Des Moines, Iowa Stop #11 of 200

  How time flies as stop #11 of 200 is now in the history books with 189 to go.
Each stop to date has been unique and the Capitol City of Des Moines Iowa is no exception.  I do have a question that I suppose I should ask a native and that is, what is that shiny gold coating on the roof of the capitol building? ( One never knows what I’m going to write about).

Poised to preach, Someone took the picture

Poised to preach, Someone took the picture!

  This week I decided to wear my suit the day that I arrived in town and so I did.  Well for those that have been following along the journey with me may remember comments past about me introducing myself to several churches on the day of arrival which proved to be of no avail.  Guess what?  The very first church that I went to welcomed me with open arms.  I did not sleep in my truck or tent one day while here.  Instead the parsonage at Easton Baptist Church was all mine.  It gets even better, Pastor Ralph Cole Sr. is a preachers preacher.  There is no tolerance for strife and derision here.  They even practice church discipline.  Pastor Ralph took to the streets with me when I called.  He took time with me throughout the week to prepare me for the journey yet ahead.  He even taught me how to prepare a sermon which is good because I received a call on Saturday, was invited to have lunch with Pastor Lott and his family.  During lunch I was asked if I would preach to his congregation at Victory Baptist Church.  I accepted and put to use what Pastor Cole taught me about how to prepare a sermon.  Guess what it worked well.  I preached about Getting Out of The Boat.  My text was from Matthew 14: 22-33.  Just to spare you I won’t post the outline here but it is available upon request.  Besides what is it about, “Get Out of The Boat” that’s hard to understand? (I know that wasn’t the nicest way to ask but it is the shortest).

Cool huh?

Cool huh?

  This week was low keyed as compared to last.  Just what I needed!  However I was determined to share Jesus with many and so the banner has been flown in the capitol of Iowa.  For the most part I followed the same motive of operation here and that is; going to Walmart parking lots, the mall and downtown proper.  One notable new experience was discovering tent camps along the river occupied by the homeless.  I actually had to travel a ways on foot and through chest high plants and weeds just to get there.  I recommend that you get a local guide if you decide to attempt this as there was a better way in.  (I’m a guy, and I usually read the instructions after two failed attempts).  I was well received in the urban jungle and was pleased to be able to recruit help to go back to the, “Jesus Truck” to get food to be shared with many.  Food to eat and spiritual food by way of gospel tracts and one on one witnessing.  So many were fed this way, more than 100 I suppose and all made possible by others prayers and sacrificial giving.  I thank you from me to you and from many whose names I do not know.  Together we are impacting the world for Christ.  I had to stop writing just now because of tears, it is in humility that I again express by sincere gratitude.

Said, "Yes to Jesus"

Said, "Yes to Jesus"

  Oh I received a call this week from someone that I met last week in Iowa City.  They called to say that if I was going anywhere near Clear Lake, Iowa on my journey that a lake house would be available for me to stay in.  Guess what, I was planning on going to Mason City which is about 8 miles from Clear Lake. (Sounds and looks like God providing to me)!  So for the first time I have a place before I go and this is the week prior to Minniapolis Minnisota.  I should be well prepared as I meet my brother Kris from Louisville to tag team Minniapolis for Christ!

  The week here draws to an end and as like the others past; The banner has been flown and the, “Gospel of JESUS Christ” has been shared with many.

  Now I make ready to travel to Clear Lake, Iowa.   The game plan is the same but with the experiences of this past week included I am hopeful that I may be better prepared to answer, “HIS Call”.  It is your prayers that I am very thankful for and continue to be in need of.  God willing I will update you about this time next week.

I close this letter with these words I penned 12-21-09 830pm

  “In humility it is, that one becomes smaller and smaller and Christ becomes larger and larger.  Thus we may continue on the narrow way saying, nothing in my hands I bring but simply to the cross I cling.  And so ones posture remains until at once we find our hands full.   Then looking up one may see, it is to the feet of The Lord that we now cling”!


Contact Email:

For Ministry Information, Call Kris @ (502) 594-0451