Schererville / Merrillville, Indiana 2012

Praise the Lord for another week of blessings.

Well it was off to northeast Indiana and I must say that I was taken back while driving through Gary, Indiana.  The whole city was desolate and crumbling.  Homes, commercial buildings, schools, city government buildings and the roads were shocking.  How can this be in the USA?  What else could have this resulted from except misappropriation and corruption!  Think of the people still here in their hometown and what about the youth?  Please pray that God would send lots people like the ones that I wrote about last week in Indianapolis at the urban café.

Later I settled in Schererville / Merrillville, Indiana.   I had the good pleasure of meeting Brother Rick who is the son in-law of the pastor at Community Baptist Church.  Through whom I met Pastor Bob Mitchell just prior to the 6:00 pm service.  What a reception, not only did they provide for me a place to stay but they insisted I park up front in full view of everyone passing by!  Wow, a church that’s more concerned about reverence for God rather than being relevant to the post modern world.  What a way to begin the week!

On Monday I finished my post mid afternoon and then about 4pm I secured the prop upright in the bed of the truck and set out to get stuck in traffic.  No, that was not a typo.  Think about it from my vantage point or driver’s seat: Hey people can’t help but to look and in traffic maybe read some of what is written right?  But, what if one of them can’t read?  To me that could be viewed as discriminatory. So why not read it to them and the amplified version for the hearing impaired.  Amen?  Well you may relax because I forgot to take the microphone with me.  So I had to change the plan just a little, instead of speaking to a captive audience I decided to pull over, turn the hazard
lights on and sit on the side of the freeway until the traffic cleared.  Remember it’s about numbers.

One Way Truth & Life One Death Resurrection & Hope JESUS!

Next, off to a couple of the local Walmart parking lots.  I decided to use the prop set upright in the back of the truck.  This was very effective, so much that I stayed out past 10:30pm.

On Tuesday evening I set out for traffic again except this time I did not forget the microphone.  I set a small amplifier in the sliding rear window and trusted the Lord to give me courage and the Words to speak.  God gave me the courage to speak about the only true and lasting hope there is for a lost and dying world. That is reconciliation between God and man through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross!

On Wednesday evening I attended service at my host church.  Again I was received in the Love of Christ. Not long after the service started Pastor Bob said, “David come up front”.  I wasn’t sitting near the back, which meant come and speak!  Then he asked me to share a little about how this ministry came about and what it was.  Then he said that I had 5 minutes!  Well anyone who knows me would probably say that would be a miracle in itself (ha ha). So, I shared with them a little about the ministry but more importantly
encouraged them to get up and go sharing Jesus Christ!

How about this Business - Not Ashamed of Jesus Christ!

Thursday at Panera, I met Brother Angelo and we spent the better of three hours together.  Then off to share Jesus, on the way across town someone in the other lane motioned for me to roll down the window.  When I did the man said can we buy you dinner?   So I followed this dear couple and we had a great time of fellowship in the Lord.  Afterwards another great evening sharing Jesus.

Friday , I hooked up the ministry trailer for a big evening on the town “Disciple Style”.  I
mentioned meeting brother Angelo last evening, well he had given me a few contacts so I made a couple of calls and not long after; Brothers Ken, George and Angelo where on the scene.  Over the next few hours we set up at four different locations and had a great time witnessing, encouraging and praying for many.  Wow, this is how I had hoped it would be in every town.  These men belonged to different local churches but all of them are passionate about evangelism.  I will long hold on to the memory of this night.  Thanks, Ken George and Angelo!

Saturday evening and night was incredible.  I set the paradise prop up and went to
town.  Talk about causing rubber necking and traffic jams!  Displaying the Cross and Promise of Eternal Life through Jesus Christ drew many believers and spectators.  Sharing testimonies, camera flashes one after another, rejoicing in the Lord and simply being unashamed of Jesus Christ!  Opposition yelled out and was gone (no power).  Praise God!  What a way to close out street ministry here in Merrillville / Schererville.

Wow, Check out the images in the windows!

