Bemidji, Minnesota Stop #15 of 200.

Hello!  Stop #15 of 200 Bemidji /Cass Lake goes in the record books as one of the nicer stops to date.

   Though this town is laid back, it provided a wealth of ministry opportunities along with brothers and sisters in Christ to encourage me and to even join ranks with along the way. 

Bemidji Kids along the journey!

  On Tuesday while in Cass Lake I happened on a missions team from Bethlehem Baptist Church of Minneapolis Minnesota.  Then I found out that,  Justin Hoover  also  from   Minneapolis was in Bemidji  for a few days.   Justin and I had the pleasure of taking to the streets together just two weeks earlier.  Thursday we got together with the missions team and went to Cass Lake to minister to the Native American Indians.   The missions team was incredible in the way they demonstrated the compassion of JESUS.  Many lives were touched by them.  Justin had been here before and it was remarkable how he remembered much about them and then to see the receptiveness of the locals to him.  Suffice it to say that I was enriched much this day.

Bethlehem Kids and Justin too!

  On Friday I decided to go to the Red Lake Indian reservation even though I was told by many locals of the danger there.  Along the 40 mile journey I noticed only trees, wild flowers more trees, more wildflowers and then I had to almost lock up the brakes because a crane flew up right in front of me.  Two things; have you seen how big they are and how slow they fly?  Well I didn’t want to see it hanging on the cross or even worse see the cross lying in the road because of a crane.  I suppose that story would have gone over just about like the big one that got away!  I’m glad you got a laugh out of this because I was scared for a moment.  Now back to the Indians.  They lived in government supplied houses most not bigger than a two car garage.  Overall they seemed to be destitute of desire to make their lives better.   Most of them were glad to have someone to listen to them so for the most part I did just that and left a gospel tract if I could as some said they didn’t want the white man’s GOD.  I told them that JESUS was a man of color, from a tribe and his people were run off their land too. (If you didn’t quite follow that email me).  With that I headed back to Bemidji and stopped to admire Red Lake.  Being the adventurous guy that I am, I had to get an close up picture of the JESUS Truck and the lake.  During which time a scripture came to mind about not building your house on the sand.

Use your imagination, water and sand for a foundation!

Well don’t park your truck on the sand either. 

  The next day I went back to Cass Lake to parade the just cleaned, JESUS Truck.   This was so cool as kids ran up to get pennies that had a cross stamped out of the middle and gospel tracts.  Many pictures were taken and people waved so much that I think it was the highlight of the parade.  Being the bold witness that I am, I made a second trip along the route.

  This week I had the pleasure of fellowship with the local body at Faith Baptist Church in Bemidji.  There I met many dear brothers and sisters and leave better prepared for ministry.

  Overall the Billboard for JESUS seemed to be well received but of course there were some exceptions. 

In closing, “GOD” has provided well for me.  I am spiritually and physically renewed and in much anticipation of what, “GOD” has in store this week in St. Cloud, Minnesota.  I’m certain that it will be anything but boring.

Just in case you did not know!

    The week here has come and gone and as like the others past;   The banner has been flown and the Gospel of JESUS Christ has been shared with many people.   It is your prayers that I am very thankful for and continue to be in need of.  God willing I will update you about this time next week.

Contact Email:

For Ministry Information, Call Kris @ (502) 594-0451

P.S.  I have a Face Book account entitled:  Where is David Banton (For the lastest information.)