these really expose mankind’s depravity.  This was not the kind of thing I write about at least normally, but I want you to reflect on how important it is for you to walk with the Lord Jesus Christ!  The price Jesus paid for our sin is incomprehensible! The value of knowing Him personally cannot be overemphasized! Now a question: Does it seem too harsh that we pray for God to intervene no matter the severity to turn people to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? (Praying) 

What motivates You?

God or Gold? What’s your desire? One is a consuming Fire and the other will Burn up!

  Saturday evening I met a man when he stopped his car going in the opposite direction through a busy parking lot.  Steve got out and stated, “I’ve got to know, what you are doing here!  I’ve seen you everywhere I’ve gone this week”.  When I suggested we pull out of the traffic lanes He said, “they will be alright” and he started waving people around.  I liked his boldness but I thought we need to get outta the way.  So, I explained the Journey I was on to share the Gospel and how I almost missed eternal life pursuing the American dream.  Steve thanked me and went on his way.  This was encouraging but let me explain a little more and I’ll tell you why.  I purposefully spent a lot of time in traffic throughout the week.  A strategy I employed roadside was to park at a 45 degree angle using the Sun to light up the Jesus Truck.  This works great the two hours before sunset. I’ve been searching for ways to make the greatest impact during the shorter days.  Now, the encounter with Steve seemed to be positive confirmation of that impact. (Steve’s comment, “I’ve seen you everywhere I’ve gone this week”).     

Sunday morning, I went or better said “was prompted” to attend church where I thought I would not go.  That is where I met Ricky and Paula.  They had driven an hour and a half to visit there.  We met at bible fellowship, sat together during the service and then we went to lunch.  What a unique couple with a burning desire to share Christ where ever they are.  Both Ricky and Paula are a living testimony of the goodness of God.  Ricky openly shares that he pastored churches for years and that recently he was bought to the conviction that He was not Born Again!  Ricky sought God’s mercy, pleaded for Jesus Christ to save him!   Hallelujah!  Paula, his wife is “something else” a firecracker or maybe better said; little stick of dynamite for Jesus.  I think this verse sums it up well: “God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That you might be justified in your sayings, and might overcome when you are judged”. (Romans 3:4)  Please pray for my beloved Ricky and Paula Sauls who I believe are earnestly seeking to downsize and follow the Lord wherever He leads.  Pray that God’s Holy Angels who are ministering spirits to the saints would go forth gaining the victory over the powers, rulers and principalities of darkness so they may be fully united as husband and wife; to go forth in the name of The LORD.  Amen.  Brother Ricky and Sister Paula, Both of you have been such a blessing to me and I hope that I may see you again this side of eternity.  Yet above that; I pray that you finish strong, not considering the cost as thing to be grasped. By the Power of the Holy Spirit; the honor set before us is to live out our time in the absolute surrender, giving preeminence in all things to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  To God Be the Glory!  Amen.

 One more thing before I close; If you take note of my checking account you will see how tight things have been. I get paid the fourth Wednesday each month, so considering the distance that I’ve traveled the last six weeks through Virginia, Tennessee and two Cities in Alabama it’s worked out extremely well.

Checking – 0596

Available Balance: $24.55 | Edit Nickname

Date   Description

Debit ( – )

Credit ( + )














11/23/2012   CHECK CARD   PURCHASE SPRINT *WIRELESS 800-639-6111 KS




11/21/2012   POINT OF SALE   DEBIT SHELL Service Station HOMEWOOD AL
























  Note: 11/23 was for cellphone and PENDING Nationwide INS is auto deduct.  As you can see I did not have money in the bank for gas to get where I am now or for anything else until Wednesday. Additionally consider that and I have not expressed a need for anything to anybody:  Yet I arrived at my next stop on schedule with a full tank of gas and money for food.  Praise God!  I did not write this so you might think poor David.  I am not poor but rich indeed.  I rejoice in amazement every time and in everything that I know comes from God!  This is actually a prized benefit that I have come to cherish!  Praise the Lord! He is with me!  In the good times and the bad!  I rejoice in the realized presence of the Lord!

