Huntington, West Virginia 2012

Finishing up a week in Huntington that’s been great in numerous ways.  Yet I’m somewhat disappointed by how much the weather came into play.  The week started off windy and cold then it got windy and cold. Finally the rain came and then on the last day Sunshine and Mid Sixties!   The best thing in all this is that the Lord sustained me by sending encouragement at just the right times, He gave me the strength and the courage to keep going even when it looked like I may get sick literally.  Here are a few things that happened here this week;

As usual I visit a local church when I get into town and I did the same this week.  What a joy it is to worship, hear good preaching and meeting brothers and sisters in the Lord.

Well looking back last week at the baptism issue I wanted to be prepared.  So on Sunday I found two places;  The Ohio River and a indoor pool!  Yes I found the river first and then the pool.  No baptisms this week but better to be prepared.  Oh, in case you were wondering the pool would have been the first choice!

Took this picture while checking out the Ohio River banks.

Flying The Banner of Victory in Jesus Christ!

Next, the journey in West Virginia has proven to be challenging at times and on a couple of occasions this past week crossing the terrain can best be described in this picture.

Narrow Road Huntington, WV 2012

Narrow and One Way?  Talk about faith, I mean not knowing how long this may go and what if I met traffic?  Really, I could not pull over and backing up with a trailer in tow was out of the question. Just one more time God has been faithful to see me through. Whew!

This past week there’s one thing that stands out the most;  It’s the time I was privileged to spend with the people at the, Huntington City Mission – Dining Hall and Men’s Shelter.  To hear the testimonies of how God has and is working in the lives of many here was incredible.  Having meals together was very humbling at first and then I looked forward to more of the same.  The dedication of the staff and the volunteers was so encouraging.  What makes this so grand is that it’s all about the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  This program is not a simple handout, it’s about changing men’s lives so the can go from here, better equipped to face the challenges of everyday life and to be the men God has called them to be.  The last two stops I’ve written that it was hard to leave the towns but it’s not the town so much this time as it is the people here at Huntington City Mission.

Huntington City Mission 2012

This week I met so many beautiful people in the Walmart parking lot, downtown Huntington, and surrounding towns.  Some of them really not sure how or why such a sight bearing the Cross came their way.  I would have to agree with many of them because this week has been one that was of the beaten path at times.  But then again I know that even in my miscues, wrong turns and all – God has a way to work it for Good!

A big thank you to the staff of Walmart,  The Huntington YMCA and The City of Huntington!

A special thanks to everyone that stopped to encourage me, that patiently listened,  who shared their testimonies, to those I was blessed to pray with and for, to the men God sent to share wisdom in The Word.

I know this is a short post and the time of night is getting late as in a few hours It’s off to Columbus, Ohio.  So for the sake of a good nights rest I’ll end by saying thank you for your prayers and support!  This goes out to all my friend’s and family back home in Chester, VA and the ones I’ve met along; The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

May God bless You and keep You and make His face to Shine upon You.  Amen

God willing I’ll write to you again soon.      Agape,    David



Capitol City Charleston, WV 2012

  Welcome to Charleston WV 2012!

  After the week I had in Beckley I was wondering what was just ahead. So let me share with you a bit of 7 days in Charleston. 

  The night before I left, I did a Google search of churches and there where many but one stood out; Randolph Street Baptist Church. Sunday morning I set out for Charleston and wow the freshly clothed trees made the mountains so beautiful, that even the roar of the engine gulping fuel to cross them could not dim the majesty of God’s work.

  Safely arriving (after looking at the mountains more than the road) in the capitol city of West Virginia, what better way to start the week than to Praise God, Hear His Word and to Fellowship with the Body of Christ? Praise God, that’s exactly what took place! The corporate Worship, the Word preached in Love and Truth and afterwards the Fellowship gathering was so sweet. These brothers and sisters demonstrated the Love of Christ to me. Even more their passion of fulfilling The Great Commission, “All to the Glory of God” caused my spirit to rejoice. If you happen to live or travel near you would do well to experience God’s Spirit working here at Randolph Street Baptist Church. Please pray for this body of believers as they continue pursuing all things to The Praise and Glory of God. 

  Now to find a place to park would it be Wal-Mart again?  Two thoughts: Would God’s favor be extended again so that I could be there all week?  Second, I remembered the weight of living in a public parking lot.  But off to Wal-Mart and God’s favor was extended again. 

  Now what appeals could I make to the Lord about not staying here?  How about electricity?  Or, 24 hours a day vehicles are going by?  What about the people on foot and the one’s that seem to be parking and watching me?  Well a Church parking lot might be safer too!  Just then the Lord made me mindful of the numbers of people that could be impacted, how it’s much easier to gather in and around the church building.  The Lord really spoke to me; how we are all called to go out of our comfort zone trusting in Him to do the work. In this I understood a little more “The spirit is willing but the flesh is week”.  After all, how much faith does it take to gather in the building and parking lot of the church?  Okay Holy Spirit, with God all things are possible, the Wal-Mart parking lot it is. 

