Chattanooga, TN 2012 HisCall888

Chattanooga, TN 2012

  Every stop along the “Journey” has been quite unique.  In writing about Chattanooga you may notice my style of writing different.  Instead of documenting or journaling different happenings and events of the week there seems to have been one major theme.

  God’s favor was extended; the Love of Jesus Christ was present and the Holy Spirit at work!

  This all began Monday morning before I left Knoxville for Chattanooga. You may remember I wrote about meeting Pastor Tim, how amped up he is for JESUS….  Well, Sunday night in prayer my plea/question: Is this where you want me to deny myself and serve? Will this bear more fruit pleasing to You?  Rather than the Journey I’m on?  Lord whatever you want me to do I need you to make it absolutely clear just like you did before.  Amen.

I ran out Monday morning to get a cup of coffee before I left Knoxville. When I sat down I heard the words “sharing the gospel”.  At the table beside me were four young adults talking about sharing the gospel.  I listened intently, but that would last only so long and I was invited to join them.  We shared experiences and encouraged one another. Before we prayed they said; we believe the Holy Spirit intercedes/prays for us as He wills so when we pray, we wait on Him to speak to us what we should pray.  So there were a few minutes of silence and one after the other the four of them spoke.  Well even eight days later I cannot find adequate words. Fighting back tears now, but the centrality of the words spoken were; well pleased, faithful, continue on and the fourth element is hard to write about because in my estimation I’m not worthy.  The Bible says,  Let the lowly brother glory in his exaltation (James 1:9), and in another place;  Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up (James 4:10).  This is the most I will say for now.  One more thing:  I had made no mention what so ever about my prayer the night before and had no idea that I would hear from God so fast.   Awestruck again and certain I left for Chattanooga.

The Hinge of Eternity is “The Cross of JESUS Christ”


Having enjoyed the beautiful fall scenery I arrived safely and my first stop was Woodland Park Baptist Church.  There I met Robin and was introduced to Larry Frick the missions coordinator.  I went through the usual who, what, where, when, why’s and gave references.  Brother Larry asked about the How’s; what is the Gospel? What do you think I should do to protect the flock? Then Larry wanted to take a look at my rig.  After doing so we went back inside and I waited to see if I would have a place to park for the week.  Larry came and told me there was a house much nearer to downtown and asked if that would be something I would consider?  I said yes that would be great. Then a few minutes later, I met Brother Dan whom I followed into town and He helped me get parked. Praise God! The first place I went God provided.  But then, Dan handed me a key to the house and said it was mine for the week!  I was overwhelmed by God’s favor.  Before, I went into the church building I said; “Lord your will be done, You know what is best and whatever that looks like my satisfaction is in You.  Amen.”  So I was blessed with a beautiful home in a quiet neighborhood. Once again the Lord has fulfilled His promise: So Jesus answered and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel’s, who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions and in the age to come, eternal life.  (Mk 10:29–30). NKJV


Chattanooga, Home

Throughout the week I was blessed by the brethren at Woodland Park.  Serving together, meeting the needs of others downtown at Patton Towers. We broke bread, prayed, shared testimonies, studied and worshiped together.

There are many others I met in parking lots, gas stations and shops who have been a joy to me. There is one very unusual thing that stands out and that is: throughout the entire week in Chattanooga I did not hear or see any rude comment or gesture being made towards the Cross of Jesus Christ! 

Two concluding remarks:

Upon completing stops in both Knoxville and Chattanooga; the State of Tennessee is one that remains loyal to, “In GOD We Trust” and specifically “Jesus Christ is Lord”.

Secondly, the brethren of Woodland Park Baptist Church received, kept, nourished and sent me off in the very Love of The Lord Jesus Christ!  Virtue has been added to me such that I was replete of.  But now there is something of the Lord to be poured out on others.  Praise God!  Thank you Dear Brethren!

  Thank all of you at home and those abroad for the various ways you support me in the Lords work.  May the Love and Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abound to each of You. That you may know the fullness to which we may obtain even now as we wait for the blessed hope in the age to come. Amen.

Agape, David

Knoxville, Tennessee 2012

Knoxville, TN 2012

Tennessee is 13 of 50 along; The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!  The drive through Virginia to Knoxville was beautiful.

On Tuesday I was welcomed by Central Baptist Church of Bearden and provided a place to call home for the week.

One of the major events of the week happened Wednesday evening downtown Knoxville under the highway overpasses.  There, I witnessed Christians demonstrating the love of Christ towards the less fortunate. A medical station was in full operation. Hundreds of hot meals were served. There was another station where hygiene packages, eyeglasses, Bibles and Prayer was offered. Before the meal the Gospel was presented and a few accepted Jesus Christ! Come to find out that Knoxville is known as a City of refuge for the homeless.  Lost Sheep Ministries, along with local volunteers are impacting many here for Christ.


Lost Sheep Ministries Knoxville, TN 2012

Earlier in the week while driving on the interstate I saw a peculiar looking truck and took a picture.  Afterwards I waved at the driver, he went one way and I the other. Later I looked at the photo, saw a phone number and made a call.

Party for JESUS Truck!

That’s how I met Pastor Tim Macklin who started “Party for Jesus Ministries”.  Tim was so amped about Jesus it’s unreal! So much scripture came out of his mouth in every conversation we had. This man has been at the bottom of the pit many times in his life.  But about six years ago He was Born Again.  Now Jesus is in him and he is in Christ! It’s amazing; the poor are fed, the naked clothed, the gospel is proclaimed, many have been won for Christ and lives are restored and God is given all the Glory.  If you ever need to be encouraged and hear a powerful testimony; call Tim and hold on (865) 640-5636.

Knoxville was the perfect place for the start of the next leg of the journey.  It was so evident that I was in the Bible belt.  I cannot remember one rude comment directed towards the display of the Cross. Praise God!

My post for Knoxville is short but this week has been rich in blessings and having arrived in Chattanooga I’m eager to get started. Once again God has provided everything I had need of and having been encouraged I am confident as I move on in answering His Call.  Your prayers, support and encouragement are highly regarded.  Until next week, God willing I hope to write to you again.

Agape, David