Kentucky, Frankfort

Wow again!  Upon arrival in the State Capitol of Kentucky, I was impressed by the charm and beauty of both the people and the ruralness of the Capitol city.  As I rounded a curve there was a scenic pullover that proved to be much more than I expected.  Across the way and a little below stood the impressive Capitol Building.  Later upon closer inspection I marveled at the tulip beds that graced the main drive.

  From the very first day the rolling billbord and the cross were met with a welcoming responce in large part  across the board this in respect to age, gender, race and social status.  (of coarse their were exceptions).

  The historic downtown area proved to be my favorit area to share Jesus.  I had the pleasure of meeting encouraging and being encouraged by many of locals and travelers alike.   The rain came and put a damper on sharing Jesus in the Town Square. (They really have one to this day).

  By Saturday I was feeling just a slight bit discouraged but then Sunday came and my joy was ressurected as I attended Worship Service at Thornhill Baptist Church.  Pastor Gary Beatty preached about Worshipping to please GOD and not Men.  Most all of the congregation took the time to come up to me after the service to introduce themselves and to encourage me.  This was in contrast to say most everyone heading straightway out the back door, maybe hoping to beat the crowd to Cracker Barrell. (Ha! Ha! Ha!)     I was invited to lunch by a young man named Eli, so I said yes only later to find out that he was’nt paying.  Eli’s Dad was and I was so glad because it was a family of 6.  By the way Eli is 8 years old.  It was such a pleasure to have lunch and fellowship with this family as all the conversation revolved around JESUS.  Eli is the oldest of 4 childred and I did not notice any of them saying I want this or that.  They were all very well behaved much beyond their years and again they all talked about JESUS.  I could go on and on about them, suffice it for me to say that my affections are very much with them all. (see picture attached).

Later I went back to Thornhill Baptist Church for a special 6:30 worship service as presented by students from Kentucky State University entitled; KSU Gospel Chorale.  What a time of corperate worship. (Please see the picture attached; this was taken just before dark and in the rain.  My truck is almost completely blocked but if you look you may see the cross).

  So my week here has come and gone and once again It is hard to leave.  But I take stock in the fact that I have met many new found brothers and sisters and that we shall meet once again to praise and worship or Lord and Savior JESUS Christ!!!

  May the LORD bless You, keep You and make HIS Face to Shine upon You!  In the name of JESUS!  Amen.

Agape, david

Contact Email:

The banner has been raised at The State Capitol of Kentucky!

Eli and Family (top left to right; Megan, John, Me, Carley, Eli, John Thomas & Isaac.

KSU Gospel Chorale

Check back as I have many more pictures to upload!!!

Lexington, Kentucky

  Wow!  My the journey continues as I complete the 2nd stop of 200 on Monday 4-18-2010.  Last week I left Cumberland County KY with tears as I had and did stop along the way out to make several new friends.  I will miss my newly found family members but I did not have to say goodbye but rather until we meet again.

   As I traveled I came to an old christian book store at the Vicco County line.  The store was closed for the day but I was greeted by the 86 year young owner and his wife of many years.  I accepted the invitation to come into their home. While visiting I noticed an acoustic guitar just behind the recliner.  I made mention of it and asked the owner if he would play it for me and was told well of course but its been a long time.  Mr. McGraner proved to be very particular as he took more than 20 minutes trying to fine tune it.  Then with a smile and much joy he began to play what seemed to me to be the sweetest melody that I may have heard to date.  Only to be more blessed by His singing about his love for Jesus.  Yet the blessing did not stop there as his darling wife sang for us both and then something that had not happened to date; at there request and upon much encouragement I was privleged to join them in singing, Amazing Grace!  And during this visit I found out that Mr. Graner had been a traveling evangelist and pastor for more than 60 years. (Serving in his home state of Kentucky to Texas).  Talk about the size of Texas and it will bring to rememberance the size of this man’s and his wife’s heart for Jesus! (Please see the pictures attached.)

