Iowa City, Iowa Stop#10 of 200

  Oh my! Week #10 draws to an end and what a challenge it has been. I’m going to cut to the chase. Within 24 hours after my arrival here I was ready to shake the dust off my feet and move on. The mockery and the ridicule expressed time and time again as I drove through town in the JESUS Truck became more than I could bear. Add to this, the fact that my efforts to find a True Christian Place of Worship in more than 4 different denominations had proven to be futile.
  One example was a building that displayed the name of First Baptist Church, yet I found not even a resemblance of what I know Baptist to be. The bulletin board at the Starbucks proved to explain much in that the events advertised had to do with Yoga, Buddhism, Psychics and the upcoming gay pride parade and festival. Yet no Christian sponsored events. I decided to retreat to a nearby state park, hoping to be renewed by reading the promises of GOD. I must also confess that I was having a hard time believing that I could stay here and have compassion for such as were in this town. So I asked GOD to forgive me and to work in my heart that I may have compassion as I was ready to move on. So I set up camp only to find out that you can’t run from the problems of the world at least not unless it is to be with other Christians. What I mean is that at the camp ground I witnessed one lady get brutally beaten by another, with a 10 year old boy watching and a grown man who I later found out to be the father of the boy and the husband of the lady getting beaten just stand by and do nothing.  There was much more to follow that evening and night. So much for leaving the city to draw near to GOD!  Finally about 11:30 pm the police took out the trash and I was able to sleep. (I know that was harsh but it’s true and is the short story).

  So after a good nights sleep I went back in town and into the streets to share JESUS.  Later I had the pleasure of going to a prayer meeting at a church that reportedly has almost 2000 members.  There were about 8 in attendance.  Does this tell you something?  Though the number was small, they proved to be prayer warriors and I was honored and encouraged much in being with them.  This is where I met my brother Judd Johansen who invited me to come and stay with him and his family for the rest of my stay. So I hurried to the campsite packed up and moved. (GOD provided!)

  On Thursday Judd introduced me to a friend of his who quickly became my friend.  Jack is his name and we had much in common as we love to share the gospel.  Jack is as bold as I am, but Jack say’s it’s not even close. (See the picture).

Jack & His Banner!

  Now you may know somewhat what I mean.

  On Friday things got even better as I went to a Bible study in the a.m. where I met others with a thirst and hunger for GOD’S WORD!  Afterwards, all of them gathered around the, “JESUS” Truck to pray for me and over the truck. That’s pretty cool!  (See the picture.)

Pastor Ajai, Johansen's & Friends

  I was invited and later went to Pastor Ajai’s house at 7:00 pm for Fellowship and Bible study.  To date this was the most incredible in home fellowship that I’ve experienced.  The corporate praise and worship, Wow! GOD honored by filling that place with the presence of, “HIS HOLY SPIRIT”. I’m so thankful for the brothers and sisters that I met there and it is with much confidence that I write to you saying that if you happen to be anywhere near Iowa City, it would be well for you to call and connect with Pastor Ajai and the local church.                                                                                               Phone (319) 248-9791.

Now Saturday came and the man that was ready to quit just a few days earlier had a whole new perspective on this city.  GOD provided the encouragement that I needed to have compassion for the people of this town.  So I hit the streets and arrived downtown just in time to see the gay pride parade, which I had forgotten about.  None the less I went on to share the gospel and did so in truth and love. I was able to hand out more than 200 gospel tracts and talk to many.  So I call that much success with all the GLORY to GOD!!!

  Sunday is the day to go to church and I was torn as to where I was to go.  So I went to 8:00 am service at Parkview Evangelical Church.  There I enjoyed a Father’s Day message.  Then on to Solid Rock Christian Church, yes solid rock church it is.  A strong biblical Christian Church, what a book end to this weeks adventure!

  So in closing as I prepare to move on to Des Moines, each stop to date has proven to be unique, that is they have been broad in challenges and rewards.  GOD has seen me through them all and has greatly rewarded my faith in trusting in HIM to provide.

 GOD willing, I’ll write to you again about this time next week.

Agape,  David

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For Ministry Information, Call Kris @ (502) 594-0451