Wausau, Wisconsin 2012

Another week along the Journey is history and what good that may come from it only God knows. Here are but a few things I praise God for as in my estimation they were
good.  On last Sunday I arrived safely in Wausau, Wisconsin and just in time to enjoy Worshipping at Immanuel Baptist Church.  There I was received in the Love
of Christ which included a place to park and on top of that this was, “Family
Bible week” an annual tradition here which included guest speakers for both youth
and adults.  From the first service on Sunday morning and continuing daily Sunday evening through Wednesday evening God blessed me even in who I sat beside.  I enjoyed the teaching of Dr. David Larson from Trinity University Chicago, IL. Brother Larson exhorted us to contend earnestly for the Faith. The assault has been to discredit; The Genesis account of the literal 6 day Creation. Most notably since the 1960’s until now in a postmodern culture the departure from scripture is starling. Recently I heard Pastor John MacArthur say that only about 6% of Bible Colleges teach the Literal 6 day account of Creation. In four evening sessions Dr. Larson
meticulously took us through Genesis 1, 2 and 3.  Quoting philosophers and the “world’s greatest minds”, Dr. Lawson wielded the Sword reducing every argument as
nonsensical.  A copy of which is available upon request.

Now about Wausau, from my perspective it reminded me of Minnesota. The typography beautiful and the people are laid back with a few exceptions. After about 7pm things really slow down and by nightfall it’s almost to a crawl.  This to me looks like a nice place to raise a family. Spiritually speaking, Wausau is predominantly Lutheran and Catholic. This puzzled me this week as to how this happens to be.  Well just now in looking at what I wrote above;  “the people are laid back” the thought that comes to me:  Is that not the most dangerous mindset that every Christian must guard against, enlisting the watchfulness of the brethren and always praying to God?  Yes! Of
course it is most needful unless we favor sacraments and good deeds over living
a life of sacrifice; being obedient to follow the commands of the One we call LORD!  My dear friends the Lord Jesus Christ chose the way of the cross and gave us the perfect example of what it takes to enter the Kingdom of God.  So Jesus calls us all to totally surrender to His Lordship, that is to die to our own agendas and to put away all the previous grand illusions we thought would bring fulfillment.   Jesus requires each of us to empty ourselves that He might come in and be our fulfillment.  After all if it’s not God in us working to do His good pleasure, what is the basis of hope that we are truly born again.  My dear friends with men this is impossible but with God all things are possible!
Will you believe God’s Word?  Will you lay down your life now for Christ sake and Live with Him eternally? Will you trust the Holy Spirit to give you everything you need to swim upstream against the ways of the World?  Or will you drift along with no matter of real conviction as to what Jesus says it takes to enter the Kingdom of God?  I pray with much diligence that you would embrace the Way of the Cross, forsaking the temporal satisfactions of the World in exchange for Life Eternal in God’s Kingdom.  Amen.

God is the Father of Lights!

I really didn’t know that I was going there but no apology do I make because I love you all.  Now back to the week here; the cross did not evoke so much response as some places but much of what I saw seemed to be that it was folly to them.  But praise be to God!  That He is the lifter of my head, The Rock of my salvation and The Joy of my life!  Hallelujah!

This week had the good pleasure of meeting a number of men, women and children to talk about Jesus.  I met most of them downtown at the park, on sidewalks and cafes.   I am in fond memory of how time and again the Lord sent encouragement to me at just the right times. Let me share with you one of these times.  One morning at
Starbucks I wrote something the Lord put on my heart to share as encouragement
by way of text messaging to some of my dear brethren. When I finished, I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to share this message with two men in Starbucks.  When I looked, both of them where communicating in sign language and what if neither one of them could hear or speak to me?  What was the topic of their passionate communication? Starting to sound a bit like Moses, a scripture came to mind, “lean not to your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge me”.   So I walked up with a smile and set the phone down in front of them and made a hand gesture for them to read.  Wow, that really caused quit a scene! Neither of them could hear nor speak. What ensued was about an hour and half of rejoicing together in the Lord?  We went through quite a bit of scratch paper, hand and facial expressions.  What did this look like to others?  Surely we did not think about that and again what Joy it was to be in the company of Gods children. Thank you Pastor Don Ketler and Brother Ken Tryczak for this most memorable expieriance hugs and all.


Brothers; Ken Tryczak & Don Ketler. Wausau, Wisconsin 2012

Earlier I wrote about how God had orchestrated who I sat beside at Immanuel Baptist Church, so that’s how I met Les & Kim Blount.  Les loves to share the gospel and both Les and Kim were an encouragement to me.  Les sought me out while I was in the streets to see how I was doing and that meant a lot to me.  Thanks Les and Kim.

While making mention of a few, there are others that have no less been appreciated  and all of them are a  Joy to me even now as I continue The Journey 50 States One True Story Jesus!  In closing; the week in Wausau has been good in that it was a time of learning the Word, the slower pace and early nights I believe will be a benefit as the next two weeks consist of Green Bay and Milwaukee.

Once again God has provided everything I had need of, so with a measure of strength restored, and added wisdom in the Word, I am more confident that God is with me as I approach the strains yet ahead.  Your prayers and encouragement are highly regarded.  Until next week and God willing I will write to you again.

Agape, David