Louisville, Kentucky stop #4 of 200

Kentucky Derby Mission Field!

Wow, how time flys as stop #4 of 200 is now in the history books with 196 to go.

Each stop to date has been multifaceted and it is much of the same that I expect as I continue the journey.  Some of those facets being in stark contrast to one another; beauty and uglyness,  joy and sorrows, encouragment and opposition. 

During my stay in Louisville I was pressed on many occasions to look for and remember the Beauty, Joy and Encouragement as those things that are opposing these seemed to be many more.  I will leave you hanging with this for just a little while so please read on.

  Louisville is a Big City, at least as compared to Cumberland, Lexington and Frankfort Kentucky.  Louisville has the same elements of most big cities.
From the very first day the rolling billbord and the cross were met with approval and then in large part it stirred many to express strong opposition. 

On Tuesday, Wednesday and again on Thursday I had been told, where the JESUS truck could not be and that I could not even talk about JESUS if I came on the property.  These were all places that the general public are drawn to by means of media advertising.  It was specifically the One True Story of JESUS that was banned.  Those of you that know me will find it easy to believe that I did’nt just pack up and go until it was the last moment as I came to share JESUS and even these people need HIM too!  When I did leave I found a way to come back and share JESUS! 

 No I did’nt go to jail, but I would have if it I thought it would have been seen across the board in good light.

  By Thursday evening the opposition had taken a heavy toll on me.  I was mentally, physically and spiritually exhausted.  Yes I said spiritually exhausted as I had a whole new perspective on spiritual warfare! (Mt 11:12  And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.  King James Version)

  I thank God that, “HE” had gone before me as just when I felt that I could not go on, “HE” sent me an encourager and then a Warrior who has for years been fighting this battle.  So the Warrior (Kris) and I joined ranks and the battle continued and we saw the power of the cross having much effect on many people.   Thus from the very first day with reports of the rolling billboard and the cross being seen on the local news, to being driven through and around the heart of downtown Louisville several times and days, the same at the University of Louisville,  Churchill Downs ( Location of the Kentucky Derby.)

 Along the Derby Festival Parade route and through the outskirts of town. (North, East, South and West.)  The banner has been flown and the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been shared with thousands of people. 
  Oh and day after day with feet on the streets, on sidewalks, in parking lots and in businesses the Love of GOD was proclaimed!

   This week the rain came Saturday just in time to slow us down so we could catch our breath and have much needed fellowship.  My new found Brother/Warrior Kris and his wife Cindy proved to be an invaluable gift from GOD as to partner with and did provide for me a place to rest my head with the atmosphere of home.  Oh and Cindy’s cooking? Wow!  Yet in all of this, it is their commitment to  JESUS Christ and their overwelming Love for all people that I was most taken by.  So if you are in the Louisville area you would do well to look them up. (ks1063@aol.com)

  Let me back up to Wednesday.  Per invitation I attended Worship Service at First Gethsemane Baptist Church.(Which by appearance was predominatly African American.)  They were celebrating their Centennial Anniversary.  Special guest were Dr. Walter Malone Jr. and Canaan Christian Church.  Wow, first of all I’ve never experienced such passionate and powerful corporate worship!  The building was shaking and this went on for about an hour.   This to be followed by Dr. Malone delivering maybe the most full bodied sermon that I’ve heard in person to date!  And this lasting about an hour.  Then the icing on the cake if you will was the number of people that came forward during the invitation to accept JESUS Christ as Savior and Lord!!!

  Again I say Wow, now it makes much sense to me in that when in the past I’ve seen in movies and such little African American churches down south, the people sweating and using hand fans to try to cool off.  Well yes even with air conditioning one may need the use of hand fans to cool off if one exerting so much passion in worship and was so moved by such powerfull preaching of the WORD of GOD!!!  Even in these written words, I have been unable to justly illustrate this time of Worship. (So you would do well in visiting this Church body.)

  Then came Sunday, so by invitation of Brother Kris I attended Sunday School and Worship Service at Hikes Point Christian Church.  Where I received a warm reception and was made to feel as welcome as a member.  We had a beautifull time of fellowship.  We all had the benefit of being taught by a well learned disciple of JESUS Christ.  On to the worship service, which much to my delight we all sang many songs of praise and worship.  Then Pastor Scottie Richmond, preached the WORD in Truth and in Love.  My impression was that this Church body is very close if not at the top of my list of churches that appear to be most biblically correct in this day that we live. (Please if you may have the opportunity visit this local church body and see for yourself.)

  Now I make ready to travel to the State of Illinois in about an hour from now.  I do not know where the first stop in will be, but God willing I will update you about this time next week.

  The week here has come and gone and as like the others past I find it hard to leave.  But I take stock in the fact that I have met many new found brothers and sisters and that we shall meet once again to praise and worship our Lord and Savior JESUS Christ!!!

  May the LORD bless You, keep You and make HIS Face to Shine upon You!  In the name of JESUS!  Amen.

Agape, david

P.S. More Pictures to be uploaded Soon!

Email: david@HisCall888.com

Angelica from Michigan.

Anthony & Friend @ Waterfront Park Louisville