Chicago, Illinois Stop #7 of 200

  Wow, how time flies as stop #7 of 200 is now in the history books with 193 to go.
Each stop to date has shown itself to be distinctly different and Chicago is a really Big City, at least to me. Chicago has the same elements of most cities just somewhat oversized. So many more people than I had imagined to date and all of them needing JESUS!!!  Much to my dismay from the very first day and thereafter the rolling billbord and the cross were met with laughter, mockery and scorn. It was evident that I had left the Bible Belt and Oh, how I missed the power of the Cross that drew so many in days past. So much for the icebreaker that I had come to depend on.  Now it seemed much more was left up to me and I had become somewhat discouraged at my frail attempts. Now I have seen more clearly, how small I am and how much more I’m dependent on GOD for all things!

Chicago Downtown

 On Wednesday I was a bit refreshed as I attended prayer service at The Moody Church.  There I met many brothers and sisters that encouraged me and that was exactly what the doctor ordered.

  Then I went back to the streets of downtown Chicago and by the way did I tell you it’s a really Big City? People going in every direction all looking for something and sadly I say it was not JESUS, this at least not to my discernment. On most every corner was a street act of some sort, all of which took a degree of talent and boldness. (See picture).

Chicago Street Talent (Robotics)

 So I took to the streets to share JESUS by way of using every business technique I had learned, this just to get people to look at me and then to take the message of the gospel by way of a tract. Since many would not accept the smile and kind words along with the gospel tract, I decided to try another way to share JESUS. Have I told you that the name of my home Sunday school class is, Bold Witness? Okay I’ll get on with the story. I stood near the corner where dozens of people gathered to wait about 2 minutes and twelve seconds for the walk sign to flash so they could cross the street. So can you say; speak loud and share the Gospel in about 2 minutes? Well that was easy to say, how about you try it? Please if I may suggest that you use a gospel tract as a outline as this will help one stay on task despite the best attempts of hecklers to disrupt the message. And that I may not lead you to believe otherwise, I did this less than a dozen times and was exhausted. I believe much in part was due to the stress involved mentally (staying focused) and more the stress of speaking loudly with Passion and Love! I’m sure that if I did this on a regular basis it would help. Please pray that I will allow the Holy Spirit to use me this way more often. Thank you!

  By the way I miss my brother; The Street Warrior (Kris) from Louisville, Kentucky and I ask you all to pray that GOD will send more like Him or even better ones to join ranks along the narrow way!! (I added that part about better ones just in case Kris reads this as not to cause his head to swell).  Thanks again!

  This week there came no rain to slow me down. It was the lack of Christians that had taken it’s toll on me.  Thank GOD that on Saturday I met up with such a man and was told of a local church body that was purely evangelical.  So on Sunday I attended Worship Service at, North Suburban Evangelical Free Church. (Try writing that each week on your offering check.) Sorry about that, anyway the corporate worship is what I was first taken by.  Not that it was a big emotional show, but rather an intimate unity gathering of praise to GOD The Father, JESUS The Son and The HOLY SPIRIT.  Then without much to do the Message was given by Pastor Dick Loizeaux which was entitled: Surviving a Spiritual High.  This to do with coming down from the Mountain Top expierence with GOD to living in the Valley and sharing the Glory of GOD with others all the while remembering the Mountain Top expierence to keep us going in the valley. Can you see just how appropriate this message and the timing of it was for me.  Sounds like GOD to me! Then the service finished as it started, with intimate worhip. Afterwards I was privileged to meet many more brothers and sisters that I did’nt have to seek out. (Which I don’t mind seeking)  I left with much more than I came with and then to top it off, I received a phone call from one of the members that I had met only an hour or two earlier and was invited to their home for dinner. Wow thats cool and by the way I said, Yes!

 Now 6 hours later:  Thank GOD for Charles and Christina.  The fellowship that for days I’ve longed for.  This and the home cooking too!