   Wow, I better wrap things up.  One more town is behind me along; The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

  God willing, I may enjoy the privilege to write you again about a week from now.  In the meantime please contact me if I may pray for you, encourage you or discuss any matter concerning discipleship.  

  Agape, David       (FB David Banton or

Huntsville, Alabama 2012

Huntsville, Alabama 2012

  The week in Huntsville was quit unique.  But before I go into that, God blessed me with a great place to call home base, parking, electricity and amenities. (Whitesburg Baptist Church)

  The non-responsiveness to the cross and its message is what I meant about Huntsville being unique.  Throughout the week as I moved in and around town flying the banner of Christ the atmosphere was still.  I do not recall one person excited about the “Jesus truck”.    This scripture came to mind; “And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief.” (Matt 13:58)  I’m not inferring this is the case but simply that this scripture came to mind.

  As a result I spent more time in the Word and in prayer.  It very well could be that this was the Lords will for me here.


Because of the Fall, Jesus went to the Cross!


Now, that I may boast in God’s goodness towards me here:

I think it was Wednesday when I found a worn five dollar bill under the wiper blade of the “Jesus truck”.  God knows who left it and He knows how much that meant to me. (Someone was excited!)

It was Saturday about 9:30pm when I received this message posted to this website:  

   My husband and I got behind you in a parking lot while we were having our “date night” in Huntsville, AL.  We actually live in Scottsboro, which is about an hour drive from Huntsville.  We curiously made note of the website on your truck and logged in as soon as we go home.  What you are doing is awesome and inspiring.  We will be praying for you on your journey and will be keeping tabs on this website.  God-speed and God Bless!

Wow, what a Gift from the Lord!  Thanks, Amy.

  Sunday morning at Whitesburg Baptist Church I heard the most inspiring message preached by Senior Pastor Jimmy Jackson.   He declared that the proclamation gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ was as urgent today as it ever.  He also spoke of the cost that’s being incurred by dear saints around the world today.  This was accompanied by a warning for us in America.  

Sunday evening it happened again at Whitesburg and the message was preached by Associate Pastor Greg Corbin. 

This is the link to so you view sermons on YouTube:

  I was so filled by the Word and encouraged or well fed and amped up, that I don’t know what anyone could have done with me?  Maybe that’s like saying; “I was beside myself”?

Amped and ready for Lift-off!

Monday morning I went to get a cup of coffee before I headed off to the next stop.   While at Panera Bread the Holy Spirit lead me to speak words of encouragement to someone and this is how I met Brother Michael.  God did it again, it’s incredible that when I obey His prompting how God’s blessing becomes circular.  What I’m trying to say is; I went to encourage and was encouraged in such an incredible way that it seems that God placed Brother Michael there to bless me.  We spent more than two hours going deeper into the function of the Bride of Christ and the Lords return.  Praise God!  Amen.

There’s one very interesting note I want to share with you.  I will need to take you back to last June when I was in Madison, Wisconsin.  You may recall that is where possibly the most unrealistic church experience occurred.  I had arrived Sunday evening during the holiday weekend and the church offices were closed Monday.  I wrote that Tuesday morning I arrived before the staff at First Baptist Church of Madison.  So I decided to unhook the ministry trailer, parked it in the rear corner of the church parking lot and went to get a cup of coffee.  Then when I returned the trailer had been towed.  Okay, this next part I did not write in my post but you will see why I mention it now.  When I initially pulled into the parking lot, I noticed the mileage of my truck was 66,666 miles and reasoned that it would be superstitious to think anything of it.    Now to make my point:    

 When I got into my truck Sunday night after the evening service I noticed the mileage on my truck: 77,777 miles!  I thought you’ve got to be kidding!  That’s crazy!  Okay Lord that’s so cool!   I don’t know any other way to process that except that it was from the Lord.  Thinking about the email message Saturday night, then both services Sunday and the encounter Monday morning:  “In an arid place God sent Rain!” 

