Madison, Wisconsin 2012

Madison,Wisconsin 2012

   The first impression was; Wow, what a great looking capitol city.  Well-manicured, nice landscaping and the lakes topped it off well.

  Arriving late Sunday night and with Monday being a holiday I stayed hooked up trailer and all.  Tuesday morning I was ready to get settled for the week.  I drove to First Baptist Church of Madison (Franklin St) to introduce myself and ask for permission to
park.  No one answered the bell so I thought they would be in later.  I looked
at the parking signs and decided to unhook the ministry trailer at the rear of
the lot. Then I went just down the road for coffee and breakfast.  After which I drove back to the church only to discover that my trailer had been towed. Why? Good question!  The answer, “it goes against everything we believe in” then one statement was made to clarify the last, “we don’t believe in Hell”.  I’ll get back to this issue

  How about the towing of the trailer? The sign read; Unauthorized parking prohibited violators will be ticketed.  Okay, so I get a $30 ticket.  But what about, 13 minutes after the ticket was written the tow company was called? Oh, so much for the pastor saying he waited more than an hour and a half.  Two hundred and eleven dollars
later, I was able to get the ministry trailer out of impound.  During which time this scripture came to mind; Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. Romans 12:19

Later, that evening it was off to the local Wal-Mart and Praise God!  I had a place to park!

  On Wednesday another scripture came to mind:  Brethren, if anyone among you
wanders from the truth, and someone turns him back, let him know that he who
turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover
a multitude of sins. James 5:19-20 (NKJV) 

Now it seemed right to go and park on the street directly in front of the church and
take a stand for the truth.  So with God’s Word in hand and the prop raised, “Don’t Come Here” that’s what was done. Before, during and until after their Wednesday public meeting concluded many people were presented the truth. I’m still praying that God will use that effort to bring some to the knowledge of the truth. Amen. 

Don't Come Here! Prop

Thursday was a day of rest in hope of finishing out the week strong. 

God did it again as Friday it was game on!  So around, across and downtown the banner of Jesus Christ was flown, the gospel shared, brethren encouraged and prayed for.

 It was much the same on Saturday, concluding outside of the Capitol building.

Capitol of Wisconsin 2012

This week has been different to say the least. What I experienced here was a liberal spirit, the reproach of the cross, the exhortation to be acceptant of all ways. 
The exception being God’s Way, which of course is extremely prescriptive,
difficult and only a few find it.

   My fondest memories of this past week are of a few Christians I met and how in the Spirit of Truth and Love we encouraged one another, shared testimonies and prayed one for another.  On the outside there was nothing of our appearance to be admired by men, but to brethren the beauty is readily seen and the Joy of meeting one another is beyond words. Thank you; Jo (Not ashamed of the gospel!), Michael (Singing Praises to God 6 years now around the Capitol building) and Steve (Wal-Mart) for extending the Love of Christ to me along The Journey 50 States One True Story Jesus!

Brother Jo, Thanks again! Madison, Wisconsin 2012

Another week has already begun and the start is much better than the last.  So to everyone back home in Virginia and to those abroad I say thank you for your prayers and support. Keep praying because I’m realizing the benefits. I believe the road ahead will be rough but much more I am sure; “that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world”.  And “it’s no longer I who live but Christ that lives in me”.  Amen. 

  God willing, I’ll write to you again about this time next week.    Agape, David