Welcome to Michigan City, IN 2012!

   After the week I enjoyed at home in Virginia, I was wondering how the transition back into strange lands would play out.  So let me share with you a bit of 7 days in Michigan City.

  Sunday evening I was back in Chicago and upon arrival at Trinity International University everything changed in the blink of an eye.  I mean when I saw the Ram that God provided and the Ministry Trailer; I was at Home but not at Home.  So back to flying the banner of Christ and off to the next stop on the journey.  One thing that made this easier was that God had provided a place for me to go ahead of time.  About six weeks ago in Northwest Indiana by what I believe was God’s divine providence I met Ken. The time we spent together then was remarkable but this week would surpass that.  Ken and his family welcomed me as family.  Talk about not being ashamed of the gospel.  When I mentioned going to the church to unhook and park the trailer, Ken was quick to say you don’t need to do that park it right in front of the house. Later in the week He made mention of looking forward to hearing what others would say or ask after I was gone.


Home God Provided 7,1 - 7,8,2012


  Monday and Tuesday were for the most part spent checking out the territory and getting a game plan together.  During these two days ministry took place but not full blown.  The heat was on, with temps above 100 degrees. One of the perks was riding along Lakeshore Drive and watching the sunset over the same body of water that just a few weeks ago I had seen the sunrise. Praise God for the sunrise and the sunset over Lake Michigan! 

Amazed by the Sun? What until you see the Son of God!



 Then Wednesday July, 4th was here.  I had been looking forward to this for a couple of weeks because Victory Christian Center in Portage, Indiana called me saying the entry fee was on them if I could come.  Some of you may remember how last fall in Louisville, KY and Hampton Roads, VA, God moved to make a way for the Cross to be lifted up before about 100,000 people. On both occasions there were no preparations but at the prompting of the Spirit I moved and God opened the door. Praise God!   This 4th of July parade would have a glory of its own to me.  Having prepared the Jesus truck & trailer I met up with VCC and got in line.  VVC’s float ornament was a replica of the Twin Towers Cross of 911.  Over the next couple of hours I would be taken by what I witnessed going before me.  There were a host of church members preparing to minister to hundreds of people in the face of 102 plus degree weather. What a living demonstration; “deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me”. This was before the 3 mile parade route began.  Then the team of Christian soldiers armed 2,000 NT Bibles, Tracts, Candy and Smiles began to march and the parade was on.  Overwhelmed I took hold of my camera and recorded some of what I witnessed.  Part way through I had to lay the camera down, the intense heat started having its effect and the Jesus Truck became a blessing in a capacity that I had not envisioned.  One soldier, then another came to recover and then back to the mission. Later, it became more like a triage center and at the end served as emergency transport to the Emergency Room.  The good news is, “everyone recovered!” Praise God!!

 The ideas for ministry for the rest of the week here were:

Thursday: Walmart using audio and video in the Trailer.

Friday: The Light House Outlet Mall                                       .

Saturday: Air Show in Gary, IN                                              

 Well so much for plan A. I say this because the Heat was unrelenting.  Even with energy stores drained and attention spans shortened ministry continued.  Thursday, Friday and Saturday I was blessed to share Christ and engage in Christian fellowship on occasions in and around Michigan City. 

Then Sunday God moved the weather some 20 degrees which was just in time for the Grand Finally.  With the cool breeze moving over Lake Michigan, there came strength, vitality and excitement. Culminating in what might prove to be the most fruitful day of evangelism for me to date.    Sunday morning at about 5:20am the Jesus Truck and Trailer roared to life, off to a day and evening at the beach ending at night with a literal Bang!

On arrival it looked like things were not going to work out as planned.  Even after confirming the protocol twice earlier in the week with those in charge. The detail that seemed to present a problem was, “we cannot allow any trailers to park here during the event”.  I simply told them what I was told and was quiet.

