Lansing, Michigan 2012

Lansing, Michigan 2012

Lansing was stop 35 of 200 along “The Journey…….”  That’s the idea but, “who knows what may happen today”.  Things started off well and the remainder of the week went pretty smooth.

One of the joys here was the reception and fellowship with Pastor Gene Harris and the members at Faith Bible Church. 

I tried something new with regard to setting up for parking lot ministry.  On Monday I submitted written requests for approval to do parking lot ministry at 2 Wal-Mart’s. Both were received well and I was told to expect to hear from them by Thursday.  The start of the week was as usual, getting familiar with the new surroundings and looking for places and possible events to focus my efforts.  After two days nothing really stood out other than I had not met anyone that was just plain excited about Jesus! 

Downtown Lansing, MI 2012

Wednesday evening I found a coin operated car wash, I pulled in only to find that I had no quarters. I left to go get some change and on the way back I noticed a man standing outside a shop and it looked as if he was motioning to me.  Well I really didn’t know what it was about and kept going.  Then I decided I would go a couple of blocks and back track coming in behind where He was to find out.  After all things seemed a bit humdrum so why not?  Well I was in for a surprise; this guy was so jacked up about the Jesus truck!  If I remember right he wasn’t saved and He wanted to know all about it.  So I got to share my testimony and the gospel with Him and his friends.  Praise God for this Gaza road experience.  Oh there’s more, remember just earlier I was headed back to the coin operated car wash?  Well this young man had just opened up for business detailing cars and insisted I let them wash the truck.  He was not going to take no for an answer so they washed it and did the wheels.  Talk about God moving, I could have written this one off but I was compelled to go back and what a blessing it was.  I met some dear friends that I won’t soon forget and the truck has not been thoroughly washed for a while since I’m on the road and can only pull in a few feet to spray it off. Best of all, I just may see them in the kingdom of God!

My Friends at Precision DNC Car Care.

Moving on, after the Wednesday evening service pastor Gene offered to take me to breakfast the next morning.  So Thursday we had breakfast and great fellowship.   Afterwards we stopped at the City Rescue Mission of Lansing; there I met some of the staff and the director. Later I dropped Pastor Gene off at the church and it was back to the streets.

Remember the two requests I put in for approval to do parking lot ministry? Well I heard from both of them and it was a no go.  I’m not sure but maybe Nike has it right, “Just do it”?  I tell you it takes more courage to just do it especially up north but then again nothing ventured – nothing gained.  Later that evening I received a call from Lansing missions asking if I would like to preach Friday night at 7pm.   How about that for excitement?  That’s God! Now instead of trolling in the parking lot I would have a captive audience of about 60.  The thing is I had about 24 hours to seek the Lord and prepare to speak and that’s just what I did.  It took every bit of that time and as I drove downtown to preach the doubts and hints of fear came. Well this was not the first time; notice I said “hints of fear” and that’s where it stops.  This enemy is very predictable so I go to the Lord and cast my burdens on Him.  I admit that in and of myself I am helpless to do such a task unless; The Holy Spirit shows up and does it all through me.  Praise the Lord!  Every time I humble myself and call on Him I am comforted, encouraged that perfect Love cast out all fear, to trust Him and go.  So that’s how it stops at “hints of fear” not growing into fear that cripples.  So, onward Christian soldier it was. Then one more obstacle presented itself but God came through!  For about the next 40 minutes the believers were exhorted to know the Word, to examine self to see if they are in the faith.  The hope for the unbelievers was that they would get a picture of what it means to deny self, turn away from loving the things of the world in exchange for loving and following Christ.  Woven through this was the Holiness of God, the Total Depravity of Man because of Sin, God’s Son Crucified to save Sinners and closing with a passionate Plea to come to Christ just as you are!  I know that was a lot of information so I prepared copies of my outline including the scriptures and they were given out at the end.  God only knows how fruitful these 40 minutes will prove to be but I know its 40 minutes that God richly blessed me.  Amen

Saturday it was business as usual and then Sunday the main event was Worship Service at Faith Baptist Church.  It’s always a joy to find believers who maintain a Holy Reverence for God and the Passion to Fulfill the Great Commission.

Now that another week of events is history, so are my days to share Jesus.  Though no reason to fret because my faith has increased knowing that my redemption is closer than when I wrote you last.  Please that I may encourage you to free yourself from the things of the world that bid for your time, energies and resources. Jesus came to give us Life and Life more abundantly.  That Life is a Life surrendered to follow Him and true Joy is inherent. 

 I hope to write again next week.  May you grow in the Graces of the Lord Jesus Christ.     Agape, David