  Just a feww miles down the road I came to Hazzard, KY and spent the night in my tent.  This proved to be eventfull and showed itself not to be the place that I was to stay.  So I moved on about 4:30 am Tuesday morning.  It was about 9:30 am when I arrived at my second stop in the City of Lexingtonthis was at Northview  Baptist Church which is located on Bryan Station Rd. in Lexington,  KY.  I was greeted by Pastor Terry Murphy who welcomed me with the warmth and love of Jesus!  So I set literally set up camp on the rear lawn of the church.  I will fast forward to say that as of this day, I have not slept in my tent since I arrived here.  Whats more is that I arrived here with a half a tank of gas and a few dollars (less than twenty).  To date I have eaten well, burned more than a full tank of gas and stayed in 1st rate accommadations!  So for me to say GOD is good seems to be an understatement!  But GOD is Good!!! 

   I have been busy every day here about my Heavenly Father’s business. (This Loving people by demonstration and in words sharing JESUS!)  On Thursday I took the time to meet Brother Herschel and Sister Bonnie Isaacs.  Wow, what a beautiful couple.  They invited me to share their home as my home and I’m so glad that I took them up on the offer as I have been so blessed as to maybe have found the couple that most closely has and continues to walk with Jesus.  What strength, wisdom and love!   What a mentor, GOD has provided in Brother Herschel.  Much have we shared and much have I been so encouraged. 

  Next I write to you about my new found Brother Harley Cannon whom I met on Wednesday the 14th, day of April during Wednesday night service.  Brother Harley is a musician and singer.  Harley and I took to the streets of Lexington to Love people and share JESUS.  We set up his keyboard in places like Kroger, St. Joseph Outpatient Diagnostic Center and Fayette Mall.  Harley played the keyboard, took request and even sang.  Did I mention that Harvey is on the level of a professional and did I mention that he was born blind?  Wow what and encouragement to me! (See the videos that I hope to soon attach.)

  In closing, I have been made welcome by many in a small town of Kentucky which is known a Lexington.  It has been with southern hospitality and beautifull scenery as the backdrop for this leg of the journey that I have come much to enjoy.  However this past week I came to miss the very small and personal county of Cumberland.  But just today; Sunday the 17th, day of April I find myself taken by the love of the the staff, members and the visitors of Northview Baptist Church.  If you happen to be in Lexington, Kentucky it would be well for you to stop by as you have Christian brothers and sisters here!

  GOD willing, until next time may you receive all that Jesus obtained for you!!! 

Agape,  David

P.S. More Pictures to be uploaded Soon!


Snowing in April? No, its the blooms of the pear trees being carried by the wind. I'm so glad that I did not erase the picture as I thought my camera lens was dirty!

Brother Grander (Evangelist, Musician, Singer and Very Special!

At North View Baptist Church.



Wow!  My first stop of 200 ends 4-11-2010.  I was to leave after Easter Sunday Service but all Hell came against me just 5 days prior so things went but the enemy lost.  Thank GOD that HE has given me a clear conscience before HIM! So with help I was able to leave Chesterfield Virginia on Tuesday the 6th, day of March.  I spent the first night at Dixie Caverns Campground in Virginia because I was fighting to stay awake.  I don’t know if it was due to the altitude change as last October I was diagnosed with heart disease or if it was GOD as I was blessed much in the stop over.  By the way the symptoms of the heart disease have much decreased over the six months that have passed and was confirmed by a medical doctor just two weeks ago and this without medication!  Praise GOD!!! 

  The next day my journey continued and I was able to make it to Rural Retreat, Virginia as the same symptoms occured.  Yet again I was blessed and even more so than the day before.  Rural Retreat, Virginia who knew that it even existed?  At least not me and I’m from Virginia!  A beautiful natural lake with the backdrop of the BlueRidge Mountians!  The stars did I see more vividly than before.  Did I mention that the campground was closed for the season, that I was made to be welcome and I had the place all to myself with the exception of a few fisherman, cruisers and frequent security patrols by the local and state police officers?  Looked and sounds like GOD to me!  I was blessed in that three generations of believers who worked together at Bentley’s Garage detailed my “JESUS Truck” in support of the Journey. (Pictures to be uploaded).

  Later I was welcomed into the home of Sharon Baptist Church’s Pastor and his wife; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rutherford of Rural Retreat, Virginia.  Later I enjoyed the Wednesday night service and was made welcome by the local body in attendance there.  Then to my exclusive campsite I went and had a good nights sleep.