Sunday morning per invitation from Ken, I went to speak at Victory Christian Church in Portage, Indiana.  Wow, the praise and worship was off the hook!  When it came time to speak there was no apprehension at all.  And no time limit either!  Sharing some of what God has done and is doing in my life, then a little bit of preaching, challenging and encouraging the brethren.  Think about this;   The Jesus we say we believe in, we quote
verses like; “greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world” and we sing; “all to the my blessed Savior I surrender all”.   The Challenge then; let us in word and deed
live out this hope we have in full view of the World.  That we may be hear our Master saying, “Father, these are those who were Not Ashamed of Me in the World”.         Praise God!   Amen.

This week the Lord made me to abound in numerous ways; He provided a beautiful and safe place to lay my head, He has given me courage, He has increased my faith, He has provided for all my needs and He has provided for the unexpected which no one but He and I knew about. (Now, I fight back tears in remembrance of all the dear brethren God used this past week to do so).   So you may know, the last several days have been in the upper 80’s and 90’s.  The air conditioning in my truck has not been working and has been a bit of a challenge as I have a degree of heat intolerance due to MS.  Leaving northern Indiana with fond memories and full of joy, I drove through South Chicago, then right through the heart of Downtown Chicago in heavy traffic and then finally on to interstate 90.  After 4.5 hours driving in mid to upper ninety degree weather I arrived in Madison Wisconsin (looking somewhat like a salted pretzel).  I stopped to get a sandwich and a drink.  When I reached into my pocket I felt a bit of cash which I had completely forgotten about.  This had been handed to me, as a gift from Victory Christian Church earlier in the evening.  When I got to the table I counted more than
Seven hundred dollars!  Wow, Praise God!!  Thank You:  Victory Christian Church!  (A/C repair!)

As I wrote above, “This week the Lord made me to abound in numerous ways; He provided a beautiful and safe place to lay my head, He has given me courage, He has increased my faith, He has provided for all my needs”:  Thank you, Angelo, George
and Ken you all have been an encouragement to me in many ways and I will not
soon forget the Honor it was to serve the Lord together.  Thanks to every brother and sister I met this week in northwest Indiana because the Joy of this week has made some of the past disappointments fade away!

A new week has begun and I close this writing to say again; Thanks to everyone who has been a blessing to me at home and abroad!  I’m very sure that through God, each and every one of you has better prepared me to continue:

The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

Agape, David Banton

Brother Tony NY, I'm thinking this might work for you uh?

Indianappolis, Indiana 2012

Indianapolis, Indiana 2012

Arriving safe in the evening, I  attended 6:00 pm service at a local reformed Baptist Church.  Later, I was blessed to park overnight at Indiana Theological Seminary. The next morning I parked the trailer behind a Baptist Church and left a message for the pastor along with contact information. I spent most of Monday writing about the previous week in Cincinnati.

Monument Circle

Starting Monday evening and continuing through Wednesday, I encountered various trials which really had me wondering if it would be better for me to go to an unreached people group.  I mean the indifference to the Cross but much more these three days the rejection and scorn issued from two pastors. On Monday a pastor sent me a text thanking me for giving a card to his wife during the Sunday evening service as it afforded Him the opportunity to contact me. He wrote how he was shocked when He saw my truck and the graphics and felt it was his duty to tell me that I was walking in the flesh, not the spirit and was committing Idolatry. (citing Exodus 20:4)   Then Tuesday the pastor of the church where my ministry trailer was parked called me to say; He had reviewed my website and discovered that I didn’t quote every scripture from the same scroll. (KJV)  He went on to say, if anyone found this on my website it would look like his church was consenting and I needed to move it.  So, without any objection I did.

Not Welcome!

