Harrisburg, PA 2012

Harrisburg, PA 2012

The time I spent here was somewhat restful and without the extremes of recent past.  God provided a great place to park at East Shore Baptist Church.  Pastor Brian Harrison welcomed me in the love of Christ.

Harrisburg, PA 2012

Throughout the week I met a variety of people most of whom were a blessing to me.  There were a few who had no good thing to say about Jesus.  One was a security guard who approached as soon as I parked at Wal-Mart.  If you have been following along you may know what I was thinking; “here we go again Lord”.  Well I was exactly “Wrong”!  This dear brother was excited about The JESUS Truck and could not wait for me to get out of it. Charlie and I had a great time sharing testimonies and rejoicing in the Lord and the yellow lights flashing did not bother me at all this time.

Wednesday afternoon I met another brother amped up on JESUS!  Jose Diaz said, “I Love My JESUS!”  We made a bit of a scene outside of Panera bread.  Talk about demonstration of brotherly Love in the Spirit of Christ, Yes!  Brings to mind the scripture; “they will know you by the Love you have for one another”. Amen.  Jose and I got in the Jesus Truck to go and mess some people up with the Love of Christ.  We had a great time.

Friday evening I went to a Cokesbury Bookstore and looked it over pretty good.  I  was outa sorts when finished there so much that the following is a copy of the text message I sent to Brother Kris of Louisville, KY;  Need to vent, just walked through Cokesbury here and it’s sickening. Worldly, Liberal and Disgusting.  I’m more comfortable in a Barnes and Noble.  Should be called; a religious or spiritual resource center.  Rob Bell’s Love Wins is front and Center in Theology!!! Gotta go renew my mind. God help America! Amen.   I drove across town and went to Lifeway Christian Bookstore where I met Kylee a sales associate.  We had a great time talking about the Lord and I remembered the text I sent to Kris a little while ago.  Hello, God used Kylee to renew my Spirit!

Then Saturday, I heard a man ask someone; “did you see that truck?” Yes was the answer to which Tim replied “I mean Jesus whoa!  Do you know about JESUS?”  That’s so cool, talk about childlike faith, no reserve, what so ever.  Brother Tim and I had a great time of fellowship, rejoicing in the Lord.   A lady walked up because of the cross and shared some of her burdens with life.  I told her about how Jesus understands her burdens and wants to be there for her.  I shared gospel with her and it looked like she wanted to trust JESUS.  The hard thing was to see her change the subject just when I thought she was going to make her decision and this happened three times.  Please pray for Patricia.  I caught this on video and you can watch it here:

The Gospel JESUS Saves Sinners.wmv

Sunday I enjoyed fellowship and a great Worship Service at East Shore Baptist Church.  The main point was; as a result of being born again a person’s life is surrendered to serve as the Lord wills.  I will stop here before this turns into a sermon.

Throughout the week I enjoyed flying the banner of Jesus Christ throughout the Capitol City of Pennsylvania. It’s been 13 days since I began diligent pursuit of The Holy Spirit.  Much to my delight, The Holy Spirit has shown up on numerous occasions.  Thank you for and please continue praying for me to resist all temptation and that I may grow into maturity yielding to God’s will.  Amen

God willing I’ll write you again in about a week, rejoicing in what the Lord has done! Praise God!! Amen.

Agape, David

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 2012

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 2012

I was surprised when driving out of a tunnel there was; The City of Pittsburgh! Driving downtown reminded me of Chicago, the way the buildings towered. Later I arrived at the baseball stadium just as the Pirates fans began filing out by the thousands.  What an incredible opportunity to fly the banner of Christ! 

Through the tunnel then, Hello Pittsburgh, PA 2012

One other thing about the typography; this is hill country. The neighborhoods are in the hills that surround the city.  The winding, narrowness and steepness of the roads are quite dramatic.  Home base for the week was provided by Hill Top Baptist Church. (Literal interpretation is correct here.)  What a beautiful park like setting and the church was built with logs (check it out www.hbcpa.org).

