St. Cloud, Minnesota Stop #16 of 200.

Wow, how time flies as stop #16 of 200 is now in the history books with just 184 to go.

Each stop to date has shown itself to be distinct and St. Cloud the 4th and final stop in Minnesota is without exception.  Minnesota  has been somewhat of a surprise to me as it shows signs of being in what I call the Bible belt.  What a relief after the last state I was in. Keep in mind that I only met a fraction of the people in Iowa. (oops)  None the less Minnesota has lived up to the tag it wears of Minnesota nice.

  Now back to St. Cloud.  GOD blessed me to arrive on Monday without incident.  By Tuesday I was made welcome at Calvary Community Church.  Ron is the one that insisted that I stay in the annex building just because he said it didn’t seem right to him for me to stay in my truck.   Now Ron must not have a clue how nice my Dodge Ram Truck is. Well I slept under the palm trees for six days and I didn’t get wet once.  Check out the picture and if you talk to my parents tell them that I made my bed.

Okay so I halfway made my bed.

  Tuesday Tyler Wentzel arrived from Bemidji so we could take to the streets for 2 days together and we did.  On Wednesday Tyler and I went to downtown Minneapolis where we reached out to many all day and late into the night.  GOD provided a prime corner parking space where we set the HD TV on the cab of the truck.

Nice spot to set the stage yes?

  The video was at times a show stopper as it called for all to repent and for Christians to examine themselves to see if they were indeed in the faith. 

I think thats cool!

This did not go well with many and some expressed such in a variety of ways.  Oh but the show was just getting started when Tyler climbed into the back of the truck and preached.  Hecklers came and went but Tyler remained steadfast to His calling.  This Tyler is 20 years old and what an encouragement to me as not long after He finished I stood up and began to preach.  This was not planned and I believe it goes much better that way.  So we stayed until the police came and told Tyler to cut the TV off as they had received numerous complaints that evening.  Then a officer walked up to me while I was preaching and said he thought I had some kind of amplification device on.  Then he said I see that you don’t and I’m amazed at how well your voice carries.  The officer was very polite in asking me to consider not speaking so loudly.  Well I know it never pays to argue with an officer so I said okay. Not long after midnight we packed it in and headed back to St. Cloud.  On Thursday after a good night of sleep we drove to Granite City Baptist church this just in time to get right back in the thick of things.  I mean there were protesters in front of the church because a rally was being held in support of same sex marriages only!  What a novel idea.  The sign waving street marching protesters were about to meet a Virginia gentleman touched by JESUS!  That’s me.  I know the gentleman part probably through you off.   Well they had signs and numbers but then I remembered that I had GOD and the JESUS Truck.  So after I got permission from the preacher I moved my sign on the lawn right up to the sidewalk and parked.  I quickly learned that you can’t reason with unreasonable people no matter how nice one tries to be.  So then I resolved to share the gospel no matter what was said.  Well guess what?  They started to dismantle.  So just a short while later they were gone.  Praise GOD!!!

One of many I had the pleasure of meeting.

Soon it was time to see my brother Tyler off to Bemidji.    I was a little sad to say the least but am quit grateful to have shared this part of the journey with him.  And who knows Tyler just may show up on the mission field somewhere down the line.

Meet my brother Tyler Wentzel.

Now I fast forward to Monday morning 6:00 a.m.  With rays of the sunrise sparkling on lake Warner I was so honored to baptize two into the church of JESUS Christ.  Praise GOD!!!  Who would have thought?  What an exclamation  point this was as I leave the State of Minnesota on my way to North Dakota. (That last line sounds like a song doesn’t it?)

The week here draws to an end and as like the others past;  The banner has been flown and the, “Gospel of JESUS Christ” has been shared with many.

  Now I make ready to travel to Fargo, North Dakota.   The game plan is the same but with the experiences of this past week included I am hopeful that I may be better prepared to answer, “HIS Call”.  It is your prayers that I am very thankful for and continue to be in need of.  God willing I will update you about this time next week.

I close this letter with these words Tyler and I penned last week.

On Fire or Luke Warm?

Heb 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.


  the Greek word for “seek” in Hebrews 11:6 is different than the other(s) in the New Testament.  It’s intensified and means, “to seek out for one’s self, beg, crave; to demand back, require”–a huge sense of urgency and immediacy.  And without THAT kind of faith, GOD CANNOT BE PLEASED!  How opposite that sounds from the “chuchianity” that prevades America: casual, lax, feel-good, eat-drink-and-be-merry Christianity!   

Now, what church will encourage its members to seek like that?   

The people that favor “peace and comfort” over “taking the Kingdom violently, by force” wind up being those who lose their first love and have to remind themselves that they’re Christians.  The fire never has to tire!  But pew-sitting and a whole host of other activities related to what the average person thinks the “Christian life” is, do well to squelch the Holy Spirit of God it appears.  I look at King David when I want to be refreshed (in the Psalms).  Though utterly sinful, he trusted the Lord and walked with Him in such a way that I think a scarce few today could even come close.  And what was he called?  The “Man After God’s Own Heart.”

Psalm 16:11 You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Jn 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.  

The choice is Yours and I hope you seek GOD believing GOD to set you on Fire and resist the thief who has many content in being Luke Warm!


Contact Email:

For Ministry Information, Call Kris @ (502) 594-0451

P.S.  I have a Face Book account entitled:  Where is David Banton (For the lastest information.)