Lexington, Kentucky

  Wow!  My the journey continues as I complete the 2nd stop of 200 on Monday 4-18-2010.  Last week I left Cumberland County KY with tears as I had and did stop along the way out to make several new friends.  I will miss my newly found family members but I did not have to say goodbye but rather until we meet again.

   As I traveled I came to an old christian book store at the Vicco County line.  The store was closed for the day but I was greeted by the 86 year young owner and his wife of many years.  I accepted the invitation to come into their home. While visiting I noticed an acoustic guitar just behind the recliner.  I made mention of it and asked the owner if he would play it for me and was told well of course but its been a long time.  Mr. McGraner proved to be very particular as he took more than 20 minutes trying to fine tune it.  Then with a smile and much joy he began to play what seemed to me to be the sweetest melody that I may have heard to date.  Only to be more blessed by His singing about his love for Jesus.  Yet the blessing did not stop there as his darling wife sang for us both and then something that had not happened to date; at there request and upon much encouragement I was privleged to join them in singing, Amazing Grace!  And during this visit I found out that Mr. Graner had been a traveling evangelist and pastor for more than 60 years. (Serving in his home state of Kentucky to Texas).  Talk about the size of Texas and it will bring to rememberance the size of this man’s and his wife’s heart for Jesus! (Please see the pictures attached.)

  Just a feww miles down the road I came to Hazzard, KY and spent the night in my tent.  This proved to be eventfull and showed itself not to be the place that I was to stay.  So I moved on about 4:30 am Tuesday morning.  It was about 9:30 am when I arrived at my second stop in the City of Lexingtonthis was at Northview  Baptist Church which is located on Bryan Station Rd. in Lexington,  KY.  I was greeted by Pastor Terry Murphy who welcomed me with the warmth and love of Jesus!  So I set literally set up camp on the rear lawn of the church.  I will fast forward to say that as of this day, I have not slept in my tent since I arrived here.  Whats more is that I arrived here with a half a tank of gas and a few dollars (less than twenty).  To date I have eaten well, burned more than a full tank of gas and stayed in 1st rate accommadations!  So for me to say GOD is good seems to be an understatement!  But GOD is Good!!! 

   I have been busy every day here about my Heavenly Father’s business. (This Loving people by demonstration and in words sharing JESUS!)  On Thursday I took the time to meet Brother Herschel and Sister Bonnie Isaacs.  Wow, what a beautiful couple.  They invited me to share their home as my home and I’m so glad that I took them up on the offer as I have been so blessed as to maybe have found the couple that most closely has and continues to walk with Jesus.  What strength, wisdom and love!   What a mentor, GOD has provided in Brother Herschel.  Much have we shared and much have I been so encouraged. 

  Next I write to you about my new found Brother Harley Cannon whom I met on Wednesday the 14th, day of April during Wednesday night service.  Brother Harley is a musician and singer.  Harley and I took to the streets of Lexington to Love people and share JESUS.  We set up his keyboard in places like Kroger, St. Joseph Outpatient Diagnostic Center and Fayette Mall.  Harley played the keyboard, took request and even sang.  Did I mention that Harvey is on the level of a professional and did I mention that he was born blind?  Wow what and encouragement to me! (See the videos that I hope to soon attach.)

  In closing, I have been made welcome by many in a small town of Kentucky which is known a Lexington.  It has been with southern hospitality and beautifull scenery as the backdrop for this leg of the journey that I have come much to enjoy.  However this past week I came to miss the very small and personal county of Cumberland.  But just today; Sunday the 17th, day of April I find myself taken by the love of the the staff, members and the visitors of Northview Baptist Church.  If you happen to be in Lexington, Kentucky it would be well for you to stop by as you have Christian brothers and sisters here!

  GOD willing, until next time may you receive all that Jesus obtained for you!!! 

Agape,  David

P.S. More Pictures to be uploaded Soon!

Email: david@HisCall888.com

Snowing in April? No, its the blooms of the pear trees being carried by the wind. I'm so glad that I did not erase the picture as I thought my camera lens was dirty!

Brother Grander (Evangelist, Musician, Singer and Very Special!

At North View Baptist Church.