Detroit, Michigan 2012

Detroit, Michigan 2012

Not so much to write about the auto capital of the world.  On arrival I stopped for coffee at a place called, Panera Cares. Which is a nonprofit clearing house having 8 local Panera’s.  People can come here and get a loaf of bread, coffee, pastry, meal and pay what they can.  It’s not a handout though.  You can get a full meal and if you cannot pay they ask that you help out for an hour.  Along the first we 6 months of the Journey that would have been great for me.  What proved to be a blessing this week were the people I met here.  The manager was so excited about the Jesus Truck, she sat down and we talked awhile. Later I met Cait Taylor who shared about a recent Missions trip to Africa she went on.  When Cait found that I needed a place to park for the week she insisted that I go to Beacon Baptist Church. I went and this was home base in Detroit.  The next morning I found a note on my truck, it was Cait checking to see if everything went okay.  That was so sweet Cait!

Detroit is a rather large city, though much of its former beauty can only be imagined.  Ford Motor Company and General Motors structures still loom large here.  Even still as I went about in and around this town there was something else that I had to imagine, “Jesus there has to be more people like Cait here.”  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday went by and with exception to one lady that said, “I had to follow you until you stopped so I could thank you for your witness here”.  I Praise God for that one dear sister and Thursday night I prayed for courage, strength and wisdom that I might finish strong.

Friday was much the same at least until I drove downtown about 4:30.  I noticed heightened security and people wearing blue and silver colors.  Well it didn’t take much to find out the Detroit Lions were hosting the Cleveland Browns for a preseason game at 7:00pm.  So I parked right on the street corner and there I would be for the next six hours.  This was a prime parking that cost $1 per hour.  Across the street it was $50 dollars to park so I happily fed the meter.   For the first two hours I just watched and listened but there was little joy in that.  Then I prayed for the boldness that it would require for me to climb onto the truck, lift the prop and secure it in place.  So it happened and the side of the prop displayed was the: Don’t Come Here! Jesus Saves!  I thought this will get things going and it did but not as much as usual.  One of the high points was hearing a man singing while playing his guitar as the crowds began to leave the stadium.  Many passed him by like he was not there, one nodded, one danced, a few glanced and one put some change in his guitar case.  I thought how this old man had learned much of what I was finding so uncomfortable in learning. I mean this week up until this moment I came to sing the sweetest song I know but all I remember was how; “many passed him by like he was not there, one nodded, one danced, a few glanced”.  This old man had learned to cherish the gift of singing, the portion in him enjoyed and maybe even more the portion that others might as well enjoy.  So steady was this old man. God used this to encourage me to keep steady and keep singing the sweetest song I know.  I walked up and asked, “Do you have a song to sing about Jesus?”  The old man looked up, smiled and played:  Check out the video it was neat to see a couple of people put money in the case.  That goes to show it pays to play for Jesus! Amen.  Back to the Jesus Truck, now it was dark outside and the prop was all lit up.  Hundreds of people streamed by as they left the stadium and I was singing the sweetest song I know. (Singing to myself)

Saturday, I went back to the Panera Cares that I mentioned earlier in this post.  While there I listened as two young men discussing biblical issues like sanctification, the sovereignty of God and mankind’s moral will.  I know, that’s a lot right?  After a while I introduced myself and we had a great time of fellowship and prayer.  I was encouraged seeing God has a remnant of people after His Heart right here in Detroit! Shortly afterwards I met another man there at Panera who had one testimony after another of God’s hand working on and through his life. So know you may understand how I started this post writing about Panera Cares; “What proved to be a blessing this week were the people I met here.”

Saturday evening I went to lift up the banner of Jesus Christ in a neighborhood that earlier this week seemed cold.  I found a good parking place and went inside the Fairfield Mall.  The next 3 hours weathered at this location were cold indeed.  Of many more than a hundred people passing by the cross I recall two taking delight in it.  Stranger to me was the dogmatic attention it was given by security personnel.  First it was one then two, three and four.  I watched some from inside and then I went outside and sat on the curb.  What’s was funny is I was close enough to hear some of their comments, then one of them that was out of uniform sat about 15 feet away from me and made a phone call inquiring how I could be arrested.  Can’t we do that because he’s advertising here and what about the way He parked so everyone can see?  That’s when funny stopped and prayer started, later I called Brother Kris Salyer so someone would know.  I watched as notes were taken, one security guard peered through the tinted glass with a flashlight and reported she saw a Christian store shopping bag, some sort of speaker and a Bible. Then she stated: “isn’t that weird?”  Though by now this had become somewhat intense I really had to hold back the outburst of laughter and even smiling about what she said!  Talk about the value of a poker face.  Well I was not as good as that and I needed a break. I went back inside hoping they would just go away.  Maybe I should explain some of the apprehension I had in that situation: I was by myself, not in my hometown, these people were against me for no lawful reason so a lot could be said, done and I’m the odd man out.  So I prayed and went back to the door.  Just then a car stopped, a lady got out, took a picture of the truck and said out load, “I don’t care who doesn’t like it!  Jesus is what it’s all about!”  That was the moment to move so I walked up to her, let her know that was my truck and asked her if she would watch me out of the parking lot.  She knew and expressed her disgust in the anti-Christian influence here.

When I got into the truck so did two security guards get in there vehicles and each posted ahead of my direction.  This would appear to be Showtime right?  Well for me for them ShowTime was when I made the move to get into my vehicle!  Once I pulled away it was over, they had lost any advantage they may have thought they had.  I was not under any legal obligation to stop and they had no legal reason to insist I do so.  Still I didn’t know what they might do.  But, Praise God!  He provided a way out as I left without incident.

 Sunday, I had the pleasure of attending worship service at Beacon Baptist Church.  I appreciate how Pastor Herbert Gilbert made it clear that many who think they are saved will find out they are lost because they were never born again.  He passionately pleaded for them to come to Christ!  Amen.

The week in Detroit has been both bitter and sweet.  The bitter was the coldness to Jesus Christ.  The strain here for me must be nothing compared to the Christians who call this home.  God help them I plea!

America, oh how thou hast fallen asleep!  Wake up the doors of freedom are shutting all around you.  Put away all foolishness, flashy trinkets, worthless hobbies and false security’s that you may find the strength that endures all storms even to bring you home in Joy unspeakable……… Amen.

The sweetness I found was small numerically speaking, but that which I did find had a depth that is rare and precious to me.  I thank God for each one of you! Without that I cannot imagine I would ever desire to come here again.

Praise God! He Loves me, He Hears me, He Protects me, He Provides for me, He Leads me along Life’s Narrow Way!  He Lives! He Lives! Christ Jesus Lives Today!  You ask me how I know He Lives?  He Lives within my Heart!

Wow, I did not see that one coming.  I learned that hymn in a small wood framed structure known as: Enon Baptist Church located in Buckingham, VA.

Let me close with:  I love you all and am very thankful for all your prayers and every support you have been and may ever be to me along The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

Agape, David