Nashville, TN 2012

Nashville, Tennessee 2012

  Wow the City of Nashville held to the pattern of Knoxville and Chattanooga (Not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ).  The Lord provided a great place to park at Immanuel Baptist Church. 

  On Tuesday morning I filled the gas tank which was the second time in 24 hours and it weighed a bit heavy on me.  Caught in morning traffic I may have gone 2 miles when I noticed a lady to my left motioning for me to roll my window down. When I did she said, “Can I get you some gas?”  I told her that I had just filled up and she said let me go across the street and I’ll be right back. She came back and handed me $100 dollars and off she went. Praise God!  I was not that burdened! This question just came to mind, “Have you ever heard of anyone else’s so called god do anything like this?”  I don’t think it is even possible.

  Tuesday evening I was honored to serve alongside many brethren under the Jefferson St. Bridge. “At The Bridge” ministries gather weekly to serve the needs of the homeless.  Food, clothing, hygiene items, preaching and gospel music performed by various artists.  This is another time that in going to serve I left encouraged and strengthened by the Holy Spirit.

  There was no Wednesday evening service because of Halloween so I set the: “Don’t Come Here! JESUS Saves!” prop up, lite it up and went cruising.  Keeping the “main thing” the main thing right?


Don’t Come Here! JESUS SAVES!

  Thursday came with much anticipation. Brother Kris Salyer whom I met in Louisville, Kentucky about two and a half years ago drove here to go to the streets with me.  This was the 3rd time as He served alongside of me a week each in Minneapolis, MN and Cincinnati, OH.  Getting in around 5pm we wasted no time and headed out to fly the banner of the Lord JESUS Christ.  It happened that the Country Music Awards were being presented that night and downtown we went. The streets were packed and parking probably not realistic especially central to the event.  But “with God all things are possible” and HE provided again!  Parked in the middle of the action Kris and I spent the next six hours engaging one on one with those drawn by the Cross and others as the Holy Spirit led. Some of the local businesses were promoting there nightly specials by handing out literature so that made it a little easier to go behind them offering; “A Invitation” (that is to come to Christ).

  I don’t remember much about Friday, except that the night before had taken a toll and I was not ready for a repeat. However Kris and I were determined to make the most of Saturday.  Driving to the church about 9pm I was thinking we would have an early night.  The thing is I forgot about what typically happens when Kris and I get together.  We talk about scripture, so here we go opening the Word and before I knew it; it was 2am.

Tree of Life.


  Saturday we were determined to make the most of the day.  With the sun shining and temps in the mid 70’s we set out for Bicentennial Park.  The Lord blessed us with many opportunities to share the massage of Jesus being the only way back to God.  We met some dear Christians, so in ministering the Word and in Prayer the Holy Spirit was at work.  “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend”. (Proverbs 27:17 NKJV)  Later while at KFC ministry continued, (Praise God for the Power of the Cross!) Brother Kris was on a roll, sharing the gospel, giving out bibles, loving people and praying for them.  I love it when we go into neighborhoods where “we don’t fit the mold” how God uses that to draw people to Himself.  

  Well, it was time for my dear brother Kris to be on his way to Louisville, KY.  This was the 4th stop along; “The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!” that God has blessed me to have Kris alongside.  His Passion for JESUS, the Brethren and the Lost is inspirational to me.  Each time I have to say “until I see you again Brother” it hurts.  And like Kris it is the same with Tony & Bridget, all the brethren back home Virginia and those saints I’ve met along the way.  I think this to be part of; “Living the Crucified Life”.  None the less I part with what I’ve seen to follow the One whom I have not seen and the love of Christ controls me in that I no longer live for self but for Him who died for me and rose again Amen.

  Sunday I enjoyed the service at Emmanuel Baptist Church and rested in preparation for the week to come.

  The seven days here in Nashville are done (the time has passed) and only God knows what will remain after all our works are tried as with fire.  What remains will be seen and all the Glory Be To God!  So, dear Saints make the most the day while it is still day because your redemption draws near and our Lord bids us to follow Him.

  Until next week, that is according to God’s will I may write to you again.  Though far or near in distance we are joined in the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

                                                          Agape, David