A little while later they made a conditional exception saying that they would allow me to park in the sand.  Again a bit of silence was in order. (This has proved to be a valuable commodity time and again). During which, I appealed to God.  Just then I was told to pull ahead and stop at the office for further instruction.  So I did just that and after answering a couple of questions I was given the green light to go and park anywhere I desired which would not be in the sand.  They apologized for the miscommunication and that I would have to pay for two parking places at $6 each. I’m thinking are you kidding me? $12 no problem and Praise God!  So I parked and walked about a mile and a half to get coffee. (Pretty good to get through this without having coffee, yes?)

  I guess I should tell you what all the excitement is about.  Michigan City celebrates Independence Day on the Sunday following the actual day of the 4th when it does not fall on a Sunday naturally.  Thousands of people from miles around come for a day on the beach of Lake Michigan (Washington Park) which culminates with a grand fireworks display.

With the people rolling in, weather in the low 80’s and a nice breeze blowing in from over the water; it was Showtime. At about 10am I lowered the ramp door of the trailer, cranked up the praise and worship music and turned on the Video. (Scenes from Passion of The Christ). This continued for more than 12 hours. God was all in this day.  Multiplied hundreds of people heard praises being lifted up to God.  The gospel was seen in graphic detail.


Washington Park Michigan City, Indiana 7.8.2012


 God blessed me with the boldness to set the stage and maintain it throughout the day and this without any doubt or fear.

I was blessed to share the massage of reconciliation between God and man numerous times today, blessed to rightly divide the Word of Truth to edify the brethren and blessed to be encouraged and ministered to by brethren.  Not to withstand mentioning the same Word of wisdom that was delivered to me two different times this week.


Washigton Park Michigan City, Indiana


Talk about being blessed coming and going? Pouring out a blessing so much as having not room enough to contain it?  To the prosperity gospel of our day I say keep your trash because I know it to be counterfeit or better yet; why don’t you throw it away too and put on The Lord Jesus Christ that you may be a joint Heir with Him in God’s Eternal Kingdom

 Praise God again and again!  The Spirit of God is within me, God’s Word is in me and God is with me! 

There are a multitude of things I’m thankful for but these are two that come to mind now: 

To my Dear Brother in Christ Tim King, 

  Thank you for the Generator that powered the audio, video and a fan to keep the equipment cool the whole day on 1 gallon of gas! Based on previous usage I thought I should have brought more fuel.  But, “God kept it going nonstop for more than 12 hours!”


Happy Independance for Eternity c/o Jesus Christ!


 To my Dear Sister in Christ Sue Castlemare,

  Thank you for the “The Cross Pennies” that have and continue to be an effective evangelism tool.  To date, I cannot think of any other means that so concisely represent the gospel message, travels so well no matter the conditions to which it may be subjected and talk about the most bang for the buck!  I’m mindful of the two mites that the widow gave and what Jesus said about that.  I know the context was different but I’m confident that at 2 cents each; treasures are being stored up in heaven as a reward for good stewardship.

 Thanks to each and every one of you that have joined with me in Christ to carry The Message of The Cross to a Lost and Dying World.  It is with surety that I believe: The fruit which is of Christ along this journey will abound to you all.   

  As I pen the last words of this week’s course it is difficult to express what I feel for the Steorts family who opened there home to me. Thanks Ken & Kathy, Meagan, Grace and Dan.  Last night while I was thinking of you the Lord comforted me in making me mindful that even the best friendships of the world are temporary but those formed in Christ are Eternal.  So by faith I lay hold to that promise, looking forward to the next time I see you.  Please contend earnestly for the faith to the very end and know that I’m here for you in any way the Lord may have me to be.


Meet Grace & Daniel (Dan)


       God willing, I’ll write to you again next week about this time. Again I Thank you for the prayers and support.  Be strong in the faith and step out of your comfort zone this week and see what God will do.    I’m sure you will be surprised and not disappointed. 

In the Love of Christ, May you grow in His Graces.     Agape, David