On Wednesday I responded to the invitation meeting with the pastor after the evening service so I could be instructed about the idolatry issue.  I prepared an exegesis along with commentary references on Exodus 20:4-5. Per request I did not drive onto the property and before the service I was told that I would not be permitted to participate in the payer portion of the service.  After the service we met and His position was that the cross itself was a graven image and the images were all idolatry.  I offered Him the material I had prepared and He would not touch it.  Nor did He have any references to offer in support of his indictment.  During the drive home I was really discouraged and wondering am I really missing it or what.  So, I cried out to God,  then to others for prayer and counsel from my pastor. That night, a brother in Louisville, KY encouraged me, a sister in Colonial Heights, VA responded with Psalm 23 advising that I quote it until I went to sleep and when I awoke there was a written response from my pastor.   Praise God, the lifter of my head!

So Thursday it was game on.  That evening I set up at a local Walmart, played worship music along with some video footage from the, “Passion of The Christ movie”.    I shared the gospel with my friend Donsae, encouraged and prayed for many.  This just may have been the most fruitful of the parking lot gigs to date.  Talk about Gods faithfulness to lift burdens and bless us if we walk by faith and not by sight.

My Friend Donsae, Don't miss JESUS!

Friday it was off to the Indy race track during practice for the Indianapolis 500.  Afterwards I set up in a different Walmart.   This was another memorable experience.  Here I met minister Horatio and what a blessing this was. I mean Rejoicing in the Lord, Encouraging each other in the Word and Prayer!  This was so good that it was no bother when a Deputy Sheriff walked up and said, Walmart wants you to move on.

Meet Horacio. Thanks Brother!

That night, I was reflecting on how God had moved through many people in the last 36 hours to bless me.  I started to laugh because the thought that entered my mind was:  You (David) can’t out bless God.  What I mean is, that if against all odds I’ll trust God and go on boasting about Jesus, then God is going to awe me time and again till the end of this age and in all of eternity!  Now, that’s an awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwsome blessing!  Amen.

Saturday, I enjoyed fellowship at the Unleavened Bread Cafe with Brother Neil and friends.  It was beautiful to see how God has and is working through a few of His children to bring Love and Hope to a location that might otherwise be written off.  Next, it was domestic duties such as housekeeping and laundry.  Afterwards, I thought I’d call it an early night but the Lord had other plans so downtown Indy to Monument Circle.  Saturday night this place was bustling with people on the sidewalks and vehicles on parade around the monument.  Get this; the Lord blessed me with the perfect parking place at the corner Market Rd and Monument Cr!  Just after parking I walked a block to find out what a Chocolate Café was about.  Wow, my brother Tony NY in Chester, VA would probably overdose here.  I enjoyed a lemon custard milkshake on the way back to the truck.

Monument Circle Indianapolis, Indiana 2012

Then a brother helped me setup the prop in the bed of the truck.  Over the next 3.5 hours hundreds of people were confronted with immortality and at the same time God’s Offer of Reconciliation through the work of Jesus Christ on the Cross.  The
expressions both verbal and nonverbal were countless and what a joy it was close out the week in this way.

Thank you brother Niel Cox and South-port Presbyterian Church for graciously providing a place for me to rest.  I think God for all the brethren back home and abroad that have and continue to support me prayerfully and or financially.  Thank’s to each and every person I encountered this week in Indianapolis, Indiana across the spectrum from positive to negative.  This I say because, I know  that God uses all things to better prepare me to continue The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

Until next week, God willing that is: I will write to you again.            Agape, david

JESUS Died that You may Live!!!

Cincinnati, Ohio 2012

Hello Everyone,

Hello, everyone! Agape

As my visit to the Big City of Cincinnati draws to an end I have mixed emotions.  The Lord blessed me to arrive safely and in time to attend Sunday school and the morning worship service at Banklick Christian Church.  I like the name because it reminds of how the Churches were addressed by the new testament writers. (To the church at Corinth The Church at Ephesus and so on).  More particularly I enjoyed the fellowship, teaching, worship and the preaching of the Word.  Those of you who know me well are aware of how much I enjoy the finer things in life.  Oh and just to be clear for the most of my life that meant the finer things of the world but now it is in seeing God at work in transforming lives by the Power of His Word.  I was at home here at Banklick and the meal after the service was great!  There are a few things that I should mention; this church is about 12 miles south of downtown Cincinnati in Fort Mitchell, KY. My dear brother Kris Salyer excepted the position as Minister here in January so of course I have to say his preaching was great and it really was!   Another thing is that Kris took his vacation to go with me for the how week in Cincinnati.  So after the fellowship we set sail.