Praise God for His Love, Faithfulness and Devotion!!!

 To all the brethren,

Thank you for your prayers and every support.  They are as rain to me as I continue answering His Call.  

Please join me in rejoicing and saying with a loud voice “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom. And strength and honor and glory and blessing!” (Rev.5:12)

                                                                             Agape, David

Memphis, Tennessee 2012

Memphis, TN 2012

  The City of Memphis completes the tour through the State of Tennessee.  Memphis held true to form as; Knoxville, Chattanooga and Nashville.  Tennessee has a Christian presence that is remarkable as compared to my experience through 13 of the 50 states.

  Arriving Monday afternoon I soon found a place to call home base for the week; Ridgeway Baptist Church. There I met Brother Seth who God used to bless me throughout the week. Monday evening while downtown, I stopped at the Memphis Rescue Missions and attended evening service.   It was good to see men doing the work of the Lord there. 

  Tuesday afternoon at Panera Bread I met Michelle because of the Cross.  She had to tell me how much the Cross meant to her.  You may know how that is “music to my ears”.  Michelle bought lunch for me and went back to work.  Later, I went to get something from the ministry trailer and there I met Brother Kevin.  Kevin was waiting to meet me hoping we could go evangelizing together. Wow, how cool was that!  Oh and by this time I had been invited to dinner Wednesday at Seth’s home.

  Wednesday afternoon Kevin and I took to the streets to share Jesus and what a joy, though the time flew.  Then off to Seth’s for dinner and fellowship. Seated at this table were 7 ordinary people having 1 extraordinary desire: To follow the Lamb wherever He leads and to be the Living Church of the Bible. Praise God!  Amen.  The fellowship around the dinner table went on for about 9 hours.  The fragrance of Christ abounded as testimonies were shared and the Word opened.

  Thursday was a short one, none the less the gospel went forth and it was a great day.

The Tree of Life!

  Brother Kevin introduced me to Fat Friday.  Kevin and one of his friends started this as they would adhere to a strict diet all week and then on Friday they would have lunch at the best place they knew.  Kevin bought lunch at a Mexican restaurant that had made their list. The food was great and the fellowship sweet.  Thanks Kevin.   

  Saturday it was all out which included going downtown to Beale Street from 5pm until 12:30 am.  Beale Street is closed off for two blocks to through traffic.  This is where people come to have a good time.  Parking is extremely limited around the perimeter but wouldn’t know The Lord provided a great spot. I really got excited when about a block away I saw a man walking down the middle of Beale Street carrying a Cross!  It did not take long for me to catch up with Him though it took a few moments to catch my breath.  There with him was his family and a few friends. They were handing out tracts and engaging one on one sharing the gospel. We had a time of it together and saw the Holy Spirit at work!  Soon we said goodbye and I went back to my post (the truck).  I slowed down for a while at least until reinforcements arrived.  Two of Seth’s friends whom I had met Wednesday Nick and Charlie arrived about 10:30pm.  We finished about 12:30 am.

  Sunday morning came fast and the Service at Ridgeway Baptist Church was great.  The pastor invited me to share at the 6pm service.  The day ended much the same as it started with great preaching.

America Return to Christ!


  What a way to finish in Tennessee! Remember the week before in Nashville; Brother Kris drove from Louisville to join me for a couple of days and it was hard to say goodbye?  This week God blessed me with co laborers and sweet fellowship.  Thanks Seth, Ricky, Nick, Kevin and all who where a blessing to me!

  Although I did not go into great detail, I believe this week may have been one of the most active to date.   The banner of Jesus Christ was flown throughout and around Memphis, many were engaged one on one and the gospel was abundantly sown.  Confident that God will give the increase and we may see the fruit of my/our labor.  Thanks to each one that God has used to encourage, teach, pray and provide for me along;   The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

Agape, David

Nashville, TN 2012

Nashville, Tennessee 2012

  Wow the City of Nashville held to the pattern of Knoxville and Chattanooga (Not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ).  The Lord provided a great place to park at Immanuel Baptist Church. 