Charles and Christina

P.S. My impression was that this Church body has a passion for GOD and mankind that is most Christ like. (Please if you may have the opportunity visit this local church body and see for yourself.

P.S.S. They are looking for a fulltime pastor as they have been without for months.

  Now I make ready to travel northwest of Chicago for my 4th and final stop in Illinois. I do not know where the next stop will be, but God willing I will update you about this time next week.

  The week here has come and gone and unlike the others past I do not find it hard to leave.   But I take stock in the fact that I have been light and salt and that GOD will provide the increase.  I have much hope that someday soon I will see the result of the efforts made here. To GOD, Be the Glory now and forever!!!  Amen

  May the LORD bless You, keep You and make HIS Face to Shine upon You! In the name of JESUS! Amen.

Agape, david

Contact Email:

For Ministry Information, Call Kris @ (502) 594-0451

Lincoln & Springfield, Illinois

Lincoln/Springfield, Illinois #6 of 200

  Hello, week #6 is in the history books.  In Lincoln I have been made to feel close to home.  In this town I received the welcome from Law enforcement and the Fire department.  A police officer noticed that the wheel of my bicycle was bent and summoned a 20 year veteran fire fighter who came quickly to straighten the rim.  He took the liberty of adjusting the brakes as well.  He also made me feel at home to use the fire station as needed.  The local businesses that I visited were very hospitable as well.

  On Tuesday I was well received by the directors of Lincoln Christian University.  I was privilaged to attend a very special time of prayer and worship with the graduating alumni.

Bronze @ Lincoln Christian UNV

  For the most part, the local Walmart proved to be my mission field for Wednesday and Thursday.  There I met alot of people; some Christians, some with puzzled looks on their faces,  some that had to look away and then some with scorn.

  Late Thursday evening I relocated to Springfield, Illinois.  There were still people downtown after 5:00pm.  I was enjoying walking the streets of downtown and sharing JESUS. While on a search to find a cup of coffee I was blessed to happen on a Christian fundraising event known as; Lifetime Pregnancy Help Center.  I was invited to stay even though I was not a registered guest. (It was the JESUS connection that got me in the door with coffee provided).   I was very impressed at the impact that a few people with a vision to help women chose Life could have when outside resources are provided.  Testimonies brought tears of  joy to my eyes more than once.  So I encourage you to get involved with the talents and or resources that you have so as to make a difference in the name of JESUS!!!   (

Springfield Capitol of Illinois

  Friday I was back to downtown Springfield and broke bread with the homeless.  GOD has put another burden on my heart.  Now I desire to make even better use of the time as I travel.  This to reach out to feed the poor as I share JESUS!!!  So I hope soon to be able to purchase a fold up grill so to be able to cook hot dogs on the back of my truck, hand out bottled water and gospel tracts to as many people that will come 2 days a week.  So please pray that GOD will provide.

 Homeless Brothers Springfield

Saturday I went to Bloomingdale, Illinois in hope of finding a good parking place at the U.S. Cellular Coliseum as tens of thousands were coming to see a Brooks and Dunn concert.  Guess what?  I arrived just in time to get an up front corner parking space 30 yards from the Main Entrance. I was so excited and hurried to get something to eat.  I was back in time to meet the crowds with a smile and a gospel tract.  I estimate that I was able to deliver about 700.  Wow!  Forty dollars to park now seemed much more than reasonable.  Still I left pained as thousands turned from the smile and I suppose it was more from the cross that was on the front of my shirt than from me personaly.  Still I want everyone to come to JESUS and can only begin to imagine how JESUS Himself felt being rejected.

