Huntington, West Virginia 2012

Finishing up a week in Huntington that’s been great in numerous ways.  Yet I’m somewhat disappointed by how much the weather came into play.  The week started off windy and cold then it got windy and cold. Finally the rain came and then on the last day Sunshine and Mid Sixties!   The best thing in all this is that the Lord sustained me by sending encouragement at just the right times, He gave me the strength and the courage to keep going even when it looked like I may get sick literally.  Here are a few things that happened here this week;

As usual I visit a local church when I get into town and I did the same this week.  What a joy it is to worship, hear good preaching and meeting brothers and sisters in the Lord.

Well looking back last week at the baptism issue I wanted to be prepared.  So on Sunday I found two places;  The Ohio River and a indoor pool!  Yes I found the river first and then the pool.  No baptisms this week but better to be prepared.  Oh, in case you were wondering the pool would have been the first choice!

Took this picture while checking out the Ohio River banks.

Flying The Banner of Victory in Jesus Christ!

Next, the journey in West Virginia has proven to be challenging at times and on a couple of occasions this past week crossing the terrain can best be described in this picture.

Narrow Road Huntington, WV 2012

Narrow and One Way?  Talk about faith, I mean not knowing how long this may go and what if I met traffic?  Really, I could not pull over and backing up with a trailer in tow was out of the question. Just one more time God has been faithful to see me through. Whew!

This past week there’s one thing that stands out the most;  It’s the time I was privileged to spend with the people at the, Huntington City Mission – Dining Hall and Men’s Shelter.  To hear the testimonies of how God has and is working in the lives of many here was incredible.  Having meals together was very humbling at first and then I looked forward to more of the same.  The dedication of the staff and the volunteers was so encouraging.  What makes this so grand is that it’s all about the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  This program is not a simple handout, it’s about changing men’s lives so the can go from here, better equipped to face the challenges of everyday life and to be the men God has called them to be.  The last two stops I’ve written that it was hard to leave the towns but it’s not the town so much this time as it is the people here at Huntington City Mission.

Huntington City Mission 2012

This week I met so many beautiful people in the Walmart parking lot, downtown Huntington, and surrounding towns.  Some of them really not sure how or why such a sight bearing the Cross came their way.  I would have to agree with many of them because this week has been one that was of the beaten path at times.  But then again I know that even in my miscues, wrong turns and all – God has a way to work it for Good!

A big thank you to the staff of Walmart,  The Huntington YMCA and The City of Huntington!

A special thanks to everyone that stopped to encourage me, that patiently listened,  who shared their testimonies, to those I was blessed to pray with and for, to the men God sent to share wisdom in The Word.

I know this is a short post and the time of night is getting late as in a few hours It’s off to Columbus, Ohio.  So for the sake of a good nights rest I’ll end by saying thank you for your prayers and support!  This goes out to all my friend’s and family back home in Chester, VA and the ones I’ve met along; The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

May God bless You and keep You and make His face to Shine upon You.  Amen

God willing I’ll write to you again soon.      Agape,    David