Harrisburg, PA 2012

Harrisburg, PA 2012

The time I spent here was somewhat restful and without the extremes of recent past.  God provided a great place to park at East Shore Baptist Church.  Pastor Brian Harrison welcomed me in the love of Christ.

Harrisburg, PA 2012

Throughout the week I met a variety of people most of whom were a blessing to me.  There were a few who had no good thing to say about Jesus.  One was a security guard who approached as soon as I parked at Wal-Mart.  If you have been following along you may know what I was thinking; “here we go again Lord”.  Well I was exactly “Wrong”!  This dear brother was excited about The JESUS Truck and could not wait for me to get out of it. Charlie and I had a great time sharing testimonies and rejoicing in the Lord and the yellow lights flashing did not bother me at all this time.

Wednesday afternoon I met another brother amped up on JESUS!  Jose Diaz said, “I Love My JESUS!”  We made a bit of a scene outside of Panera bread.  Talk about demonstration of brotherly Love in the Spirit of Christ, Yes!  Brings to mind the scripture; “they will know you by the Love you have for one another”. Amen.  Jose and I got in the Jesus Truck to go and mess some people up with the Love of Christ.  We had a great time.

Friday evening I went to a Cokesbury Bookstore and looked it over pretty good.  I  was outa sorts when finished there so much that the following is a copy of the text message I sent to Brother Kris of Louisville, KY;  Need to vent, just walked through Cokesbury here and it’s sickening. Worldly, Liberal and Disgusting.  I’m more comfortable in a Barnes and Noble.  Should be called; a religious or spiritual resource center.  Rob Bell’s Love Wins is front and Center in Theology!!! Gotta go renew my mind. God help America! Amen.   I drove across town and went to Lifeway Christian Bookstore where I met Kylee a sales associate.  We had a great time talking about the Lord and I remembered the text I sent to Kris a little while ago.  Hello, God used Kylee to renew my Spirit!

Then Saturday, I heard a man ask someone; “did you see that truck?” Yes was the answer to which Tim replied “I mean Jesus whoa!  Do you know about JESUS?”  That’s so cool, talk about childlike faith, no reserve, what so ever.  Brother Tim and I had a great time of fellowship, rejoicing in the Lord.   A lady walked up because of the cross and shared some of her burdens with life.  I told her about how Jesus understands her burdens and wants to be there for her.  I shared gospel with her and it looked like she wanted to trust JESUS.  The hard thing was to see her change the subject just when I thought she was going to make her decision and this happened three times.  Please pray for Patricia.  I caught this on video and you can watch it here:

The Gospel JESUS Saves Sinners.wmv

Sunday I enjoyed fellowship and a great Worship Service at East Shore Baptist Church.  The main point was; as a result of being born again a person’s life is surrendered to serve as the Lord wills.  I will stop here before this turns into a sermon.

Throughout the week I enjoyed flying the banner of Jesus Christ throughout the Capitol City of Pennsylvania. It’s been 13 days since I began diligent pursuit of The Holy Spirit.  Much to my delight, The Holy Spirit has shown up on numerous occasions.  Thank you for and please continue praying for me to resist all temptation and that I may grow into maturity yielding to God’s will.  Amen

God willing I’ll write you again in about a week, rejoicing in what the Lord has done! Praise God!! Amen.

Agape, David