  Now on to happier things.  Thank GOD for Sundays!!!  Well let me back up please.  On Wednesday, because someone was so moved by The JESUS truck,  that I was introduced to Pastor Glenn Shelton of 2nd Baptist Church in Lincoln, Illinois.  We shared testimonies and had like Passions for JESUS and a burden for others. I doubt there was much if any quiet time for the better part of an hour.  Pastor Shelton asked me what I was doing Sunday.  I told him that I was going to church somewhere but that I did not know where yet as I had not been invited.  So he said why don’t you come here, now you’ve been invited.  So just as I accepted, Pastor Shelton said, I would like you to preach if you want to.

  Then came Sunday, so by invitation I attended Sunday School and Worship Service at 2nd Baptist Church.  There I received a warm reception and was made to feel as welcome as a member.  We had a beautifull time of fellowship.  We all had the benefit of being taught by a well learned disciple of JESUS Christ.  On to the main service, which much to my delight was not set to the schedule of a clock as to the duration.  Many in attendance gave praise reports and some made their prayer request known.  This went on and on, much to my delight.  Then Pastor Shelton introduced me and the rest is as you say history.  I said it this way as to not preach to you this week.  However if you would like me to just ask!  Anyway, I was invited to come back anytime so all must have gone pretty well.  Oh, I forgot to mention that the service let out about 1:45 pm. (That’s almost 3 hours and I’ll leave it at that, maybe).   My recommendation is that if you happen to be anywhere close to Lincoln on a Sunday please go by and meet your brothers and sisters there. (Unless of course you need to be at the Cracker Barrel before the rush. Ha Ha Ha)!

  Now I make ready to travel to Chicago, Illinois in a few hours.  I will be taking a detour for 7 days in that I will be flying out of Chicago back home.  This because I miss my family and friends there as well as having some business that needs to be taken care of.  So God willing I will update you about this time the week after next week, when I finish in Chicago.

Thank you all for your prayers and other support!

May the LORD bless You, keep You and make HIS Face to Shine upon You! In the name of JESUS!  Amen.

Agape, david

Contact Email:

For Ministry Information Call;
Call Kris @ (502) 594-0451

Marion, Illinois stop #5 of 200

Wow! Stop #5 of 200 draws to an end and what a relief this Marion, Illinois has been to me.  Just what I suppose the Great Physician ordered as a antidote for the effects of Louisville, KY.
  On Tuesday May 4th, I was privilaged to attend a worship service @ Rent One Park.  This is an Outdoor baseball stadium, the name of the event was Bridging the Gap for Christ and drew more than 1500 people, most of which were ages 12-18.  Praise and Worship was lead by 5 different bands and about as many guest speakers shared JESUS!  Wow what a sight to behold!  I parked the rolling billboard for Jesus near the entry and added another feature to share the gospel.  I set a 32″ high definition flatscreen T.V. on the top of the cab and played the Passion of the Christ movie for 6 hours.

HDTV on Truck.

  Yes pretty radical I know but if you could have seen the impact then you would know better than I can write or tell how much it is worth to be radical for JESUS!!!

  By Wednesday I was feeling a bit dicouraged as I had introduced myself to about 6 different churches only to be put off on someone else.  I came to encourage my brothers and sisters and had the hope of being connected with some that would go out into the highways and byways to share JESUS.  To date it has been more times than not that it has been in the streets that I have found Christian brothers and Sisters.  This week it was at the Refuge Truck Stop in Marion that I found brothers and sisters that I love and I believe they love me as much as biological kin.  The Dryden family were among those that I write about.

The Drydens and Friend holding me up!

  Matt Dryden and family invited me to stay at there place and made me feel at home.  Matt’s Mom and Dad lived on the same 120 acres in a Barn!!!  Before you go feeling sorry for them, Don’t.  It’s structerally more sound that most of the finest homes built today, the floor plan in very open and flows well and may I mention it shows much like a tourist attraction.  Just inside the main barn door, one is greeted by a wooden Cross inlaided in the floor.  And the food that was served was of such that If I were to stay any lenght of time, I suppose I would get as big as a barn!  Oh, has anyone else ever heard of or had pork steaks?  Well I did and they were as good as ribeye steaks with less fat.  I could go on and on but for the sake of your time and mine I will end this by sayin that if you ever find yourself in the Marion Illionios area it would be good to visit the Dryden family.   (Matt Dryden (303) 810-1358). 

