Minneapolis, Minnesota Stop #13 of 200.

  Wow, how time flies as stop #13 of 200 is now in the history books with 187 to go.
Each stop to date has shown itself to be distinctly different and Minneapolis is no exception.  Minneapolis has the same elements of most cities just somewhat friendlier overall.    Much to my delight from the very first day and thereafter the rolling billboard and the cross were met with less laughter, mockery and scorn as compared to some of the other towns and cities traveled to date. Still, it was evident that I had left the Bible belt.  But the power of the Cross did draw many; some in delight of as to express appreciation, some with questions about the Christian faith and some demon possessed to mockery and to just plain rudeness.  I thank GOD that He stopped the hands that would have stroke blows this past week.

Sunrise in Minnesota!

  Now that you may have somewhat the flavor of the city I write in more particulars.  On Monday morning I went to the St. Paul Minneapolis International airport to pick up Kris.  This Kris is a brother in Christ which I met in Louisville, Kentucky.  Kris was the first to actually go with me into the streets with the gospel and I learned much there.  Several weeks ago when Kris told me that He had purchased a airline ticket so together we could take to the streets of Minneapolis, I was happy. (Okay I was excited)!

  Back to the particulars.  From the airport we got settled into the, “Jesus Truck” then went to, “The Mall”.  Yes guys like to shop too!  I know what you may be thinking so I’ll clear things up Just a bit.  First we went to, “The Mall of America”.  It’s huge.  There is a theme park inside complete with a roller coaster.  Oh and by the way, Kris and I went shopping for souls.  I wrote this just in case you were wondering.  Here in the mall, one on one evangelism was the way to go.  As soon, I found security waiting near the, “Jesus Truck” to find out who owned it so they could tell me how I could not hand out gospel tracts or talk to others about my faith.  Now I see the benefit of similar trials recently past at malls.  This to say that those encounters have prepared me to respond in a way that is more like, What Would Jesus Do?  So instead of taking this to heart and going on the offensive as to speak of my constitutional rights, I simply nodded and changed the subject.  Then a few minutes later I asked about his thoughts on religion and after he spoke I was able to share the gospel with him.  Then we shook hands and expressed thanks to one another for taking the time to talk.  (How I praise “GOD”, for molding and shaping me along the Narrow Way)!
  And about Kris, I soon found out that for everyone that I had courage to speak to He probably had spoken to 10 or more persons.  (That’s strong, though Kris won’t take any credit for it).

I was here!

  So in Minneapolis the battle to advance the Kingdom of Christ was on!  And since we might never again have this opportunity we set out to make the most of it and with much of GOD”S help I think that we did.  Next we took to the streets of downtown, that evening and night everyday of the seven days we were there.  This was a melting pot of various peoples as in race, religions and social status.  One thing that I know for sure is that they all have the need of an all sufficient savior and all of them are searching for that in various ways.  So this past week Kris and I purposed to meet people where they are with the gospel message.  This took on many forms, some of which are very creative. 

  One of these creative ways about which I refer to is;  We parked the, “Jesus Truck” on the corner of a busy downtown intersection and set a 32″ high definition T.V. on the top of the cab and played, “The Passion of The Christ”.  This in front of many seated outside a restaurant.  This resulted in some protesting and many passers by stopped to watch part of the movie.  All these res ponces led mostly to Kris talking about, Jesus.  Though he did spend some of the time defending our rights to do this.  Most of the time I spent in the safety of the truck monitoring the operation of the electronics. I do think that this took much boldness on my part but less boldness that Kris demonstrated outside the safety of the truck.  ( Okay if you think, well how much boldness did that really take)?  Go downtown with a rolling billboard for Jesus, park in front of a crowd of strangers and then get out and set up a television on top of your vehicle like it’s business as normal.  If you are one of those that says, “well I could do that”, then please contact me as I would like to invite you to meet me along the Journey so you may be an encouragement to me.  (Bet you didn’t see that coming and here’s my email address just in case you are one of the few: david@hiscall888.com).

TV presentation draws many!

  Next I write to mention just a bit about how GOD provided for our stay.  Kris and I were on the way to visit a KOA campground as there were no State or National campgrounds with facilities that were local to Minneapolis.  On the way down the Interstate Kris pointed out an large and uniquely designed church.  So the bold witness that I am, I said well lets go there to see if they will let us camp there for the week.  So we went and after introducing ourselves we were waiting for a response.   Kris had picked up a bulletin and began to read, then he called me over and said look at this, they have to say yes, here it says they are radical for Christ! Wow that was funny and proved to be right as we were made welcome and set up camp for the week.  I sacrificed by providing my 6′ x 6′ tent for Kris to sleep in.  Okay it was not really a sacrifice on my part as I much prefer to sleep on a air mattress in the safety of my truck.  Kris was a real trooper, though soon he told me how numerous and loud the sounds of nature were and called to ask was that you moving around the tent just a few minutes ago.  When I told him no I do not know if that made him feel better or not.  What I do know is that Kris endured and how it brings to my attention how much I take for granted what we as Americans have.  The name of the church that I write about is; Grace Fellowship located in Brooklyn Park, MN.

