Birmingham, Alabama 2012

Birmingham, Alabama 2012

  The City of Birmingham was my second stop in Alabama.  I arrived a little after sunset and got settled in at The Church at Brook Hills.  Later, I enjoyed the men’s bible study there.  Tuesday I was glad to find that Birmingham would not be dry like the week prior. In other words I met Christians who were not ashamed to identify with Jesus! This really goes a long way in setting the stage for a productive week.   

  Wednesday morning I was informed that my ministry would be better suited for the downtown area.  The reasons stated, “this is a wealthy area” and “we have a lot of vandalism by the youth around here.”  All I will say is: I was surprised as this was the launching pad where “RADICAL” recently became a common term in US Christianity.

The Narrow Way

The Gospel the Narrow Way

  Moving on (no pun intended), just a few miles away I found a place that would be home the rest of the week.  After I relocated I went across town to do laundry.  I had a great time meeting folks and sharing Jesus. There I met a brother that I will not soon forget.  To be encouraged and to encourage is so dear to me.  Thank you Brother David.       

  Thanksgiving Day was great, I decided to go to Cracker Barrel and the place was packed.  But there was a parking spot up front on the end!  Praise God!  When I went to have my name put on the list, I was told it will be one and a half hour wait.  No problem, the weather was great and what a set up to witness!  So, I spent more than three hours there and one of the best conversations was with my waitress Melba.  I saw the Holy Spirit at work in her.  What I mean is her attention was so focused on the gospel; it looked as if she was taking it in like a dry sponge set in water and had no regard for time.  At one point she smiled and said, “This is what I needed”.  Praise God!  Please pray for Melba; that God would protect her from the enemy’s efforts to kill, steal and destroy!  Pray that the Holy Spirit would brood over Melba until she comes to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! 

  Friday was kind of crazy and you may know what I mean before I write about it.  Really? ……… I don’t know the words to say but; fanaticism, greed, me, me, me and get outta my way!  I thought, “What must God think?  Does not Jesus weep?  How sorely is the Holy Spirit grieved?”  Times like these really expose mankind’s depravity.  This was not the kind of thing I write about at least normally, but I want you to reflect on how important it is for you to walk with the Lord Jesus Christ!  The price Jesus paid for our sin is incomprehensible! The value of knowing Him personally cannot be overemphasized! Now a question: Does it seem too harsh that we pray for God to intervene no matter the severity to turn people to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? (Praying) 

What motivates You?

God or Gold? What’s your desire? One is a consuming Fire and the other will Burn up!

  Saturday evening I met a man when he stopped his car going in the opposite direction through a busy parking lot.  Steve got out and stated, “I’ve got to know, what you are doing here!  I’ve seen you everywhere I’ve gone this week”.  When I suggested we pull out of the traffic lanes He said, “they will be alright” and he started waving people around.  I liked his boldness but I thought we need to get outta the way.  So, I explained the Journey I was on to share the Gospel and how I almost missed eternal life pursuing the American dream.  Steve thanked me and went on his way.  This was encouraging but let me explain a little more and I’ll tell you why.  I purposefully spent a lot of time in traffic throughout the week.  A strategy I employed roadside was to park at a 45 degree angle using the Sun to light up the Jesus Truck.  This works great the two hours before sunset. I’ve been searching for ways to make the greatest impact during the shorter days.  Now, the encounter with Steve seemed to be positive confirmation of that impact. (Steve’s comment, “I’ve seen you everywhere I’ve gone this week”).     

Sunday morning, I went or better said “was prompted” to attend church where I thought I would not go.  That is where I met Ricky and Paula.  They had driven an hour and a half to visit there.  We met at bible fellowship, sat together during the service and then we went to lunch.  What a unique couple with a burning desire to share Christ where ever they are.  Both Ricky and Paula are a living testimony of the goodness of God.  Ricky openly shares that he pastored churches for years and that recently he was bought to the conviction that He was not Born Again!  Ricky sought God’s mercy, pleaded for Jesus Christ to save him!   Hallelujah!  Paula, his wife is “something else” a firecracker or maybe better said; little stick of dynamite for Jesus.  I think this verse sums it up well: “God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That you might be justified in your sayings, and might overcome when you are judged”. (Romans 3:4)  Please pray for my beloved Ricky and Paula Sauls who I believe are earnestly seeking to downsize and follow the Lord wherever He leads.  Pray that God’s Holy Angels who are ministering spirits to the saints would go forth gaining the victory over the powers, rulers and principalities of darkness so they may be fully united as husband and wife; to go forth in the name of The LORD.  Amen.  Brother Ricky and Sister Paula, Both of you have been such a blessing to me and I hope that I may see you again this side of eternity.  Yet above that; I pray that you finish strong, not considering the cost as thing to be grasped. By the Power of the Holy Spirit; the honor set before us is to live out our time in the absolute surrender, giving preeminence in all things to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  To God Be the Glory!  Amen.

 One more thing before I close; If you take note of my checking account you will see how tight things have been. I get paid the fourth Wednesday each month, so considering the distance that I’ve traveled the last six weeks through Virginia, Tennessee and two Cities in Alabama it’s worked out extremely well.

Checking – 0596

Available Balance: $24.55 | Edit Nickname

Date   Description

Debit ( – )

Credit ( + )














11/23/2012   CHECK CARD   PURCHASE SPRINT *WIRELESS 800-639-6111 KS




11/21/2012   POINT OF SALE   DEBIT SHELL Service Station HOMEWOOD AL
























  Note: 11/23 was for cellphone and PENDING Nationwide INS is auto deduct.  As you can see I did not have money in the bank for gas to get where I am now or for anything else until Wednesday. Additionally consider that and I have not expressed a need for anything to anybody:  Yet I arrived at my next stop on schedule with a full tank of gas and money for food.  Praise God!  I did not write this so you might think poor David.  I am not poor but rich indeed.  I rejoice in amazement every time and in everything that I know comes from God!  This is actually a prized benefit that I have come to cherish!  Praise the Lord! He is with me!  In the good times and the bad!  I rejoice in the realized presence of the Lord!

   Wow, I better wrap things up.  One more town is behind me along; The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

  God willing, I may enjoy the privilege to write you again about a week from now.  In the meantime please contact me if I may pray for you, encourage you or discuss any matter concerning discipleship.  

  Agape, David       (FB David Banton or