Hattiesburg, Mississippi 2012

Hattiesburg, MS 2012

  Hello there, I guess all of you have moved a few times during your lives, so you know some of the challenges right?  I think moving ranks pretty high on the list of life’s stressful events.  After all there is so much to do, what about the emotions involved leaving friends and family.  If our reason for moving is a really good one then it can take some of the sting out of it right? I said all that to set the stage to tell you the story of my first 2 days in Hattiesburg.  It’s Monday afternoon and the place is Main Street Baptist Church.

   Pulling up one sees the family Name and right away there is comfort.  Look at the tree lined driveway, the staircase, the column’s marking the grand entry and the acres prepared to receive family and friends. Wow this is going to be great! So, you ring for a servant of the grounds but instead the Estates sovereign answers. Immediately acknowledging receipt of letter about you and is so kind and gentle. Saying, “Dear Brother, I regret to tell you that I have not had the time necessary to obtain approval of insurance for you to park here.  Even had I more time I’m not sure I could have obtained it.”  Being silent while looking around seeing hundreds of places to park, one could imagine the great cost. Then the sovereign breaks the silence saying, “Brother in the Lord I wish could help but my hands; are tied”.  Disheartened you say thanks just the same and move on, hoping to find a room at the inn.  Then, not far away there is another estate bearing the family Crest. But no letter has been sent ahead and there is a grand event about to take place.  Seeing a servant and inquiring a space was provided one night.  So, on the outer most fringes along a busy backstreet I bedded down.  Though it was cold and noisy the Sun came up in the morning.  So putting first thing first it’s off to get a cup of coffee.  Oh, the coffee is so good and thinking about yesterday one wonders how today is going to go.  Just then you meet a man and he claims to bear the family name.  Yet he is not much to look at and in fact looks just like a common man. After talking awhile you consider that he sounds sincere enough and you say to him, “I am of the same Crest in name and desire a safe place to lodge, that is warm and to have fellowship for six days.  If you may know of such a place I would be indebted to you.  But please do not feel obligated, after all we just met.”   So then, he takes leave.  Within a matter of minutes the fellow calls saying, “there is a warm place for you to stay and the fellowship that you desire.  Tell me then how soon can you come?  So happily you go traveling a distance from the big city.  Arriving and finding the estate small, making no great boasting in its appearance and in wonder of this being the right place.  Then there comes a servant to greet you and at once you realize that royalty has spoken.  The King Himself has taken notice and sent to you more than was desired!  (Note: while writing the last two sentences I had to stop a few times, overwhelmed by God’s Love with tears).

  So that’s how the week started and I will make mention of a few events that followed.

  Brother Terry is the “fellow” I met at the coffee shop on Tuesday.  The place that, “The King provided” was Lynn Ray Road Baptist Church in Petal, MS.

 On Wednesday with the week starting the way it did was spent writing about the past week’s events and getting familiar with the area. At 4:30 I was at the Laundromat getting ready to do the wash when I read this this text: Did you make a decision yet? I thought what decision, then I checked my phone and earlier about 12:30 there was a text asking if I would speak at the 7:00 service!  Oh no, that’s embarrassing and my prep time was short. Of course I said yes, put the laundry up and headed home to seek the Lord on what to speak about.