  Having set up and been here a week, the increased volume of traffic has been great.  The Lord has sent many to encourage me; I’ve been blessed to share my testimony, to hear the testimonies of others and to pray with many.  The Lord increased my faith so I was not so bothered by the spectator’s watching but not approaching.  A couple of evenings I opened the Cargo trailer ramp door and played Praise and Worship music.  Many stopped to voice their approval and the Lord provided some gas money (I know that God heard the roar of the engine crossing the mountains that He formed).  Thank you Lord for being so personally acquainted with your children!

Even in Clouds the Cross Shines!

  Thursday night I tailgated (sitting on the tailgate of the truck) and like at the drive in theater I watched The Gospel of John movie.  I know that must have appeared odd to those parking lot spies and what came to mind was; this is another way the Lord is preparing me to be Unashamed of The Gospel of Jesus Christ.   

Union Mission Crossroads Charleston, WV

  Oh, On Wednesday while serving the homeless at Union Mission Crossroads and sharing the gospel I witnessed God at work through me to bring a man to Godly sorrow which led to repentance and saving faith in Jesus Christ for the remission of sin and eternal life!  Praise God!  In the excitement of this I did not tell him of the importance of Baptism.  In fact I was sharing this with my Brother Kris Salyer in Louisville, KY.  Kris asked if Russell had been baptized.  I felt a pit in my stomach, I had shared the gospel, told Russell about the importance of being in good bible believing church, of learning God’s Word and I had given Russell a Bible.  On Friday I went to Union Mission Crossroads and thank The Lord, Russell was there to greet me with a big smile and expressed excitement about Him going to the Lord and thanking Him for Eternal Life!  Again Praise God!  Now I was able to tell Russell about Baptism, the importance of indentifying with the Birth, Death and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.  And how in Acts we see that is when people were added to the Church (The Body of Christ).  Russell said, “I want to, I need to be baptized then”.  I told him I would try to find out where we could go to do this, that I would be back shortly and off I went.  Just a few minutes later I approached the Pastor whose congregation was serving the evening meal.  Before I was able to ask the pastor about a place to baptize Russell, a lady approached and asked me a question and the conversation turned to the gospel.  She said that she had walked the isle years ago, I asked her if she had been baptized and was told no.  Well, I went on to explain to her just what I had to Russell and she was willing to be baptized.

 Wow that was so cool!  Two people right here and willing now!  Well then, I turned to the pastor who had heard this whole conversation, told him I was from out of town and asked how and where this baptism could be done.  His reply was, “I don’t know” and then he walked away!  Talk about being taken back!  “I don’t know”!  What does that mean?  Really, how can that be?  Am I to believe that He, as a pastor has no idea what to do or where to go when someone wants to be baptized into the body of Jesus Christ?  I’m sorry, but it’s easier for me to believe that he may not be saved.  Maybe this seems to be harsh but the fact that I didn’t go after and confront Him while I was upset took the power of the Holy Spirit!  As I see it, grace was extended to him.  Remaining calm in front of this lady and assuring her I would find out was entirely of the Lord.  So next I got Russell’s and this lady’s full name and address.  I contacted Randolph Street Baptist Church who assured me they would follow up with both of them.  So I told this to both of these dear friends and they were excited.  Praise God!  Again I say Praise God!  Amen. 

Russell at Union Mission Crossroads

  Would you believe that just writing the last paragraph wore me out?  I mean, all the emotions which are attached are incredible at times.  I’m so glad the Lord renews our strength daily.  And to be able to share these things with you is beneficial to me, I doubt I’ll ever need a shrink (ha, ha, ha).

  This week has been rich in numerous ways.  I can’t count the beautiful people I meet this week having enjoyed conversations, hearing of testimonies, praying for needs and loved ones to be saved, giving and been given to, encouraging and being encouraged.  All this was God’s Spirit at work here in Charleston, WV.  Thank You: “Father, Son and Holy Spirit” Amen.

  Well it’s raining this Saturday evening and that’s right on time, a restful evening before the next town of Huntington, WV.  Please note that on a few occasions I have been told of the harsh environment just ahead.  So please pray for me and the people there that God would cause them to see the gospel of Jesus Christ as a Love Story. How God desires them to be saved from His Fierce, Righteous and Holy Wrath that we all deserve.  And how the work, Jesus accomplished on the Cross was God’s Love Demonstrated so we could have Eternal Life!

  God willing, I’ll write to you again next week about this time. Thank you for the prayers and support.  Be strong in the faith and step out of your comfort zone this week and see what God will do.  I’m sure you will be surprised and not disappointed. 

        In the Love of Christ, May you grow in His Graces.     Agape, David  

Just for Fun! Tony NY I’ll work on the “T”

 P.S.  Sorry for the small Front hope to fix this Soon.

