Grand Blanc, Michigan

Grand Blanc, Michigan 2012

The week I spent in Grand Blanc rises near the top of the towns I’ve been to date. There were no special attractions like; historic places, grand architectural structures and so on.  So what qualifies the statement, “Grand Blanc rises near the top of the towns I’ve been to date”?  It’s the dear people I met there and I was blessed to speak about the Lord at three gatherings!

Welcome to First Baptist Church of Grand Blanc, this was home base for the week which included electricity!

On Tuesday morning at Panera things started to get exciting. There I met two ladies Angela Benchley and Kathy Gomez.  They wanted to know about the Journey so you know I went on for a while.  What was more interesting was hearing their testimonies. Angela was writing a children’s book including illustrations and meeting with Kathy who has published books of her own.  Well the common bond between the two of them was Jesus!  Angela read us her book about a mouse named Dusty.  Dusty’s story was one that would sound familiar to most of us at least to some degree.  Dusty struggled with understanding the shifting between happy days and really sad ones. Dusty new there was a reason to hope and was on a journey of discovery.

Tuesday evening I was walking out of Wal-Mart, there were a few people admiring the Jesus truck.  That was the beginning of quite a scene.  Questions, answers, praying, rejoicing then more people and questions, answers, praying, rejoicing!  This went on nonstop for about forty minutes and at the polite request of management we dispersed.  Talk about spontaneous combustion, a riot, a party, the bomb……. yeah that’s the Joy of the Lord!

God working while I’m away!

Early Wednesday I remember thinking and then saying Lord it’s been a while, maybe more than a month since anyone’s handed me a few dollars.  Probably what prompted the thought was the rise in gas prices and I know I’ve gone into my piggy bank a few times. Not to worry at all I’m well and have everything I need.  Moving on through Wednesday, I spent most of the day in downtown Flint.  Unfortunately the response to the message of the Cross was bland.

That evening while I sat at the picnic table reading the Word, a car pulled up, a man go out and he introduced himself.  Remember on Tuesday the two ladies I met Kathy and Angela? This man is Kathy’s pastor.  Pastor Banks of New Creation Church of God invited me to come and speak to his congregation Sunday at 11am.  Later I went on a wild goose chase.  I drove more than 30 miles to the nearest Chic Fila just to find out they were closed.  And that store may be the only one in the state.  The second most notable fact is how cold the response was to the cross and I need to reemphasize Cold. (Jeers, Mocking, Smirks …….)  During the drive back to Grand Blanc I began to think what a waste of time and gas.  Just then the Holy Spirit assured me that was not the case.  Reminding me how He is always at work. So, all was well with my soul.

Now on to Thursday, remember Angela whom I met on Tuesday? Angela had invited me to attend a DBSA (Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance) group she facilitated at Holy Family School in Grand Blanc.  I thought I’m not sure the school would be excited if my truck was there.  I wanted to go in support of Angela and to see if the Lord would use me to encourage those attending.   Angela went to Father Bush and it was a go so out the window went my excuse!  There I met some very nice people and as they shared bits of their lives my heart was full of compassion to the point of despair.  I mean the effect of sin in the world and the way it robs us all from the fullness of life is something I hate.  But God has not abandoned or left us as orphans!  So I was able to speak of God and the only Hope we have which is through Jesus.  We closed out by joining hands and taking turns praying.  Then most everyone went out to the Jesus truck for a group picture.

Friday morning I found a note on my truck window; “Come to the office.” For a moment I felt like I was in school but I don’t remember getting a note like that at school.  Maybe that’s selective memory.  So I went to the church office and Mary told me a member of the church wanted to find out if there was any way He could be a part of my ministry.  She gave me his name (“Joseph Solomon”) and phone number.  I called Joseph and we met at 5pm for about an hour and half.  Joseph is 32, has been in the Army reserves for 10 years and is eager to walk away from everything to serve the Lord.  God has given him a desire to know and do the Word.  Throughout our discussion the passion to follow Christ was evident and that Joseph has been in the Word.  Those of you who know me may take stock when I write; through the entire interview process I found no contradiction to sound doctrine and having gone through what it cost to follow Christ as a Disciple including some of the particulars I’ve learned to be inherit with the Journey I did not perceive any apprehensiveness in Joseph.  After this meeting Joseph was off to serve his weekend duty.  As you may imagine I was excited.  So I met with Dan who is Joseph’s Sunday school teacher and later I met with the Pastor and some members of the church.  Everything looks good. I talked to Brother Kris Salyer in Louisville, KY and here’s the game plan; Joseph needs to get a couple weeks on the job training.  Then if it’s still a go I asked the church to consider helping raise support for food and other basic needs for Joseph.  Monday morning I met with Joseph and we went over the game plan.  He hopes to join me for two weeks after I finish this week in Detroit.  Please keep Joseph and I in your prayers that God’s perfect will be done in this.


Meet Brother Joseph Solomon


As for Saturday I don’t recall much of anything and maybe that’s because Sunday was going to be a bang.

