Indianappolis, Indiana 2012

Indianapolis, Indiana 2012

Arriving safe in the evening, I  attended 6:00 pm service at a local reformed Baptist Church.  Later, I was blessed to park overnight at Indiana Theological Seminary. The next morning I parked the trailer behind a Baptist Church and left a message for the pastor along with contact information. I spent most of Monday writing about the previous week in Cincinnati.

Monument Circle

Starting Monday evening and continuing through Wednesday, I encountered various trials which really had me wondering if it would be better for me to go to an unreached people group.  I mean the indifference to the Cross but much more these three days the rejection and scorn issued from two pastors. On Monday a pastor sent me a text thanking me for giving a card to his wife during the Sunday evening service as it afforded Him the opportunity to contact me. He wrote how he was shocked when He saw my truck and the graphics and felt it was his duty to tell me that I was walking in the flesh, not the spirit and was committing Idolatry. (citing Exodus 20:4)   Then Tuesday the pastor of the church where my ministry trailer was parked called me to say; He had reviewed my website and discovered that I didn’t quote every scripture from the same scroll. (KJV)  He went on to say, if anyone found this on my website it would look like his church was consenting and I needed to move it.  So, without any objection I did.

Not Welcome!

On Wednesday I responded to the invitation meeting with the pastor after the evening service so I could be instructed about the idolatry issue.  I prepared an exegesis along with commentary references on Exodus 20:4-5. Per request I did not drive onto the property and before the service I was told that I would not be permitted to participate in the payer portion of the service.  After the service we met and His position was that the cross itself was a graven image and the images were all idolatry.  I offered Him the material I had prepared and He would not touch it.  Nor did He have any references to offer in support of his indictment.  During the drive home I was really discouraged and wondering am I really missing it or what.  So, I cried out to God,  then to others for prayer and counsel from my pastor. That night, a brother in Louisville, KY encouraged me, a sister in Colonial Heights, VA responded with Psalm 23 advising that I quote it until I went to sleep and when I awoke there was a written response from my pastor.   Praise God, the lifter of my head!

So Thursday it was game on.  That evening I set up at a local Walmart, played worship music along with some video footage from the, “Passion of The Christ movie”.    I shared the gospel with my friend Donsae, encouraged and prayed for many.  This just may have been the most fruitful of the parking lot gigs to date.  Talk about Gods faithfulness to lift burdens and bless us if we walk by faith and not by sight.

My Friend Donsae, Don't miss JESUS!

Friday it was off to the Indy race track during practice for the Indianapolis 500.  Afterwards I set up in a different Walmart.   This was another memorable experience.  Here I met minister Horatio and what a blessing this was. I mean Rejoicing in the Lord, Encouraging each other in the Word and Prayer!  This was so good that it was no bother when a Deputy Sheriff walked up and said, Walmart wants you to move on.

Meet Horacio. Thanks Brother!

That night, I was reflecting on how God had moved through many people in the last 36 hours to bless me.  I started to laugh because the thought that entered my mind was:  You (David) can’t out bless God.  What I mean is, that if against all odds I’ll trust God and go on boasting about Jesus, then God is going to awe me time and again till the end of this age and in all of eternity!  Now, that’s an awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwsome blessing!  Amen.

Saturday, I enjoyed fellowship at the Unleavened Bread Cafe with Brother Neil and friends.  It was beautiful to see how God has and is working through a few of His children to bring Love and Hope to a location that might otherwise be written off.  Next, it was domestic duties such as housekeeping and laundry.  Afterwards, I thought I’d call it an early night but the Lord had other plans so downtown Indy to Monument Circle.  Saturday night this place was bustling with people on the sidewalks and vehicles on parade around the monument.  Get this; the Lord blessed me with the perfect parking place at the corner Market Rd and Monument Cr!  Just after parking I walked a block to find out what a Chocolate Café was about.  Wow, my brother Tony NY in Chester, VA would probably overdose here.  I enjoyed a lemon custard milkshake on the way back to the truck.

Monument Circle Indianapolis, Indiana 2012

Then a brother helped me setup the prop in the bed of the truck.  Over the next 3.5 hours hundreds of people were confronted with immortality and at the same time God’s Offer of Reconciliation through the work of Jesus Christ on the Cross.  The
expressions both verbal and nonverbal were countless and what a joy it was close out the week in this way.

Thank you brother Niel Cox and South-port Presbyterian Church for graciously providing a place for me to rest.  I think God for all the brethren back home and abroad that have and continue to support me prayerfully and or financially.  Thank’s to each and every person I encountered this week in Indianapolis, Indiana across the spectrum from positive to negative.  This I say because, I know  that God uses all things to better prepare me to continue The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

Until next week, God willing that is: I will write to you again.            Agape, david

JESUS Died that You may Live!!!