Beckley, West Virginia 2012

Wow, Really Cool, Awesome and I could go on with the adjectives.  God has done it again. What I mean is, just like the very first stop in Lynch, KY;  God brought me to this town and in a week I’ve met many dear brothers and sisters that love the Lord Jesus so much that it’s hard to say goodbye.  Well let me make mention of a few ways I’ve been blessed this week in Beckley:

Last Sunday morning (Resurrection Sunday),  I arrived and stopped for the morning service at Bible Baptist Church and it was incredible,  the support for missions, sharing the Gospel, the preaching of The Word and the Love that was extended to me will long be in my memory.

Then off to find a place to park and what a better place to meet people and to fly the banner of The Lord Jesus Christ, than the Walmart in Beckley.  Here again God’s favor was extended to me as management gave me permission to park there all week and even to unhook the trailer from the truck.  In case you don’t know parking is usually limited to 1 night and unhooking trailer from the vehicle is uncommon.  Those of you that know me will not be surprised to hear that I made the most of this by parking in the most visable location.  This location in Beckley proved to be very fruitful in sharing the gospel, encouraging and being encouraged by the brethren.  Thank you God and Walmart of Beckley.

Sunday evening I was invited to go to Appalachian Bible College to hear about the students recent missions trip to NY City, to share with them about street ministry and to encourage them in being unashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Well here God blessed me again in that I was so encouraged by the passion of these young men and women, to hear their testimony’s and how God worked through them in ways they did’nt expect and despite their differences they moved as a a team in one accord.  I’m excited about what God is going to do in them in the days and years ahead.  Please lift these brothers and sisters up in prayer.    Another way God blessed me is that He sent some of these students to labor along side of me in the days ahead and that was really awesome.

Moving forward to Thursday evening in the Walmart parking lot I met a man that stopped and chatted for a few minutes, then He said I don’t know why but I want to show you something just up the road a mile or two and it won’t take very long.  With a little uncertainty I followed Him and we pulled up to a baseball stadium and the first thing I noticed was an inscription in granite on the wall which reads; “To God Be The Glory” further down “LET US RISE UP AND BUILD” Neh. 2:18, then “WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE” Matt.19:26, next “WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE”, further down “IN ALL YOUR WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM AND HE SHALL DIRECT YOUR PATHS” Prov. 3:6, and last “AND IF ANYONE SAYS TO YOU, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? SAY, THE LORD HAS NEED OF IT”. Mark 11:3.  So after got over the excitement of this part The guy that led me here Danny Flores assistant coach, trainer, marketing director told me about this place built by the Epling’s a Christian family and dedicated to bring glory to God.  I had the pleasure of meeting most of the Epling’s and what joy to see them working side by side for the Lord.  The Stadium is called; The Linda K. Epling Stadium, Home of the West Virginia Minors and is about three years old, with no grass or clay just astroturf.

Home of The West Virginia Miners

Danny took me on a full tour, box seats, media room and all.  Think about area little leagues playing in a facility like this and during the summer months college players from around the country come here to sharpen their skills and to compete. Some of these players go on to be drafted to play major league ball. This a great alternative to roaming the streets during summer break.  Training and conditioning go on throughout the year.  Later I was informed of 2 games scheduled for Friday and 6 games for Saturday.  Then I was invited to be their guest, truck trailer and all.  It gets even better.  I could set up right at the entrance to do ministry and was encouraged to play Christian music and all. How sweet was that?  Oh, check this out; after 5 nights in a public parking lot with low temps in the twenties, no lights or heat this was really big.  What I mean is; a quite place and electricity.  I relocated Friday and set up (see the pictures). Pretty cool yeah?  Friday night  Danny and I went out to fellowship, eat and then to a Dirt Track Race.  Dust and all this was so much fun.  Yes, I had fun and I’m not backsliding ~Tony NY (my best friend in The Lord).   I was so blessed to meet many more beautiful people Saturday.  This week it was incredible to see many of the ways God is at work here in Beckley.

In closing;  I’m taken by God’s providing such an inspiring and memorable week in this the first stop along “The Journey 2012”.  With the sincerest of gratitude I’m thankful for everyone that has blessed and encouraged me in Beckley, West Virginia.  I leave better prepared to; “Fly The Banner of Our Lord Jesus Christ”.

So off to Charleston, WV and God willing about this time next week I write to you again.  Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

  With the greatest Love of Christ, I appeal to you all; Walk away from the distractions of the world so you may fall all the more in Love with Jesus!  You can know what it is to live the meaningful and fulfilled life that Jesus came to give You

 Now and Eternally!

  Agape,  david

Contact: Facebook~ David Banton


Praise God! On Mission 2012.

Arrived in Beckley West Virginia on Ressurrection Sunday and Wow what a day!  I’ll leave you with that and God willing in a week I’ll update what God has done here.     Please pray for me and the people here in Beckley.         Agape, David