Hello Pittsburgh, PA 2012

Wednesday, I was reminiscing how great it was last week in Wheeling, having been connected with many Christians. It was easy to be bold for The Lord Jesus Christ there. But I desire to be bold everywhere I go in JESUS’ name.  Remembering that I made it almost 6 months on the first leg of the journey but then had to retreat and now on the second leg with 3 towns to complete six more states, I realized I need more faith than ever before. Because about two weeks ago I plotted the next course along; The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!  God willing, on Oct 15th, the journey will take me across this country, up the west coast and back to Virginia about December of 2013!  But first a 2 week pit stop at home.  I’m looking forward to visiting my family and friends to address maintenance issues concerning the ministry equipment and medical for me.   Back to the point, I can’t do this even with all the advantages of what God has supplied to date. (The encouragement, experiential wisdom and provision.)  No, I need more!

I cried out to God to be endued with Power from on High.  I want to see people come to Christ and be saved.  I want to be totally yielded to the Holy Spirit so HE will work all things according to HIS good pleasure.  I cannot be bold, I cannot save one soul, I cannot heal anyone and I cannot represent Jesus Christ to the World!  But The Holy Spirit of GOD can do all these things and more! Praise God!!!

 This is what I believe God has said to me:

Be diligent to be Holy!

Be diligent in Study of His Word about His Spirit! 

Be diligent in Prayer!

So, I started Wednesday September 5th, deeper in pursuit of Holiness, in pursuit through Study of the Word about The Holy Spirit and in pursuit of God through prayer that it may be so done!  All to the Glory of God!  Amen.

One thing I find interesting is this began September 5th and I plan to leave October 15th which is “40 Days”.  That’s just so cool.  Please be in prayer that God would do this work in me so that The Holy Spirit can do all He Wills through me.  Amen.

On Thursday, while seated outside of Panera Bread I heard someone say, “I wonder who’s truck that is” I looked up and said “it’s mine”.  That’s when I met Dominic and Denise.  Dominic had just finished getting his hair cut when he walked outside, saw the Jesus Truck and called his wife to come outside saying I want you to see something. (Denise his wife had just cut his hair)  There’s a little more to it this time. It was indeed about the Jesus Truck but what was different is that they saw The JESUS Truck last May in Madison, Wisconsin! Dominic showed me a couple of pictures they took outside the Wal-Mart in Madison.  That’s really awesome because today The Lord showed me again the impact of this journey is far more than I realize. In addition to the Joy of meeting Dominic and Denise this way, God blessed me through them in many ways.  One of those ways was; Dominic inviting me to attend a men’s ministry breakfast on Saturday morning.

Meet Brother Dominic

Saturday morning I arrived at South Hills Assembly of God where I was received in the Love of Christ.  We had a great time of fellowship at breakfast. Later brother Dominic went on stage, told about how we met and invited me to share a little about the journey I was on.  Afterwards, we all were encouraged by the guest speaker who happens to be a former Pittsburg Steeler.  This man’s heart was all in; sharing about the value in the discipline he learned growing up on the farm, next, about the disappointment of being injured in his first year with the Steelers and then he spoke of how that time proved to be very valuable in learning the game.  This was a very motivational testimony. The main point that was made time and again was; we all need to realize that each of us is unique and we should be so satisfied with how we are. God created you the way you are and we should encourage each other in our uniqueness saying; “good at being you John”, “good at being you Stephan” and so on.  The way it came across to me was that we should find value in ourselves just as we happen to be.

  As this went on, The Holy Spirit was bringing scripture to mind, one after another, after another and another.  The scriptures where all testifying of man’s utter depravity and that’s why the Lord Jesus Christ had to come to go the way of the Cross!  Hello, all of mankind is “good at being you”.  Self-confidence is blasphemy and the very Seal on the indictment of Eternal Destruction!

Dom was sitting beside me and I don’t remember how our communication started but he encouraged me for being patient and said he believed the Lord would provide an opening to share what was on my heart.  Well sure enough the invitation was given for anyone to speak or share what God may have put on their heart! 

So when the invitation was given the second time I raised my hand, was acknowledged and after what seemed to be a long time the floor was yielded. I stood up and the Holy Spirit moved me to speak with grace when referring to and tying into some of our guest speaker’s statements.  I believe it was in surety and with clarity that The Holy Spirit spoke how imperative it is that we know The Word of God, renounce all self-worth trusting fully the work of The Lord Jesus Christ and to be dependent on The Holy Spirit to transform us into the very image of Christ.

 If we may rightly obtain any confidence it will come by way of the natural man being crucified. Then another may behold a reflection of The Lord JESUS Christ!

 I did not plan to write all of that but it’s done.  I believe The Holy Spirit has validated what HE will do if, I continue in pursuit of Holiness, in pursuit of HIM through Study of the Word and in pursuit of God through prayer! All to the Glory of God!  Amen.

Friday it was time to go downtown to fly the banner of The Lord Jesus Christ, so downtown through rush hour and later along the route leading to the baseball stadium where the Pirates would be playing.  To make it a little more interesting I set the Paradise prop upright and put a small amplified speaker between the sliding glass widow and while driving slow I spoke a few scriptures compelling men to come to Christ. Later, I stopped to put the prop down and while doing so a young man stopped his car got out to engage me in conversation.  His approach was cavalier or gentle and complimentary.  But soon his agenda was revealed.  As I talked about the person of Jesus Christ he offered the compliment that I was Jesus! I assured him that if he saw anything of Jesus in me it was because I follow the Lord Jesus Christ as His ambassador to a lost and dying world.  This man was subtle and before long he went to his knees as to honor me!  I thought no way, then I said get up that’s blasphemous!   I’m not Jesus I’m a sinner saved by faith in the work Jesus accomplished on the Cross at Calvary!!! You can be saved if you repent of your sin and follow the Lord Jesus Christ!  I’m done; go your way.  With that behind me the evening came to a close.

Saturday afternoon I drove to the mall and parked. But before I could get out of the truck security was knocking on the window.  The officer told me that I had to move the truck to the furthest point away from the mall if I wanted to stay.  He went on to say the mall had a policy against any religious content being displayed on any vehicle.  I asked a question and there would be no consideration. But God intervened and I was allowed to park where I was; Yes!  Before I left the mall I decided to ask management about the parking policy.  The Gentleman was very polite and assured me that I was welcome and their goal is to keep people from handing out literature and asking for money.

  Saturday evening I enjoyed fellowship and dinner at Dominic’s and Denise’s home.  There I was blessed to meet John, Nick and Joyce.  We spent the evening sharing testimonies and what an encouragement they were to me.

Meet; Denise, Joyce, John, Me and Nick

Meet; Denise, Joyce, John, Me and Nick

  Sunday I enjoyed fellowship at the church which provided a place to park for the week.  Afterwards I called Brother Dominic and asked him to drop me off at the mall.  I wanted to see what the response would be when I wore a Christian tee shirt there.  I chose the bright yellow one that has the same cross graphic as the truck and went inside. I spent the majority of time inside stores and I texted Dominic to come pick me up. While walking the mall concourse things started picking up.  Security was on the move.  Dominic let me know he was there to pick me up so I made my way to the exit with security not far behind and security was parked outside the entrance with lights going.  Brethren this is just one of many experiences I’ve encountered along the journey. Take note that I did not hand out anything either time in this mall.  I could speak quite a bit on the subject of coming persecution in America.  I have not written this so as to cause fear but that you may know and prepare to finish strong.   

In closing; the week here in Pittsburg has been to say the least unique.  The constant has been God’s faithfulness in providing and seeing me through that I may have the honor to fly the banner in the next town along: The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

  Your prayers, support and encouragement are highly regarded.  Until next week, God willing I write to you again.