Sunday morning started with 9:30 worship service at First Baptist Church.  About 15 minutes into the service Pastor Foltz motioned for me to come forward.  I looked at him, pointed to myself and He nodded so here I go.  He introduced me and asked that I share a little about my journey with the congregation.  So from the pulpit I said, “It’s times like these that I depend on the Holy Spirit to give me the words to speak”.  And Praise God He did.  Later when Pastor Foltz finished preaching I made a bee line to New Creation Church of God for 11:00 a.m. service.

Soon after arriving at New Creation Church of God the little anxiety I had about speaking to more than 300 in attendance was gone.  The Spirit of Worship was already there.  Pastor Banks and the Elders received me in the Love of Christ and it’s like they provided a covering.  I don’t know how that may sound to you but those are the words I’ve chosen. What I do know is how sweet it was to see a congregation as diverse as the community gathered in the name of Jesus to Worship God. (Just to be clear diverse as in: ethnicity, economically and educational.)  Another part of the sweetness was how the worship was alive, emotional, praises and adoration being offered up to The Throne of God. Later Pastor Banks had a picture of the Jesus truck put on the big screen, introduced me and handed me microphone.  You may not know it but in the past when someone handed me a microphone it was like oh I don’t need that, kind of like an allergic response. Well not this time. So speaking of God’s working in my life saving me from my sins, testifying of how God through the Holy Spirit made me able to put away the desire for materialistic stuff, to put away spending time doing things that in the end are meaningless and how now I know Jesus, the presence of the Holy Spirit and the Love of God!!!  All this to say I almost missed eternal life and the abundant Life that can start here and now!  Amen.  I needed to stop as I write this because so much emotion is involved.  Praise God for that also!!

Then came the grand finally, Pastor Banks went to preaching with what I call surety, love and maintaining holy reverence towards God.  This went on for quite a while and what I mean is the place was saturated with the Word.  After the service many of those present expressed their appreciation and love.  Quick note: (I arrived at 11am the worship was already going on and I left about 1:45pm). That’s Sweet!

Thank you, New Creation Church of God.

The remainder of the day was invested in meetings and prayer concerning Brother Joseph Solomon.

Speaking of Joseph, he called me Sunday night when he got in from duty.  Monday morning I met with Joseph and I shared with him that I met with Dan, Pastor Foltz and other members of the church and we went over the game plan.  Joseph hopes to join me for two weeks after I finish this week in Detroit.  Please keep Joseph and I in your prayers that God’s perfect will be done in this.


One update before I close:  I wrote that Wednesday morning I thought and brought to the Lords attention that it may have been more than a month since anyone handed me a few dollars.  No one else knew this!  Well Thursday things changed starting with a twenty dollar bill and here’s a picture of the rest.  Here again is proof solid that the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ is real!  Another proof is that He is not far, far away!!!  Its events like these that no other so called gods can do!!! Believe me when I meet people that worship other so called gods I ask them to tell me if they have ever had a need that no one else knew about, took it to their god and it provided.  To date no one has been able to say categorically yes.  If I were a lawyer this is where I would say; “I rest my case”.

Here’s the Cash! Grand Blanc, MI 2012



Oh and besides the cash someone bought my lunch, another gave me a cross, then I received a book and maybe the best of gifts was a hug. After the case I made about the money maybe someone would say; “Well you did not specifically ask God for these things so they are mere coincidences and no way could you claim your God did it”.  To which I might reply my friend to the letter by which I made the first case I concur with you.  But that you may consider, it’s without asking the God that I serve that He provides for me daily out of the abundance of His Love for Me.  What’s all the more; the God that does this for me wants to do the same for You.  My Dear Colleague please allow me the distinct honor of introducing to you: Jesus Christ…..

I held on to one more card just in case. “All the other gifts came by way of a common thread namely: “Jesus Christ”.

Wow, this might be the longest post to date and I probably don’t need to tell you that the week spent in Grand Blanc, MI was incredible in many ways but I can’t help it.  So a quick recap: Monday God provided a safe place for me to stay with electricity!  Tuesday God blessed me in meeting Kathy and Angela! Tuesday evening the Spirit of God moved in Wal-Mart’s parking lot effectuating rejoicing in the Lord. Wednesday God blessed me with an invitation to speak of the great things He has done. Thursday God blessed me by opening a door at The Holy Family School so I could meet and encourage the dear people attending DBSA (Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance) group.  Friday God blessed me to meet Joseph Solomon, a man after God’s heart, a man willing to walk away from the world and in other words a man willing to deny himself daily and take up his cross to follow Jesus!  Saturday God blessed me abundantly as He does daily i.e. meeting every need and ……………………   Sunday God blessed me with the honor to speak about the experiential relationship that Jesus Christ wants to give to each and every one of the more than 400 souls in attendance.

One more BIG thing, Thanks for Every Prayer, Every Encouragement and Every Gift from Everyone back Home and from Everyone I’ve met along the way of, “The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!”

Agape.  David Banton