  On Thursday I continued on the journey.  As I approached Appalacian County, Virginia I was taken by the river that flowed alongside the roadway and stopped at the first pullover to marvel at it.  I had just recently stumbled on a feature of my new camera in that it records video with sound.  So I had what would seem to be a bright idea at the time.  I set the camera on a rock so I could go ahead of it and wave to my friends and family all the while capturing the beauty of the rushing water sound and all.  The good news is that the camera worked fine as it captured all that and more.  I hope to learn how to upload the video for you all to see soon.  Suffice it to be said that I can’t walk on water yet!  You’ll have to see the video to get the most out of it!

  Anyway Eureka I made it to the Kentucky State Line.  Only to be met with rain and darkness as I transversed  Black Mountain. (Kentucky’s Highest Elevation of more than 4,000 feet above sea level).  Surely the air at that altitude was no longer a concern of mine.  I’ve never imagined such steep inclines and winding roads and for Pete’s sake would someone buy and install guardrails for Kentucky and all that may travel by this route?  Pass the plate as I would be glad to contribute to this cause and sleep better for it!  The good news is that I made it through with GOD”S devine help despite the rain darkness and my fears.  One last thing about this particular stretch in the journey, I have a clearer understanding of the phrase; “Daniel Boone was a man, yes a real man…..”!  For all of you that did’nt get that,  just do it yourself and may GOD be with you! 

  Finally I made it to my 1st of 4 destinations in the State of Kentucky.  The name; Kingdom Come Kentucky State Park! Wow sounds like GOD again and maybe now things will smooth out or not!  Not so fast, signs everywhere warning of the numerous Black Bear inhabitants with reports of sightings more days of the year than not!  The demands of my Faith are now stretched even further than before.  Then again it makes sense as I just transversed Black Mountain and it would seem to take the likes of Daniel Boone to live in Kentucky so that rules out the vast majority of Human beings.  So maybe GOD did in  large part make it for the Black Bears to enjoy! Yikes, I have no problem yeilding to the seemingly right of way of the Black Bears!  What do you think?  Wait a minute please, you go there first and then comment.

  None the less just before dark the rain stopped, the air was so clean and then I set up my fortress for the night. Can you say a 6′x6′ tent?  Okay can you imagine sleeping in it? Okay well I did sleep in it and quite soundly at that all the while depending on GOD and a 12 gauge shotgun to keep me safe.  Well atleast you may be able to count on getting the truth from me!

  At this pace I may still be at my 1st of 200 destinations a week from now so I’ll try to speed it up as to stay on schedule.

  As for Kentucky to date, Wow the Bible says that the Heavens declare the Glory of God and of course they do.  It’s just easier to see it when you’re almost 1 mile closer to it!  Further more I submit to you that the Earth and the fullness there of as now seen by me in the State of Kentucky, declare the Glory of GOD!

  So it is that my foot steps have been ordered by the LORD and that is how I came to this place.  To be refreshed after the hardships endured during the preparation phase of following the LORD’S will for my life.  Also I came to encourage fellow believers and to be a light into a dark world that some may be saved by the demonstrated Love of JESUS Christ in and through me.  Little did I know that I would happen on such a place as this in Kentucky and much less at the very first stop on the journey.  In this community I was and still am taken by the numerous ways GOD is working here.  No wonder HE sent me here first to be refreshed.  The missionary mindset here is overwelming in a great way.  I believe that if our country would once again acknowledge the foundational principles as of our founding fathers then our country would look alot like your towns. You are all blessed to be part of such a community. Yet again as I have been so privileged in services past, that of loving others as I love myself, I feel as if maybe I have been encouraged and blessed more by the very people that I came to serve.  Only GOD knows for sure now and I know that some day soon HE will make all things known to you and to me.  So it is with great Joy and with a labor of Love that I move forward with high expectations as to be awed more and more each passing day, by what GOD has prepared for all that exult in the finished work of  HIS SON, JESUS on that Cross at Calvary.  So please, that I may encourage you all to finish the race as the Bible says that the Kingdom of GOD suffers violence and the violent take it by force,  the Bible also says that the way is difficult and that we are to strive to finish!  So let us stand firm hand in hand and back to back until we may at once look up and behold the Glory of Our LORD face to face and that we may hear Him say, “well done my good and faithfull servant.”  It is in the name of JESUS that I so ask Father. Amen and Amen.

