Duluth, Minnesota Stop #14 of 200.

  Stop #14 draws to a close. Duluth, Minnesota is much smaller than Minneapolis and upon arrival I remember thinking, well this looks like it will be boring. Then just after dark I drove the “JESUS Truck” to downtown proper just in time to find out that the devil has agents everywhere. The welcome of such have become somewhat commonplace now three and a half months into the journey. Though I still don’t like it and go to my counselor about it often. My counselor consoles me and says my grace is sufficient, and that I am to carry on. Then another one tells me that I should quit, go home and retire. To which I say, “The Lord JESUS rebuke you Satan!”
  The next morning I got an eye full of Lake Superior and its really big! Wow and the waves looked like those of Virginia Beach. Then I saw what reminded me of Noah’s Ark. After I remembered I was not on Mount Ararat I looked and read that it is the remains of a mausoleum built in about 1918. Well you look at the picture and see what you think.

Reminded me of Noah's Ark.

  Next I ventured to Lake Park where I would spend most of the week witnessing to droves of tourists.  However I did make the journey downtown for a while each night to share the gospel and to let the enemy know that I know, “greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.”
  The Lord sent some reinforcements to help fight the battle.  Brother Jeremy Landgreen is a take it to the street kind of evangelist.  So alongside of Jeremy and about 7 others we did just that.  We had a great time and I leave with some special memories.

  Oh did I mention that the sun shinned most of the week, the average temperature was about 70 degrees and the winds blew.  Well yes it’s tough here but someone from Colonial Heights Baptist Church has to do it! Okay check this out; it was Thursday before I realized I had not taken a shower since I arrived in Duluth.  So as I don’t have a shower with me I thought, “ what would JESUS do?” Well I just happened to be standing in front of Lake Superior, so one thing lead to another and just after I caught my breath I thanked GOD for the frigid water as I thought JESUS would have given thanks.  Then I went under a second time to rinse the shampoo out of my hair. Then I came straightway out of the water.  I made mention of Virginia Beach earlier but this water was colder. (I’ve said before that you never know what I’ll write about).

  I think it was Friday evening that I got pulled over by the local police. (Three squad cars no less).  I was told that someone said I was disturbing the peace.  Well I had not opened my mouth for more than an hour to share the gospel or hand out tracts so I guess the devil meant that by driving the JESUS Truck I was disturbing the peace.  So after what seemed like an hour waiting for the officer to check whatever He checked I was told to be careful.  So I went straight to the bus stop, met Jeremy, his friends and we shared JESUS. (Jeremy uploaded a U-tube video clip he took of me sharing with two young men. I will try to attach later).

  So this week draws to a close as I make ready to go to Bemidji, Minnesota.  As is the case most of the time I do not know exactly where I will stop or who I will meet but I do know that the Lord is with me and in that I find rest for my soul.

  In closing, hundreds if not thousands of people this week in Duluth have had the gospel of Jesus Christ brought before and or to them.  Please pray that the seeds planted this week will help bring them to Christ.

  Please know that I miss so many from home and those that I have met along the way.  I am in much gratitude for the kindness you’ve expressed in words and deeds but most of all I’m grateful for your continued prayers.

  As I pull up anchor and set sail for Bemidji it is with hope that GOD willing I will update you again about this time next week.

Agape,  David

Contact Email: david@hiscall888.com

For Ministry Information, Call Kris @ (502) 594-0451

P.S.  I have a Face Book account entitled:  Where is David Banton (For the lastest information.)