Cincinnati, Ohio 2012

Hello Everyone,

Hello, everyone! Agape

As my visit to the Big City of Cincinnati draws to an end I have mixed emotions.  The Lord blessed me to arrive safely and in time to attend Sunday school and the morning worship service at Banklick Christian Church.  I like the name because it reminds of how the Churches were addressed by the new testament writers. (To the church at Corinth The Church at Ephesus and so on).  More particularly I enjoyed the fellowship, teaching, worship and the preaching of the Word.  Those of you who know me well are aware of how much I enjoy the finer things in life.  Oh and just to be clear for the most of my life that meant the finer things of the world but now it is in seeing God at work in transforming lives by the Power of His Word.  I was at home here at Banklick and the meal after the service was great!  There are a few things that I should mention; this church is about 12 miles south of downtown Cincinnati in Fort Mitchell, KY. My dear brother Kris Salyer excepted the position as Minister here in January so of course I have to say his preaching was great and it really was!   Another thing is that Kris took his vacation to go with me for the how week in Cincinnati.  So after the fellowship we set sail.

Free admission to The Creation Museum! Praise JESUS!!!

As usual I like to get acquainted with a local church and despite the rarity of finding Sunday evening service the Lord provided. Kris and I had the pleasure of hearing a powerful sermon about supporting Missions, Missionaries and fellow laborers in Christ.  That was great as it looked like God had led us just to the right place since we needed a place to park and camp overnight.  I’ll just say that it did’nt go over as well as the, “sermon preached”.  But praise God that through past experiences this one did not take be back like those of the past.  Now that I know as James wrote in Chapter 1: “Count it all joy when you fall into various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience….”  Thanks for your Word Lord and thank you Bridget NY. (The Lord used this dear sister a couple of months ago to challenge me to memorize James Chapters 1 and 2).  As it turned out Banklick Christian Church was home base for the week.

The rest of the week went by so fast and I’m having a difficult time remembering the events of each day but here are some of the highlights;  Parking in Walmart parking lots around the city proved to be fruitful as many were drawn by the Cross and the praise and worship music being played.  Kris and I were so blessed by each and every person that stopped to find out what this was all about, to encourage us and to share testimonies. The Lord had prepared hearts to hear the Gospel,  some had a hunger for the truth of the Word.   Something I should let you know about Kris, he will talk as long as a person will listen and that’s good because I get tired.  Some of you may be thinking, when David gets started he goes and goes and goes.  Well maybe, but Kris keeps going.

Answering HisCall 2012 Kris Salyer

Well back to the story. One of the most memorable events of the week was in the Walmart parking lot.  Using the audio and video, playing clips from the Passion of The Christ movie and listening to Kari Jobe (CD) singing praises to God across the entire parking lot the stage was set for God to move.  God did just that and before long a peculiar group of men and women had gathered, speaking what great things the Lord had done in various ways to redeem them from eternal destruction.  Through words,  motions and singing praises these men and women were unashamed of the gospel!   Not one of them was content to stand still as if being born again was something to be realized only in the age to come.  Then on public display before the world; with hands joined and heads bowed, went prayers of thanksgiving and dependence on God to finish what He had started and ………………… Amen.  I don’t have adequate words but I am confident this was a sweet smelling sacrifice that reached The Throne of God!

Another memorable event was Wednesday evening in downtown Cincinnati.  The Lord provided parking at the entrance where the Broadway show, “La Miserables” was being shown with hundreds in attendance.  The restaurants around us us were busling as well so the stage was set and the 3 hour wait for the show to end was on.  And just before the show let out Kris and I hoisted the, “Don’t Come Here!” prop in the bed of the truck and turned the lights on!  When the show was over, the masses walked by and on those faces were a myriad of expressions!  Sad was the fact that so many others seemed indifferent.  Non the less I am hopeful that God used this in some measure as seed sown into good ground.  Amen.

The entire week was filled with many encounters and each one different from the other.  God provided everything in abundance and reflecting back on last week,  I’m encouraged about what God can do through two small and weak men to impact many for “JESUS Christ”.

a quote by: Martin Luther and I say Amen!

In concluding:  To all the dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ that we had the pleasure of meeting, being encouraged by, being prayed for and who provided for us: Thank’s to All of You!

To the brethren back in Virginia and those I’ve met along this journey,  You are dear to my heart and I thank you for your support in prayer and every other way that you do.  Because of these I’m confident that, God has moved to provide for me; Safety, Health, Financially and JOY!  I Praise God for You All and I pray that the fruit of my labor will greatly abound to your accounts Eternally.  Amen.

Now, the most difficult thanks to write this day …………………………………………..Lord help me………… goes out to my Brother Kristopher James Salyer,  Thank You!  PRAISE GOD!! Amen.

Until next week about this time and God willing I’ll write about Indiappolis Indiana.

Agape,  david@hiscall888