Kentucky, Frankfort

Wow again!  Upon arrival in the State Capitol of Kentucky, I was impressed by the charm and beauty of both the people and the ruralness of the Capitol city.  As I rounded a curve there was a scenic pullover that proved to be much more than I expected.  Across the way and a little below stood the impressive Capitol Building.  Later upon closer inspection I marveled at the tulip beds that graced the main drive.

  From the very first day the rolling billbord and the cross were met with a welcoming responce in large part  across the board this in respect to age, gender, race and social status.  (of coarse their were exceptions).

  The historic downtown area proved to be my favorit area to share Jesus.  I had the pleasure of meeting encouraging and being encouraged by many of locals and travelers alike.   The rain came and put a damper on sharing Jesus in the Town Square. (They really have one to this day).

  By Saturday I was feeling just a slight bit discouraged but then Sunday came and my joy was ressurected as I attended Worship Service at Thornhill Baptist Church.  Pastor Gary Beatty preached about Worshipping to please GOD and not Men.  Most all of the congregation took the time to come up to me after the service to introduce themselves and to encourage me.  This was in contrast to say most everyone heading straightway out the back door, maybe hoping to beat the crowd to Cracker Barrell. (Ha! Ha! Ha!)     I was invited to lunch by a young man named Eli, so I said yes only later to find out that he was’nt paying.  Eli’s Dad was and I was so glad because it was a family of 6.  By the way Eli is 8 years old.  It was such a pleasure to have lunch and fellowship with this family as all the conversation revolved around JESUS.  Eli is the oldest of 4 childred and I did not notice any of them saying I want this or that.  They were all very well behaved much beyond their years and again they all talked about JESUS.  I could go on and on about them, suffice it for me to say that my affections are very much with them all. (see picture attached).

Later I went back to Thornhill Baptist Church for a special 6:30 worship service as presented by students from Kentucky State University entitled; KSU Gospel Chorale.  What a time of corperate worship. (Please see the picture attached; this was taken just before dark and in the rain.  My truck is almost completely blocked but if you look you may see the cross).

  So my week here has come and gone and once again It is hard to leave.  But I take stock in the fact that I have met many new found brothers and sisters and that we shall meet once again to praise and worship or Lord and Savior JESUS Christ!!!

  May the LORD bless You, keep You and make HIS Face to Shine upon You!  In the name of JESUS!  Amen.

Agape, david

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The banner has been raised at The State Capitol of Kentucky!

Eli and Family (top left to right; Megan, John, Me, Carley, Eli, John Thomas & Isaac.

KSU Gospel Chorale

Check back as I have many more pictures to upload!!!