  Another way that GOD provided was at Bethlehem Baptist Church whose Pastor is John Piper, although I was dissapointed to find out that Pastor Piper was out of town,  the staff there exibited a passionate love for others in Christ.  This is what I in the past few years have come to enjoy in sermons, teachings and books authored by John Piper.  So here a place to shower, do laundry, conferance room and even a gymnasium was made available.  All of which we delighted in the use of even the basketball court.  I’ll let Kris tell you about the basketball.  (Okay I lost at horse twice and once @ one on one. But Kris at the end of one on one looked like he needed prayer)!

  Back to the streets now.  This was a week that everywhere we went, The Glory of GOD which is JESUS Christ was exclaimed one way and then another.  This by way of the Rolling Bill Board for JESUS to the handing out of gospel tracts, one on one personal evangelism and public proclamation of the Gospel!  Yes I said public proclaimation of the Gospel.  What does that look like?  I’m glad that you asked. (Ha, Ha)  It’s street preaching and I can hardly believe that I did it.  This brings to memory how it’s said that at times we need to pinch ourselves to see if we are awake.  Only this time I did not need to pinch myself as I was well awake and fearful.  Yet I tell you that with men it is impossible but with GOD all things are possible.  I remember not long ago saying to someone; you know how the Bible says that if we don’t cry out that the rocks will cry out to GOD.  So I went on to say to this person and later in prayer to GOD, never let it be so that a rock would cry out because I did not. (As I’ve said before, “be carefull what you ask GOD for as you may just get it”, as this was the case here.  So on a couple of occassions this past week, Kris and I took turns street preaching.  (Miracle at least for me). 

My first time!

  Earlier I wrote about how I lost at basketball to Kris, well now I write to tell you that as I remember; I preached to a larger crowd that were just a few yards away in fact upwards of 200 such people heard the whole proclamation of about 10 minutes.  They didn’t leave wow!  (Okay maybe I should also tell you that they were seated outside of two resturants having dinner and such).  Okay now you know the rest of the story.  I owe much credit to Kris as ever since I met Him it is as if GOD brought us together to encourage one another and so GOD has blessed me much through my brother.    
  Yet another night downtown GOD provided a parking space at a busy intersection with Target being the draw.  There on top of the JESUS Truck a ten minute video titled, “It will cost you everything” was played over and over.  It was a strong message about Christians being willing to give up everything to serve Christ.  This is in stark contrast to the comfortable gospel that is vastly proclaimed in our country this day and time.  My plea to you is that you read your Bible and follow the commands of the captain of our Salvation!  If one does not do this then how will you know if the gospel you hear is the one that leads to Eternal LIFE!!!  (Okay I know I’m preaching here, though I do not apologize).  You never know what I will write.

  So back to downtown as above.  On two occasions the Holy Spirit moved between the showings of the video clip in that;  on one occasion I was moved to stand up in the back of the “JESUS Truck and plead for people to come to CHRIST”.    Later Kris was standing in the bed of the, “JESUS Truck” and preaching the Gospel.  Wow Kris was speaking so clearly and his demeanor was unlike what I’ve seen of him in the past.  Both these occurrences where totally unplanned and Kris said, David that was’nt of me, it was the Holy Spirit!!!  Wow I can tell you that because I witnessed this I can relate or believe this as it was incredibly clear and smooth.  Praise GOD!!! 

Brother Kris preaching downtown!

  So much happened last week that I suppose a book could be written about the events of this the 13th stop of 200.  I make mention of something that just now brings tears to my eyes as I took my brother to the airport so he could go home to his wife Cindy in Louisville, Kentucky.  That he may continue advancing the Kingdom of Our Lord JESUS Christ there.  I am thankful to Cindy for her support and for all those friends of theirs that contributed by prayers and in sacrificial giving to make this week possible.  As best I know the money, prayers and the time given may well have been the most productive ever.

 So again, Thank You ALL!

  Please review Kris Salyer’s facebook as he is writing about his week in Minneapolis and posting many pictures taken while there.
 By the way I  miss my brother; The Street Warrior (Kris) from Louisville, Kentucky and I ask you all to pray that GOD will send more like Him to join ranks with me along the narrow way!!
  P.S.  My impression of Bethlehem Baptist Church was that this Church body has a passion for GOD and mankind that is much Christ like. (Please if you may have the opportunity; visit this local church body and see for yourself).

  I am now in Duluth Minnesota and am excited to be here.  By the way the sun is shining, a light breeze is blowing over Lake Superior and the temperature is about 70 degrees. (It’s a rough life but somebody has to do it)!

  GOD is good and  God willing I will update you about this time next week.

    Agape, david

Contact Email: david@hiscall888.com

For Ministry Information, Call Kris @ (502) 594-0451