  Now, I post only a short list as to mention some of many that have been a blessing to me over the last 7 days:

  The Staff and Visitors at, Kingdom Come  Kentucky State Park.

  The Staff at Central Baptist Church.

Darlene Hall (Owner), Staff and Guest at the Touch of Country Resturant.

The Directors and Guest of Soloman’s Porch.

Greater Mount Sinai Baptist Church Rev. Ronie R. Hampton, Members and Guest.

“Roy” the guy that claims to be the local King of Barbeque.  I saw Him cook the meat and it taste great, but I can’t say that I know for sure that he made the sauce.

Judy’s Alterations.

Mike Braithwaite (Owner) Mike’s Tree Service and Landscaping. 

Cumberland Library Staff and Visitor’s to include Mike.

All the local businesses that I visited.

All the people that I met on on the sidewalks and in the parking lots and those that waved at me along the way!

Again, I have but mentioned a few.  I send to all my sincere love in JESUS and it is my hope that you all will come to know and share more of HIS Love Dailey.


David Banton

P.S. More Pictures to be uploaded Soon!


P.S.  I have reason to believe that it is very likely that I may see you again soon!

Kentucky: Cumberland and Lynch 1st-of 200.


Here I may meet my new neighbors whether I like it or not! Kingdom Come – Hello Black Bears!


Wow!  My first stop of 200 ends 4-11-2010.  I was to leave after Easter Sunday Service but all Hell came against me just 5 days prior so things went but the enemy lost.  Thank GOD that HE has given me a clear conscience before HIM! So with help I was able to leave Chesterfield Virginia on Tuesday the 6th, day of March.  I spent the first night at Dixie Caverns Campground in Virginia because I was fighting to stay awake.  I don’t know if it was due to the altitude change as last October I was diagnosed with heart disease or if it was GOD as I was blessed much in the stop over.  By the way the symptoms of the heart disease have much decreased over the six months that have passed and was confirmed by a medical doctor just two weeks ago and this without medication!  Praise GOD!!! 

  The next day my journey continued and I was able to make it to Rural Retreat, Virginia as the same symptoms occured.  Yet again I was blessed and even more so than the day before.  Rural Retreat, Virginia who knew that it even existed?  At least not me and I’m from Virginia!  A beautiful natural lake with the backdrop of the BlueRidge Mountians!  The stars did I see more vividly than before.  Did I mention that the campground was closed for the season, that I was made to be welcome and I had the place all to myself with the exception of a few fisherman, cruisers and frequent security patrols by the local and state police officers?  Looked and sounds like GOD to me!  I was blessed in that three generations of believers who worked together at Bentley’s Garage detailed my “JESUS Truck” in support of the Journey. (Pictures to be uploaded).

  Later I was welcomed into the home of Sharon Baptist Church’s Pastor and his wife; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rutherford of Rural Retreat, Virginia.  Later I enjoyed the Wednesday night service and was made welcome by the local body in attendance there.  Then to my exclusive campsite I went and had a good nights sleep.

  On Thursday I continued on the journey.  As I approached Appalacian County, Virginia I was taken by the river that flowed alongside the roadway and stopped at the first pullover to marvel at it.  I had just recently stumbled on a feature of my new camera in that it records video with sound.  So I had what would seem to be a bright idea at the time.  I set the camera on a rock so I could go ahead of it and wave to my friends and family all the while capturing the beauty of the rushing water sound and all.  The good news is that the camera worked fine as it captured all that and more.  I hope to learn how to upload the video for you all to see soon.  Suffice it to be said that I can’t walk on water yet!  You’ll have to see the video to get the most out of it!

  Anyway Eureka I made it to the Kentucky State Line.  Only to be met with rain and darkness as I transversed  Black Mountain. (Kentucky’s Highest Elevation of more than 4,000 feet above sea level).  Surely the air at that altitude was no longer a concern of mine.  I’ve never imagined such steep inclines and winding roads and for Pete’s sake would someone buy and install guardrails for Kentucky and all that may travel by this route?  Pass the plate as I would be glad to contribute to this cause and sleep better for it!  The good news is that I made it through with GOD”S devine help despite the rain darkness and my fears.  One last thing about this particular stretch in the journey, I have a clearer understanding of the phrase; “Daniel Boone was a man, yes a real man…..”!  For all of you that did’nt get that,  just do it yourself and may GOD be with you! 