  On Tuesday morning I filled the gas tank which was the second time in 24 hours and it weighed a bit heavy on me.  Caught in morning traffic I may have gone 2 miles when I noticed a lady to my left motioning for me to roll my window down. When I did she said, “Can I get you some gas?”  I told her that I had just filled up and she said let me go across the street and I’ll be right back. She came back and handed me $100 dollars and off she went. Praise God!  I was not that burdened! This question just came to mind, “Have you ever heard of anyone else’s so called god do anything like this?”  I don’t think it is even possible.

  Tuesday evening I was honored to serve alongside many brethren under the Jefferson St. Bridge. “At The Bridge” ministries gather weekly to serve the needs of the homeless.  Food, clothing, hygiene items, preaching and gospel music performed by various artists.  This is another time that in going to serve I left encouraged and strengthened by the Holy Spirit.

  There was no Wednesday evening service because of Halloween so I set the: “Don’t Come Here! JESUS Saves!” prop up, lite it up and went cruising.  Keeping the “main thing” the main thing right?


Don’t Come Here! JESUS SAVES!

  Thursday came with much anticipation. Brother Kris Salyer whom I met in Louisville, Kentucky about two and a half years ago drove here to go to the streets with me.  This was the 3rd time as He served alongside of me a week each in Minneapolis, MN and Cincinnati, OH.  Getting in around 5pm we wasted no time and headed out to fly the banner of the Lord JESUS Christ.  It happened that the Country Music Awards were being presented that night and downtown we went. The streets were packed and parking probably not realistic especially central to the event.  But “with God all things are possible” and HE provided again!  Parked in the middle of the action Kris and I spent the next six hours engaging one on one with those drawn by the Cross and others as the Holy Spirit led. Some of the local businesses were promoting there nightly specials by handing out literature so that made it a little easier to go behind them offering; “A Invitation” (that is to come to Christ).

  I don’t remember much about Friday, except that the night before had taken a toll and I was not ready for a repeat. However Kris and I were determined to make the most of Saturday.  Driving to the church about 9pm I was thinking we would have an early night.  The thing is I forgot about what typically happens when Kris and I get together.  We talk about scripture, so here we go opening the Word and before I knew it; it was 2am.

Tree of Life.


  Saturday we were determined to make the most of the day.  With the sun shining and temps in the mid 70’s we set out for Bicentennial Park.  The Lord blessed us with many opportunities to share the massage of Jesus being the only way back to God.  We met some dear Christians, so in ministering the Word and in Prayer the Holy Spirit was at work.  “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend”. (Proverbs 27:17 NKJV)  Later while at KFC ministry continued, (Praise God for the Power of the Cross!) Brother Kris was on a roll, sharing the gospel, giving out bibles, loving people and praying for them.  I love it when we go into neighborhoods where “we don’t fit the mold” how God uses that to draw people to Himself.  

  Well, it was time for my dear brother Kris to be on his way to Louisville, KY.  This was the 4th stop along; “The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!” that God has blessed me to have Kris alongside.  His Passion for JESUS, the Brethren and the Lost is inspirational to me.  Each time I have to say “until I see you again Brother” it hurts.  And like Kris it is the same with Tony & Bridget, all the brethren back home Virginia and those saints I’ve met along the way.  I think this to be part of; “Living the Crucified Life”.  None the less I part with what I’ve seen to follow the One whom I have not seen and the love of Christ controls me in that I no longer live for self but for Him who died for me and rose again Amen.

  Sunday I enjoyed the service at Emmanuel Baptist Church and rested in preparation for the week to come.

  The seven days here in Nashville are done (the time has passed) and only God knows what will remain after all our works are tried as with fire.  What remains will be seen and all the Glory Be To God!  So, dear Saints make the most the day while it is still day because your redemption draws near and our Lord bids us to follow Him.

  Until next week, that is according to God’s will I may write to you again.  Though far or near in distance we are joined in the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

                                                          Agape, David