The Journey Continues March 2012

Wow, It’s been a while and God has worked all things for my good.  Last I wrote to you I was discouraged about retreating.  I was’nt looking at how incredible it was to be able to make it for Six months.  I can tell you that since then, God has kept me steadfast in the faith of our Lord “Jesus Christ”.   I have been blessed to serve others in many ways and been awed and amazed time and again by God.  I hope to share many testimonies but for now here’s one of the latest;

About the first week of last November in prayer I said God, I know I should be on the road……..  And I’m willing to downsize again.  Meaning to sell or give away the 27′ camper that had been my home for the past 3 years and clear out the 5’x5′ storage unit .  I said, it would be great to have a used 12′ x 7′ v-nose cargo trailer.  I could put my bed in it, have a place to sit down and in the very rear I could have audio and video for public ministry and so on……  Then I spent the last 3 weeks of November in Louisville, KY doing ministry with my dear brother Kris Salyer.  Talk about God moving, just look back at my first trip to Louisville. Every where I turned opposition came and it was very clear that the Cross of Christ and the Gospel was not welcome at all.  This time God moved and without any notice given to me,  HE opened the door and literally split open a sea of people (more than 70,000) so that the banner of Jesus Christ (HIS work on The Cross) not only made it to the center but remained there for more than One Hour and Forty minutes.  I mean God moved, He showed me the opportunity and I believed to the point that I walked up to the personel manning the barricades, asked permission to follow the Toys for Tots – Santa Float in at the Light up Louisville event. This was the only entry and was escorted by officers on four wheelers front and back all the way to center stage.  Well they said yes, so when the Toys for Tots came by I fell in line and the rest you might say is history.  But maybe I should tell you that once inside the sea of people closed in and it was about an hour and forty minutes before they began to disperse when I noticed about 6 officers approaching.  Well lets just say the one speaking was pretty adament about me leaving yesterday, saying there’s no way I should have gotten in and of course I was compliant.  Remember I fell in line and followed the officers on four wheelers (within 12 feet for several blocks) all the way and my truck is noticable and very loud.  So I say, “God made the way and ev

God made the way.

Light Up Louisville 2011!

en kept some from seeing”.  What do you think?

Well, this is one of many ways that God has awed me.   I guess I should get back to what I prayed about.  So when I was back in Virginia about 2 hours, I found out that the cargo trailer I had prayed about was for sale and and less than five minutes from home! Oh, it had just been listed for sale the night before, a used 12’x7′ v-nose cargo trailer, air conditioned, insulated and wired.  Okay now for the obsticle, the price was reasonable but I did not have anything to give him except what I shared with you about my prayer with God.   To be continued: