Cleveland, Ohio 2012

Cleveland, Ohio 2012

Praise God! Monday, I arrived safe in Cleveland and spent most of the day at the VA hospital.  Parma Heights Baptist Church provided a place to park. On Tuesday I was feeling better but the past two weeks had taken a toll.  There were a few times I wondered if this ministry was so radical that it might be wrong, could this really be causing damage.  I think the most difficult part is the response of churches or the lack thereof by church goers.  Are they afraid of me?  I don’t have leprosy so no need for; “touch not the unclean thing” idea.  Later in the day I met a man who spoke just a few words to me and he left.  The thrust of his words was; keep going, don’t stop!  Really now, I never met him and did not say anything to prompt that.  So that put an end to my doubts.  Praise God!

On Wednesday I was encouraged again when I met Brother Doug who saw the JESUS truck and came to find out who it belonged to.  Praise God! That is for the brethren that can’t help but be moved by things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ!  Doug invited me to his church and share about The Journey.  So Thursday evening I went and when I looked at the audience I was thinking what am I going to say to them?  You might be thinking that does not sound like the guy I know.  Well I made the best of it and afterwards we all went outside to check out the truck.  These guys were so excited and they invited me to cook out with them.  Check out the picture of my friends:

Brother Doud and Friends

Thanks, I had a great time with you guys!

Friday I was beginning to feel more like myself and headed downtown for the evening.  The timing was great, there were so many people and come to find out; the Cleveland Browns were playing and the New York Yankees were in town.  So a lot of people got to see the cross and talk about it. Yes!

On Saturday I went to visit Brother Doug at the Family Christian Bookstore where manages and I met the owner.  She was so excited about the ministry and donated a box of bibles for me to give out.  My give away box was almost empty so how cool was that?  Praise God! (That’s how cool it was!)  Saturday evening instead of heading downtown to engage the public, I went to Grace Church for a Region-Wide Prayer & Worship Night.  It was incredible to engage in intense prolonged worship.  I left renewed.

Sunday morning I enjoyed Worship service at Parma Heights Baptist Church and bible fellowship class.  The topic of the lesson was the Importance of The Truth. When I was asked to speak I told them about the Journey and some of the first hand experiences which were the result of not knowing God’s Word.  I exhort you as well and to read 1st & 2nd Timothy and let God speak to you through Paul’s exhortation.


Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 2012 Hiscall888


Sunday afternoon I ventured to downtown Cleveland and one of my stops was outside the rock and roll hall of fame.  The words, “The Grateful Dead” marked the entry.  Those words provided a starting point that would lead into sharing the gospel.  One thing that really came to light for me was how we hold so tightly to the good times which are past and that’s ok to a point.  But it is very sad when a person’s greatest joys are memories of the good ole days.  Considering the words over the entryway “The Grateful Dead” these words seem fitting for all who are without the hope of eternal life.  Sad indeed but God can raise the dead and He does this through the power of His Spirit through the Word spoken by His children.

Dear friend, are You one of The Grateful Dead or are You one of God’s Children?  Either way please do not hesitate to contact me:

The Grateful Dead that I may to present to you The Gift of God which is Eternal Life through The Lord Jesus Christ!

To God’s Children, that I may pray and encourage you to go speak God’s Word that The Grateful Dead might be raised to Life by God’s Spirit.

As you may have noticed the week started off not so good ended well.  The Lord sent a few words by one man to take away my doubts!

The Lord sent men and women who are passionate about Him to encourage me!

The Lord provided renewal through corporate Worship!

Lord provided healing and strength!

I could go on and on but I think you get the idea.

Each week it is with some regret that I do not make mention of many who God used to bless me.  I do thank each of you and know that the Lord sees and remembers all things.  It is in faith that I hope to see you all again in God’s Kingdom.

To all my beloved brethren, I thank God for your prayers, your encouragement, your gifts, your hospitality, your Godly wisdom and most of all I thank God for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!!  Amen.

Until next week, God willing I hope to write to you about Wheeling, West Virginia.

Agape, David