Toledo, Ohio 2012

Toledo, Ohio 2012

While I was glad to leave Detroit, the events in Toledo put my faith to the test in another way. 

On Monday I was blessed with a place to park for the week at Emmanuel Baptist Church.  Later I was glad to discover there were three Christian book stores in town.  I know that may sound strange but they have been few and far between lately.  Regardless, Toledo seemed to have a similar spiritual objection to the cross.  Later, I hit a wall.  I was drained, chilled then fever and so it was time to rest. That went on and by Friday things were looking up.


Saturday, the banner of the Lord Jesus Christ was lifted up before men downtown. For the most part that was just driving around and stopping to engage with a few in conversations.  One believer that I met really stands out as I write this.  The thrust of what he said to me was; “you have to keep going don’t give up!” (By the time you finish this article this may seem more relevant)   

  Sunday was so good at Emmanuel Baptist Church. Bible fellowship class and the worship service were tops!  After service Brother Brian invited me to have lunch with him and his family. The pot roast was great and how welcome was the sweet fellowship.  From there it was back to the church to spend time with Brother Jared.  This young man had quite a testimony of how God had opened his eyes and delivered him from a life of marijuana addiction.  Now Jared is addicted to God’s Word and wants to follow Christ for Life!  His worldview has changed to the point that he sees the pursuit of anything else to be vanity!   Jared needs direction, a solid game plan and continued resolve to pursue God’s will for his life.  I know some of the obstacles he will face going against the current of the world and the church.  Please pray for Jared; God’s direction, strength, protection and provision.  Amen

Wow, what a day this was after a sobering week.  I thought this was going to be the exclamation point here in Toledo.  But that was not the case.  Concerning my faith, I have wondered how or if I could hold out under extreme pain.  Sunday night brought the test, extreme pain almost to the point of passing out several times.  Praising God for who HE is, Praising God for my Salvation, on and on!  No matter what God is the same Yesterday Today and Forever!  No matter what Jesus is my Lord and Savior!  No matter what the Holy Spirit is within me!  Later I drove to ER and test results proved I had a kidney infection and kidney stones. Well that explains it.  This experience, happening away from home, family and friends left me feeling somewhat isolated. But God blessed me with Brother Kris three years ago and I was glad to be able to call him during this time.  And when I was in the ER God provided a Christian nurse to care for me!  About 3 a.m. I drove back to the church to sleep and Monday about noon I made ready and drove to the closest VA hospital which was at my next stop; Cleveland, Ohio.  There I was blessed to get the prescriptions filled. 

One Way,Truth & Life. One Death, Resurrestion & Hope. JESUS!

Though I was weak and did not personally engage many in Toledo I am confident that the Lord is pleased.  I know that God has and will continue to show me how this weakness and pain is being worked for my good and for His Glory.  I’m mindful of the scripture which reads, “I desire a sacrifice of praise.”  I think in part that means praise when things are falling apart.  God has shown me that He is able to keep my mind on Him and God is able to put praises on my lips in extreme circumstances. So, to my delight He has increased my faith in Him to keep me no matter what may come. Praise God! Amen.

In closing, once again God has provided everything I had need of and by that I’m all the more certain that God is with me as I approach the next stop.  Your prayers, support and encouragement are highly regarded.  Until next week, God willing I write to you again.

      Agape, David