South Bend, Indiana 2012

South Bend, Indiana 2012

This stop in The Journey was the 4th town in the State of Indiana:  This week was low keyed with no major events taking place.  On Monday I arrived safely in South Bend, Indiana and was blessed to be received in the love of Christ by Pastor Scott Smith at South Side Baptist Church.  In fact throughout the week I enjoyed fellowship with many of the members. 

On Tuesday, I had the honor to fellowship, have lunch and speak to the seniors.  I was encouraged by the commitment they have of staying active for the sake of the gospel.
As far as spying out the land the Wal-Mart parking lots would prove to be the place to evangelize.  However there was not as much freedom as I had enjoyed in other towns.  Here I was informed that I needed to apply 3 days prior for permission to engage in any fundraising or soliciting venture.  I learned awhile back that it’s no use in trying to explain that I’m not per definition soliciting and certainly not fundraising.  Better to say no problem and move on.  In places like this it’s not uncommon for me to go back another day with a prop lighted, park and go shopping for a while.  I remember this week of how much joy it brought me when I hooked up the trailer and drove around town the two hours before sunset.  Talk about having an impact as in finger pointing, the starting of conversations, people turning their heads at differing angles trying to take it all in and then there are those reactions that make me fearful as on judgment day that are not repented of.   I’m reminded of Jesus and the apostle Stephan when part of their prayer was, “forgive them for they know not what they do”.

JESUS Head of The Church!

On Thursday I happened on a site for sore eyes; The University of Notre Dame – Home of the Fighting Irish.
The grounds and architecture where beautiful, but the atmosphere was cold.  I mean the fighting Irish of Notre Dame was all I heard of.  But then looking at the detail of the structures, the road names and the building at center court things began to make sense.  So I guess not having graphics of Mary and maybe say purgatory instead of hell implored the atmosphere I made mention of earlier.  That evening I didn’t hang around much longer after I put 2 and 2 together.  Just to clarify, I’m grieved for the souls that have been deceived and pray for them.  I remember a comment that Brother Kris Salyer wrote a few weeks ago in response to church people not believing in hell.  In my words Kris’s point was; that we all need to be careful less we fall into the same pit of believing destructive heresies.  The chief cause is not knowing God’s Word and the importance of filtering every sermon and book we encounter through the same.

Pretty Cool!

Friday and Saturday was business as usual enjoying one encounter after another through and around South Bend. 
On Sunday it was time for congregational Worship.  From Sunday school to Alter Call that’s what happened here.  Earlier I wrote about how God blessed me with good fellowship at South Side Baptist Church.  One of those times was on Sunday after service when Brother Tom invited me to have lunch with him.  Lunch was great but even better was the sharing of testimonies about God’s goodness in our lives.  Also dear to me was the Godly wisdom I gleaned from a man who has for many years been committed to serving the Lord.   Again the common thread is that such service is motivated by Love.  The Love: that’s extended by God, through Christ and brought to Life by the Holy Spirit.  Praise God!  Amen.

A Priceless event occurred Sunday evening about 4:30 pm. while I was at the church preparing for the next days travel.  A young lady and her son walked up and motioned as if she wanted say something.   So I stepped out of the truck and come to find out;  This Dear Sister in the Lord told how she had seen the Jesus truck earlier in the week that it had made such an impression that when someone told her my truck was at the church, her and her son hurried to walk in the heat hoping that I would still be there.  She was so sweet, I mean the encouragement was priceless.  We  carried on for quite a while and when we were about to part company she asked, “have you had lunch yet?” (I told her I had).  Remember she did not drive a car and now she was concerned about me having lunch!  That’s real Christian Love!  Not long after she left I set out to find Rehma Church (the one she attends), I just hoped to be able to thank her again.  I found the church but no one there.  I don’t remember her name but am hopeful that she will read this entry.  Thank You, I will not soon forget this.
Though I have mentioned only few; I’m extremely grateful for every encouragement extended to me in person or in passing by various signs.  Thanks, you are a Joy to me even now as I continue The Journey 50 States One True Story Jesus!
 In closing, once again God has provided everything I had need of and by that I’m all the more certain that God is with me as I approach the next stop.  Your prayers, support and encouragement are highly regarded.

Agape, David