Free admission to The Creation Museum! Praise JESUS!!!

As usual I like to get acquainted with a local church and despite the rarity of finding Sunday evening service the Lord provided. Kris and I had the pleasure of hearing a powerful sermon about supporting Missions, Missionaries and fellow laborers in Christ.  That was great as it looked like God had led us just to the right place since we needed a place to park and camp overnight.  I’ll just say that it did’nt go over as well as the, “sermon preached”.  But praise God that through past experiences this one did not take be back like those of the past.  Now that I know as James wrote in Chapter 1: “Count it all joy when you fall into various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience….”  Thanks for your Word Lord and thank you Bridget NY. (The Lord used this dear sister a couple of months ago to challenge me to memorize James Chapters 1 and 2).  As it turned out Banklick Christian Church was home base for the week.

The rest of the week went by so fast and I’m having a difficult time remembering the events of each day but here are some of the highlights;  Parking in Walmart parking lots around the city proved to be fruitful as many were drawn by the Cross and the praise and worship music being played.  Kris and I were so blessed by each and every person that stopped to find out what this was all about, to encourage us and to share testimonies. The Lord had prepared hearts to hear the Gospel,  some had a hunger for the truth of the Word.   Something I should let you know about Kris, he will talk as long as a person will listen and that’s good because I get tired.  Some of you may be thinking, when David gets started he goes and goes and goes.  Well maybe, but Kris keeps going.

Answering HisCall 2012 Kris Salyer

Well back to the story. One of the most memorable events of the week was in the Walmart parking lot.  Using the audio and video, playing clips from the Passion of The Christ movie and listening to Kari Jobe (CD) singing praises to God across the entire parking lot the stage was set for God to move.  God did just that and before long a peculiar group of men and women had gathered, speaking what great things the Lord had done in various ways to redeem them from eternal destruction.  Through words,  motions and singing praises these men and women were unashamed of the gospel!   Not one of them was content to stand still as if being born again was something to be realized only in the age to come.  Then on public display before the world; with hands joined and heads bowed, went prayers of thanksgiving and dependence on God to finish what He had started and ………………… Amen.  I don’t have adequate words but I am confident this was a sweet smelling sacrifice that reached The Throne of God!

Another memorable event was Wednesday evening in downtown Cincinnati.  The Lord provided parking at the entrance where the Broadway show, “La Miserables” was being shown with hundreds in attendance.  The restaurants around us us were busling as well so the stage was set and the 3 hour wait for the show to end was on.  And just before the show let out Kris and I hoisted the, “Don’t Come Here!” prop in the bed of the truck and turned the lights on!  When the show was over, the masses walked by and on those faces were a myriad of expressions!  Sad was the fact that so many others seemed indifferent.  Non the less I am hopeful that God used this in some measure as seed sown into good ground.  Amen.

The entire week was filled with many encounters and each one different from the other.  God provided everything in abundance and reflecting back on last week,  I’m encouraged about what God can do through two small and weak men to impact many for “JESUS Christ”.

a quote by: Martin Luther and I say Amen!

In concluding:  To all the dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ that we had the pleasure of meeting, being encouraged by, being prayed for and who provided for us: Thank’s to All of You!

To the brethren back in Virginia and those I’ve met along this journey,  You are dear to my heart and I thank you for your support in prayer and every other way that you do.  Because of these I’m confident that, God has moved to provide for me; Safety, Health, Financially and JOY!  I Praise God for You All and I pray that the fruit of my labor will greatly abound to your accounts Eternally.  Amen.

Now, the most difficult thanks to write this day …………………………………………..Lord help me………… goes out to my Brother Kristopher James Salyer,  Thank You!  PRAISE GOD!! Amen.