  On Sunday per invitation of Jeff whom I meet out and about I went to Stonefort Missionary Baptist Church for worship service.  After being introduced to the congregation by Jeff ,  Pastor Keith Bunfill asked me to come forward and share with them about the mission I was on.  So I did and then I was offered the pulpit to preach! It was with fear and trembling that I opened in prayer and then delivered a sermon entitled;  Does JESUS Know You? 

 The text;
 Mathew 7:13-14 and 7:21-24. 13 Enter ye in at the straita gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Becauseb strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.  22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
  The Holy Bible  : King James Version.

  Verses 21-23 are probably the most frightening verses in the whole Bible, that is to me and I hope that it is the same to You!  I believe this is speaking to the majority of professing christians.  Ones that may one day say things like;  But Lord Lord I went to church most every Sunday, I went on Wednesdays, I tithed, I gave sacrificially of my time and resources in Your Name.  And JESUS will say, “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”

  Please cry out to GOD that you will not be one of these!  Beg of GOD until HE answers to assure you that it may not be so for You!  Please put aside everything that you have and or still esteem more than GOD’S gift of pardon for you, that through The Shed Blood of HIS only begotten Son,  JESUS CHRIST’S crucifiction on that tree (Cross) which was payment in full that if You! believe, repent and are baptised into new life (born again). 

  Then you may be saved if you surrender to JESUS as a Slave to JESUS as LORD then you will have One dominant Passion above all others and that is to LOVE your neighbor as yourself and You will find nothing of more interest to talk about than, It is only by the Grace of GOD that you have any hope and that the same Hope is offered to all Men that will fall at the foot of the Cross so that they may tranverse the Only bridge to GOD the Father and inherite LIFE Everlasting in the presence of JESUS CHRIST!!!       Amen and Amen!

  I really did not know I was going to preach to you but I’m glad I did.  Anyway the congregation of about two dozen sent me off with words of appreciation and encouragement as well as $118.00. (I went to encourage and give, then GOD faithfully provided for my gas and food to get to my next stop today which is Lincoln, Illinois).

  So my week here has come to an end and I have only mentioned a few of the people, businesses, places and things that have truly been a blessing to me.

  Just a short note to say that satan and his minions have been steady at work but JESUS has Prevailed!!!

  May the LORD bless You, keep You and make HIS Face to Shine upon You!  In the name of JESUS!  Amen.
Agape, david

Contact Email:

For Ministry Information Call;
Call Kris @ (502) 594-0451

Bald Knob Mountain Cross.

Louisville, Kentucky stop #4 of 200

Kentucky Derby Mission Field!

Wow, how time flys as stop #4 of 200 is now in the history books with 196 to go.

Each stop to date has been multifaceted and it is much of the same that I expect as I continue the journey.  Some of those facets being in stark contrast to one another; beauty and uglyness,  joy and sorrows, encouragment and opposition. 

During my stay in Louisville I was pressed on many occasions to look for and remember the Beauty, Joy and Encouragement as those things that are opposing these seemed to be many more.  I will leave you hanging with this for just a little while so please read on.

  Louisville is a Big City, at least as compared to Cumberland, Lexington and Frankfort Kentucky.  Louisville has the same elements of most big cities.
From the very first day the rolling billbord and the cross were met with approval and then in large part it stirred many to express strong opposition. 

On Tuesday, Wednesday and again on Thursday I had been told, where the JESUS truck could not be and that I could not even talk about JESUS if I came on the property.  These were all places that the general public are drawn to by means of media advertising.  It was specifically the One True Story of JESUS that was banned.  Those of you that know me will find it easy to believe that I did’nt just pack up and go until it was the last moment as I came to share JESUS and even these people need HIM too!  When I did leave I found a way to come back and share JESUS! 

