Davenport, Iowa Stop#9 of 200

  Wow, how time flys as stop #9 of 200 is now in the history books with 191 to go.

  Each stop to date has been unique and Davenport Illinois is no exception. The back drop of this stop happened to be the Mississippi River. (I just now realized the value of learning; mi-ssi-ssi-ppi. If you didn’t get that I’m sorry.) The board walk along the river proved to be a great mission field. The bookends of this particular stretch was a baseball diamond and the other was a riverboat casino. In between were people fishing for their daily bread, those sight seeing and the homeless.

  From the very first day the rolling JESUS billboard and the cross were met with approval and then in large part it stirred many to express opposition, especially around the casino. Those that know me will not find it hard to believe that I continued on despite the opposition. I went into the casino on many occasions, not to Gamble although I did have a few drinks on the house. (Coffee, I’m not backsliding!) I stopped to talk to the patrons there just long enough offer them a million dollar bill which has the gospel message on the back. This worked well for days as I was very discrete about it. But with cameras every where security caught me and it was made very clear to me that I was not to hand out anymore, so I agreed and went back to my truck to consider the next move. After some thought and a call to my brother Kris from Louisville I dawned the bright yellow t-shirt with the cross front and back just like the one on the truck and I headed back to have a few more drinks while making my way slowly through the three floors of slot machines and the like. Oh, and the wording under the cross reads;
JESUS died for You! Repent and Believe the Gospel! Bold witness I am and in case you did’nt know, that is the name of my Bible fellowship class at my home church. (Colonial Heights Baptist Church in Virginia). And no one said a word but I bet they were watching all the while. So one could say that I did gamble! Okay I gambled and did not lose a dime nor land in jail. Thank GOD!!!

David @ Casino, what will people think?

  More about the boardwalk; I met a few hundred people over the course of my stay and was able to ditribute gospel tracts, encourage, pray for and even open air preach the gospel. Oh and the grilled hot dogs were well received by the homeless and passers by alike! I want to thank; Gathering Grounds Ministry of Chester, Virginia for the gas grill and my dad Wilber Banton for his monthly pledge to help feed the hungry. I will be bold yet again and ask you if you would consider a monthly pledge to help with the cost of reaching people to share the gospel of JESUS Christ? The slogan at my home church is; Impacting the World for Christ! Together we can do just that. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.

  Now for something you don’t see everyday; Here is the news article that was published in the local paper on Saturday June 12th, 2010.Missionary drives a ‘Ram of God’

Hit the Link below to see the printed article along with the pictures!!!


  Pretty cool, yes?  So we are impacting our world for Christ!

Brothers I met @ Walmart.

  This week I met many Christians that encouraged me along the way here I make mention of just a few; Brother Dean who invited to his home for fellowship, food and a place to catch a much needed nap. Brother Dwayne whom I met the week prior at Edgwood Baptist Church in Rock Island, Illinois. Dwayne was bold enough to follow me into the casino as mentioned above to hand out tracts. Brother Dwayne also blessed me by providing me with hundreds of beautiful tracks to go. Also I had the pleasure of more fellowship with Sister Kristi whom I also met the preceding week in Moline, Illinois. As you can see the contacts that were made last week carried over to this week as Moline and Rock Island IL is only about 6 miles away from Davenport Iowa. My first day in Davenport I introduced myself at 4 churches of different denominations but none of them followed up with me so all the more it is that I’m thankful for the above mentioned.

  So as for this week Edgewood Baptist Church in Rock Island was by home-base for service to Davenport Iowa. I was made welcome by the staff and members alike. I had the pleasure of attending Wednesday night, Saturday night and Sunday’s 8:00am service. This church body are very dear to me as I have seen first hand there demonstrated Love for others come to JESUS and then there dedication to nurture and grow Disciples of JESUS Christ!!!
Additionally per the invitation of two different people in separate areas of town within one hour of the other I went to Rock Island First Church of the Nazarene for Sunday school and 11:00 service. I was received with open arms and was even given the opportunity to teach Sunday School. Talk about being put on the spot and how much did I need to be a Bold witness yet again. There was no Sunday school book per say, more like a open mic if you will. So thank GOD, that HE gave me the words to encourage my brothers and sisters to share JESUS with others. (You just got the short version but upon request I’ll be more than happy to share it all with you as I wouldn’t want anyone to feel left out).

Nazarene Children in the Rain!

  The week here has come and gone and as like the others past; The banner has been flown and the Gospel of JESUS Christ has been shared with many people.

  Now I am already at my the next stop which is Iowa City, Iowa. The game plan is the same but with the experiences of this past week included I am hopeful that I may be better prepared to answer, “HIS Call”. It is your prayers that I am very thankful for and continue to be in need of. God willing I will update you about this time next week.

I close this letter with these words for you to ponder:
22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. 23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) 24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: 25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
Hebrews 16:22-25 King James Version.

  In the name of JESUS! Amen.

Agape, David

Contact Email: david@hiscall888.com

For Ministry Information, Call Kris @ (502) 594-0451