      Agape, David

Wheeling, West Virginia 2012

Wheeling, WV 2012

The week I spent in Wheeling went by so fast.  Upon arrival and through the first person I met in Wheeling, God provided a place to park. This happened in the Wal-Mart parking lot when I stopped because there was a 10 foot high obstacle preventing me from exiting. I got out considering what I needed to do when a truck stopped a man got out and offered to help me.  I told him I had this, but what I really needed was a place to park for a week. He said if you will follow me it’s about three miles from here, you can park at our church.  So Dallas Pike Baptist Church welcomed me and that without a background check. (Ha, Ha)  The second person I met was John Warnick.  John shared how God was using him as the regional representative of the Free Wheelchair Mission.  Get this, while doing so he said there’s about a 3,000 member church in Colonial Heights, VA that I’m looking forward to going.  I said “that has to be my home church Colonial Heights Baptist Church”. John said, “no way” took out his legal pad and asked do you know Angela Toney and of course I do.  That’s a God thing in which we rejoiced. From this starting point John took on the role as public events coordinator, church liaison and my personal assistant.  Remember; I did not approach these two men but rather God sent them to me because of The Cross!  What a way to start the week.  I did not have to go church to church hoping to find a place to park for the week.  Nor did I have to spy out the land with the hope of finding good venues to engage in ministry.  God provided!

Meet John Warnick Free Wheelchair Mission

Tuesday I spent the day with John who introduced me to many church leaders and some town officials.  Tuesday evening I received a phone call from a lady who wanted to meet the driver of the Jesus Truck. So I met Shelia Whitmire at Free Wheelchair Missions office and told her about the Journey I was on.  Shelia spoke of her love for Jesus, her pursuit of Holiness and desire that the world would see Jesus through her.  Wow, what a desire and what’s more Sheila and her dad have constructed a 12 foot wooden Cross just like the one Arthur Blessed carried around the world for forty years.  This dear sister is walking through Wheeling, carrying the Cross and talking about Jesus! Being humbled and full of Joy, I praise God for Sheila and all the saints past present and future for not being ashamed of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen.

On Wednesday it was once again show time. The setting was downtown Wheeling along the Ohio River and the draw was a free outdoor concert.  Brother John had secured approval for me to set up to do ministry including audio and video.  This was on a corner lot at the entryway of the event!  Wow, this was the best.  After I set up I looked and saw something that I won’t soon forget. Sheila was in the parking lot assembling the Cross and she was by herself!  I don’t know what if anything has humbled me more.  Talk about Courage and Love for others!  Check out the photo and tell me what you think.

Meet, Sheila Whitmire Wheeling, WV 2012

Thursday, I had to slow down, catch my breath and get ready for the weekend.  John did it again, that is he secured approval for me to setup Friday through Sunday during the 7th Annual Wheeling Vintage Raceboat Regatta.  This event features vintage speed boat racing on the Ohio River and draws thousands of spectators. So it was time to get ready, check all systems and pray.

Friday through Sunday I was parked in front of The WesBanco Arena. Through graphic display, audio, video and one on one witnessing hundreds were impacted by the message of the Lord Jesus Christ and His work on Calvary’s Cross.

The 7th Annual Wheeling Vintage Raceboat Regatta. 2012 HisCall888

Sunday I attended worship service at First Baptist Church of Wheeling.  What an exclamation point to an incredible week in Wheeling, WV!

Thanks for the honor and pleasure; Adam Mick C3, Chris Figaretti The Vineyard, Sam Gibbs, all the Presbyterian Pastors, First Baptist Church Wheeling, CUMC, Ohio Valley Christian Center, Sheila Whitmire, David & Cathy Hoffman, Channel 7 news, Wheeling News-Register, Dr. & Debbie Joseph, Tim Birch and the loving, giving, residents of this Great place called the Friendly City!

While making mention of a few, there are others that have no less been appreciated and all of them are a Joy to me even now as I continue The Journey 50 States One True Story Jesus!

In closing the week in Wheeling has been incredible.

Once again God has provided everything I had need of and having been encouraged I am confident as I move on in answering His Call.     Your prayers, support and encouragement are highly regarded.  Until next week, God willing I hope to write to you again.

Agape, David