 No I did’nt go to jail, but I would have if it I thought it would have been seen across the board in good light.

  By Thursday evening the opposition had taken a heavy toll on me.  I was mentally, physically and spiritually exhausted.  Yes I said spiritually exhausted as I had a whole new perspective on spiritual warfare! (Mt 11:12  And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.  King James Version)

  I thank God that, “HE” had gone before me as just when I felt that I could not go on, “HE” sent me an encourager and then a Warrior who has for years been fighting this battle.  So the Warrior (Kris) and I joined ranks and the battle continued and we saw the power of the cross having much effect on many people.   Thus from the very first day with reports of the rolling billboard and the cross being seen on the local news, to being driven through and around the heart of downtown Louisville several times and days, the same at the University of Louisville,  Churchill Downs ( Location of the Kentucky Derby.)

 Along the Derby Festival Parade route and through the outskirts of town. (North, East, South and West.)  The banner has been flown and the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been shared with thousands of people. 
  Oh and day after day with feet on the streets, on sidewalks, in parking lots and in businesses the Love of GOD was proclaimed!

   This week the rain came Saturday just in time to slow us down so we could catch our breath and have much needed fellowship.  My new found Brother/Warrior Kris and his wife Cindy proved to be an invaluable gift from GOD as to partner with and did provide for me a place to rest my head with the atmosphere of home.  Oh and Cindy’s cooking? Wow!  Yet in all of this, it is their commitment to  JESUS Christ and their overwelming Love for all people that I was most taken by.  So if you are in the Louisville area you would do well to look them up. (

  Let me back up to Wednesday.  Per invitation I attended Worship Service at First Gethsemane Baptist Church.(Which by appearance was predominatly African American.)  They were celebrating their Centennial Anniversary.  Special guest were Dr. Walter Malone Jr. and Canaan Christian Church.  Wow, first of all I’ve never experienced such passionate and powerful corporate worship!  The building was shaking and this went on for about an hour.   This to be followed by Dr. Malone delivering maybe the most full bodied sermon that I’ve heard in person to date!  And this lasting about an hour.  Then the icing on the cake if you will was the number of people that came forward during the invitation to accept JESUS Christ as Savior and Lord!!!

  Again I say Wow, now it makes much sense to me in that when in the past I’ve seen in movies and such little African American churches down south, the people sweating and using hand fans to try to cool off.  Well yes even with air conditioning one may need the use of hand fans to cool off if one exerting so much passion in worship and was so moved by such powerfull preaching of the WORD of GOD!!!  Even in these written words, I have been unable to justly illustrate this time of Worship. (So you would do well in visiting this Church body.)

  Then came Sunday, so by invitation of Brother Kris I attended Sunday School and Worship Service at Hikes Point Christian Church.  Where I received a warm reception and was made to feel as welcome as a member.  We had a beautifull time of fellowship.  We all had the benefit of being taught by a well learned disciple of JESUS Christ.  On to the worship service, which much to my delight we all sang many songs of praise and worship.  Then Pastor Scottie Richmond, preached the WORD in Truth and in Love.  My impression was that this Church body is very close if not at the top of my list of churches that appear to be most biblically correct in this day that we live. (Please if you may have the opportunity visit this local church body and see for yourself.)

  Now I make ready to travel to the State of Illinois in about an hour from now.  I do not know where the first stop in will be, but God willing I will update you about this time next week.

  The week here has come and gone and as like the others past I find it hard to leave.  But I take stock in the fact that I have met many new found brothers and sisters and that we shall meet once again to praise and worship our Lord and Savior JESUS Christ!!!

  May the LORD bless You, keep You and make HIS Face to Shine upon You!  In the name of JESUS!  Amen.

Agape, david

P.S. More Pictures to be uploaded Soon!


Angelica from Michigan.

Anthony & Friend @ Waterfront Park Louisville