  Finally I made it to my 1st of 4 destinations in the State of Kentucky.  The name; Kingdom Come Kentucky State Park! Wow sounds like GOD again and maybe now things will smooth out or not!  Not so fast, signs everywhere warning of the numerous Black Bear inhabitants with reports of sightings more days of the year than not!  The demands of my Faith are now stretched even further than before.  Then again it makes sense as I just transversed Black Mountain and it would seem to take the likes of Daniel Boone to live in Kentucky so that rules out the vast majority of Human beings.  So maybe GOD did in  large part make it for the Black Bears to enjoy! Yikes, I have no problem yeilding to the seemingly right of way of the Black Bears!  What do you think?  Wait a minute please, you go there first and then comment.

  None the less just before dark the rain stopped, the air was so clean and then I set up my fortress for the night. Can you say a 6’x6′ tent?  Okay can you imagine sleeping in it? Okay well I did sleep in it and quite soundly at that all the while depending on GOD and a 12 gauge shotgun to keep me safe.  Well atleast you may be able to count on getting the truth from me!

  At this pace I may still be at my 1st of 200 destinations a week from now so I’ll try to speed it up as to stay on schedule.

  As for Kentucky to date, Wow the Bible says that the Heavens declare the Glory of God and of course they do.  It’s just easier to see it when you’re almost 1 mile closer to it!  Further more I submit to you that the Earth and the fullness there of as now seen by me in the State of Kentucky, declare the Glory of GOD!

  So it is that my foot steps have been ordered by the LORD and that is how I came to this place.  To be refreshed after the hardships endured during the preparation phase of following the LORD’S will for my life.  Also I came to encourage fellow believers and to be a light into a dark world that some may be saved by the demonstrated Love of JESUS Christ in and through me.  Little did I know that I would happen on such a place as this in Kentucky and much less at the very first stop on the journey.  In this community I was and still am taken by the numerous ways GOD is working here.  No wonder HE sent me here first to be refreshed.  The missionary mindset here is overwelming in a great way.  I believe that if our country would once again acknowledge the foundational principles as of our founding fathers then our country would look alot like your towns. You are all blessed to be part of such a community. Yet again as I have been so privileged in services past, that of loving others as I love myself, I feel as if maybe I have been encouraged and blessed more by the very people that I came to serve.  Only GOD knows for sure now and I know that some day soon HE will make all things known to you and to me.  So it is with great Joy and with a labor of Love that I move forward with high expectations as to be awed more and more each passing day, by what GOD has prepared for all that exult in the finished work of  HIS SON, JESUS on that Cross at Calvary.  So please, that I may encourage you all to finish the race as the Bible says that the Kingdom of GOD suffers violence and the violent take it by force,  the Bible also says that the way is difficult and that we are to strive to finish!  So let us stand firm hand in hand and back to back until we may at once look up and behold the Glory of Our LORD face to face and that we may hear Him say, “well done my good and faithfull servant.”  It is in the name of JESUS that I so ask Father. Amen and Amen.

  Now, I post only a short list as to mention some of many that have been a blessing to me over the last 7 days:

  The Staff and Visitors at, Kingdom Come  Kentucky State Park.

  The Staff at Central Baptist Church.

Darlene Hall (Owner), Staff and Guest at the Touch of Country Resturant.

The Directors and Guest of Soloman’s Porch.

Greater Mount Sinai Baptist Church Rev. Ronie R. Hampton, Members and Guest.

“Roy” the guy that claims to be the local King of Barbeque.  I saw Him cook the meat and it taste great, but I can’t say that I know for sure that he made the sauce.

Judy’s Alterations.

Mike Braithwaite (Owner) Mike’s Tree Service and Landscaping. 

Cumberland Library Staff and Visitor’s to include Mike.

All the local businesses that I visited.

All the people that I met on on the sidewalks and in the parking lots and those that waved at me along the way!

Again, I have but mentioned a few.  I send to all my sincere love in JESUS and it is my hope that you all will come to know and share more of HIS Love Dailey.


David Banton

P.S.  I have reason to believe that it is very likely that I may see you again soon!