Until next week about this time and God willing I’ll write about Indiappolis Indiana.

Agape,  david@hiscall888




Columbus, Ohio 2012

  Hello, Columbus Ohio!

  Wow this City is Big and I guess that is relative to the last 3 stops in WV.
The drive here took a bit longer that I anticipated so I arrived at Lane Avenue Baptist Church just in time to celebrate in the Lords Supper.  There I was provided a place to park this week, electricity and all!  Praise JESUS and thank you Pastor!

  The weather was nice, so off to explore downtown Columbus. There, I enjoyed the park along the river, some of the architecture was grand and some of the outdoor decorum seemed good to use as a platform, background to share God’s Word.  One predominant perception throughout the day was a non responsiveness to the banner of Christ and the Cross.

The Judgement of JESUS Christ!!

 The Judgment of Christ

      “But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He
will sit on His glorious throne.  “All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left.  “Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom
prepared for you  from the foundation of the world.  ‘For  I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a
stranger, and you invited Me in;  naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’  “Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to
drink?  ‘And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You?  ‘When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’  “The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’

“Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink; I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.’ “Then they themselves also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not take care of You?’ “Then He will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’  “These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”        Matt 25:31-46

That preaching looks (picture) and sounds (the Word) pretty good yes?   Well when it all comes together maybe the two will be combined into a video.  But please pray because it will take an act of God for this to happen.  Amen.

  Monday started out slow but later that evening God sent some dear people to inquire about the Cross and before long the Truth of God’s Word, the Power of His Spirit and the Love of Jesus Christ was rejoiced in, right in the middle of the parking lot. Talk about getting amped up after a slow start!

First Baptist Church, Columbus Ohio

  On Wednesday, I went to a well known church in Columbus for 7pm service.  Sad to
report, but my heart was sorely grieved.  What happened to Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty?  Well of course HE Is, He Was and He Is to Come!  What about; Godly contentment is great gain!  What about, with food and clothing be therewith content?  Bottom line I’m fully convinced that if one has “your best life now” then the eternal state of the soul is destruction.  Second, for anyone to suggest offering God money in exchange for the worldly desire of the heart is absolutely wrong.  How about,
“Do not tempt, The Lord your God”.   Please that I may not be misunderstood, I love the people and I pray that God will show them the Truth just as He has been faithful to deliver me from the schemes of the evil one.  Amen

Contending for the Faith!

  Well during this past week as a whole there has been a coldness to the cross here.
But in the poor districts were many are afraid to go, I found those people to be more receptive and I praise The Lord for them.  On the uppity side of town without vulgar
words the idea of JESUS and the cross was met with mockery mostly by laughter,
sneers and statements like “you know that has to be the result of retardation”.   Then another comment was, ” now that’s what I call going to far with it”.  To which I say~ Amen.  That is the fact JESUS did condescend to to take on the form of flesh and go to the cross to pay for our sins!  Now after saying that I know that He went exactly as far as was necessary to save all that would come by faith unto eternal life. Praise You JESUS!!!

Staying on the same topic and moving to Friday evening, the insolent words and sign language increased and thank God for the rain!  The rain?  Yes, the rain that sometimes stifles our plans; I can now be thankful for as I’m sure that God sends the rain to put a
damper on the devils work!  Was that an Amen?

Almost had alot of pumpkin pie to eat!

  Overall this week has been somewhat low keyed and I am again thankful for the brothers and sisters God has sent that we might be encouraged by one another.  And a big thanks to Lane Avenue Baptist Church for the brotherly love they extended to me.

  In a few hours and God willing I will set out for Cincinnati, Ohio.  Much of this week
I’ve been in anticipation about Cincinnati as my brother in the Lord; Kris Salyer from Louisville, KY will join me to share JESUS the entire week.  Please pray for us that we would be the Salt and the Light, that is: be obedient to the commands of our Lord.

  Keep praying because I know God continues to bless me everyday on, “The Journey 50 States one True Story JESUS”!

 Agape,  David