  The hour and a half went by so fast but I had a topic and outline!  I just needed to print it out.  When I walked in at 6:30 and saw all the dear people getting ready to share the meal; all the wind went out of my sail.  No matter that I needed to find what equipment would be available.  I thought I might use a short video as part of the presentation but that wasn’t to happen so more wind went out of me.  Okay now relax and print your outline: well that was not working either.  Let me tell you that I had the best of help. By this time I started to feel an overwhelming shame.  I did not what to bring shame on the Lord in front of all these dear people.  So, I quit in my mind and then said to the associate minister “Brother, I’m sorry but I can’t do this”.  Then, I went to have a quick bite to eat.  Then a young men approached saying how many copies do you need because I can go to my house which is nearby and print them.  I told him that all I needed was one but don’t worry about it because I can’t speak tonight.  Thanks all the same.  Sitting there, shame was still billowing in over me.  There was no announcement and it was 7:00 and then the young man walked up and handed to me my printed outline.  Really now! What shall I do?  I looked at the outline and opened the Bible to the my first text: 2 Corinthians 13:5 and what I saw was one verse in red letters in the center of two pages of otherwise all black text: And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” and the Word came to me right then, the Light of Life came in like a wave and the shame was no more!  Praise God!  I picked up my Bible and outline, walked over and set it on the podium.  I nodded to Terry that it was a go and He introduced me.  Still shaken, humbled and awestruck I mumbled a few words about what had taken place and then to the text:  After that there was no reservation!  The Lord had once again honored me for standing up to open my mouth.  He has never failed me nor do I have any reason to doubt He ever will.  I was tired, weakened by fever and that along with the other circumstances; The Holy Spirit moved through me. Hallelujah!

 “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:5

the Word came to me right then, the Light of Life came in like a wave and the shame was no more! Praise God!

  Thursday I was having lunch at Chick Filet and a young lady carrying her child walked up saying that’s your truck.  Here we go again, the Lord wasn’t finished yet.  Ashley and family recently moved here because her husband Scott was transferred to Hattiesburg, MS from Fort Lee.  Fort Lee is the Army base in Petersburg, VA.  Not so big a story right?  Well here’s the rest of it; Ashley said that when she pulled into the parking lot and saw the Jesus Truck she took a picture of it and sent it to Scott who responded no way.  This family is from my home church Colonial Heights Baptist Church in Colonial Heights, VA.   I’m in Mississippi which is a long way from home, thanksgiving has come and gone and we are approaching Christmas. God had orchestrated this meeting between Scott, Ashley, Little Miss Lily Jane Goble and me!    We had a great time reminiscing about home and even better I enjoyed fellowship with them Friday at their home. How about home cooked Italian, “Chicken Cacciatore! Oh, it was pretty cool when we made a video call to the Calabrese family back home to share how we met.

Meet my friends ; Scott, Ashley, Little Miss Lily Jane Goble


  Then Saturday we got together again and I enjoyed Worship service at their new home church.  Dear Scott, Ashley and Little Miss Lily Jane,   Thank you for making this Christmas a very memorable one. 

Sunday I was blessed to worship at Lynn Ray Road Baptist Church.  Both morning and evening services were encouraging.  Pastor James Taylor was a hoot.  At least I think that’s correct terminology around here.  James actually made reference to being “Pentecostal Baptist”.  I really have no problem with that because He preached the word seriously and his countenance display abiding gratitude, and joy that produces light into a dark world.  From Tuesday through Monday when I left this dear body of believers; they were unceasing in the loving care towards me. I thank God for you all and I’m believing with Pastor that as you grow in the likeness of Christ, Your joy of the Lord will increase and you will stand out as bright light in Petal, MS and where ever you may go.   Please remember and ask God to help you, to do what we talked about on Wednesday.  God has promised that He will not withhold any good thing from His children. “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you”.  One more thing Lynn Ray Roads Baptist Church; there is now posted to my wall a hand written letter bearing no signature. The words written moved me greatly. I want you to know that your request is my pleasure. Thank You.

From Tuesday through Monday when I left this dear body of believers; they were unceasing in the loving care towards me. Lynn Ray Road Baptist Church in Petal, MS 601.545.7635 Thanks again!

  In closing:  What a rollercoaster ride with the Peaks more numerous than the valleys.  But no matter where I am the Lord is always with me.  When I consider how God is so attuned to my everyday life; it leaves me awestruck each time.

   Thank all of you at home and those abroad for the various ways you support me in the Lords work.  May the Love and Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abound to each of You. That you may know the fullness to which we may obtain even now as we wait for the blessed hope in the age to come. Amen.

Agape, David