Baton Rouge, Louisiana 2013

Baton Rouge, Louisiana 2013

  The second of four stops in Louisiana is complete. But first I should make mention about the lapse in time from my last post:  After completing the prior stop in New Orleans, I flew to my home to Virginia for a week.  There I visited with friends, family and completed medical appointments.  All went well, except that it was hard to say goodbye again. This as much the case with my extended family in Christ as my biological family. You know who you are and that I love you!

  Now, here are a few details that come to mind while in Baton Rouge, LA.  Arriving safe on Monday the Lord provided a secure place to park the trailer at Istrouma Baptist Church.  When I say secure I mean fenced in and gate locked. 

  Tuesday while on the freeway I saw the car in front of me hit the wall, bounce across a couple of lanes and come back in front of me before coming to a stop.  The traffic was heavy and a tractor trailer was behind me.  The parts of the car flew everywhere and looked as if it was in slow motion.  Praise God that no one was hurt!   The young lady driving the car was understandably shaken.  After calling 911 I could not help but to hold and comfort her.  Once the emergency personnel arrived I said goodbye.  As I reflected on this I was reminded of the frailty and brevity of human life.  I mean this young lady could have died that day and what if she did not know Jesus as her Lord and Savior?  Kind of adds urgency to sharing the gospel doesn’t it?

Baton Rouge, LA 2013

Baton Rouge, LA 2013 hiscall888

  On Wednesday, I met a Louisiana State Policeman. When I was being pulled over, I remember thinking Lord what is this about?  The Trooper walked up and said, “When you went by, I told my wife on the phone, I have to go talk to whoever is driving the truck with the cross on it.”  This Homicide Investigator told me how he had wondered if people who had just minutes to live could call on the name of the Lord and be saved.  Then He shared how God had saved Him in such an urgent time in His life.  He told how the Lord said that his time to die had not come.  It is amazing to me how gracious the Lord is and what a treasure the testimonies are to me of men and woman whose lives are forever changed!  Before the trooper left he said, “If there is anything you need while in Louisiana call me.”  I think it goes without saying that I was glad to be pulled over by him.  Thank you Brother!

  Moving on to Thursday:  Remember that when I was in New Orleans the ministry trailer started to leak water and the brake warning light came on in the truck?  So, I went to get an estimate for the brakes and it was; $425.00 Ouch!  It had been about 25 years since I worked on a vehicle but I thought I would try again.  A good part of Friday and Saturday was spent on replacing the brakes and addressing other maintenance issues with the truck and trailer.  Saturday morning I felt like I got hit by a truck but was able to finish.  On the brakes alone I saved more than $325.00!  Praise God!  As for the leak in the roof the RV repairman tightened four screws with the hope that will stop the leak.  Otherwise it will cost $300.00 the remove and reseal the A/C unit in the roof.  Worst case scenario is that it may need to be done but I saved that much doing the brakes.

Along: The Journey 50 Sates One True Story JESUS!

  On Sunday I enjoyed worshiping the Lord at Istrouma Baptist Church.  Thank you Istrouma for the love and every coutesy that you all extended to me.  In the afternoon I made one more round through Baton Rouge flying the banner of the Lord Jesus Christ.  While at the capitol building I enjoyed meeting other believers. Having been encouraged by them I left to go and prepare to move on to the next stop along; The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

To Close:

  I thank God for His faithfulness past, present and future for saving and keeping me. 

 Dear Brethren,  Gratitude abides deep in my heart towards you all for every prayer, encouragement and support!  James 1:17 says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.  This is how I see all my dearly beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ!” Therefore I thank God for You!

Finally, May you grow in the Graces of God by realizing the Truth of His Word, the Power of His Spirit and the Love of Jesus Christ all the more each and every day!

                                                                   Agape, David

New Orleans, Louisiana 2013

New Orleans, LA 2013

While I was glad to finish in Mississippi, I was not so sure that New Orleans should be one of my stops in the State of Louisiana. As the time drew nearer I had peace in going so I did.  Here’s a little about what happened there:

  It was not long after I arrived that I was provided a great place to call home base for the week.  This was courtesy of Celebration Church.  The parking lot was well lite and security cameras everywhere. So right away, one burden was no more.  Later, I was glad to find a Panera Bread close by (There were none in MS) and then a Lifeway Christian Bookstore.  Before the day was over I was invited to attend a four session apologetics course at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary!  Wow things were looking pretty good until I discovered I had a leak in the ministry trailer. Then the check engine and brake warning lights came on in the truck. That could be interpreted as the devil was trying to ruin my day.  But I don’t believe the devil can cause the roof to leak and with 81,000 miles on my truck it just might be time for brake pads.  So, a bucket caught the leak and then off to school.  I loved the way they started with praise and worship. The guest speakers were outstanding.  After a couple of visits I was thinking how good it would be to go back to school.  Then again, maybe that was in part due to me feeling young again. 

Wednesday evening I decided to skip class to attend the Worship Service at Celebration Church (So don’t send money for school).  The Worship and praying one for another was rejuvenating


New Orleans, LA 2013

Thursday, I journeyed downtown and through the infamous French quarter.  The response was mixed from salutes, thumbs up, jeers, mockery and so on.  The one I remember most is hearing a woman say to her friend “He needs some beads” (pointing at the cross) and she said it again.  I thought; Beads Really? Christ has already been adorned with beads. Jesus wore beads of Sweat and beads of Blood before and during the Crucifixion. Christ did this for you, your friend and for me, so we could be saved!  What beads then? No Way!  Looking back I think it would have been right to say it then, but I did not.  The illustration is pretty vivid.  Maybe I will use it at a speaking engagement?

Friday night I met up with Raven Ministries to go into the French quarter with the gospel.  Looking to get firsthand knowledge of what that looks like.  We met in a home to engage in prayer and worship.  The goal was the emptying of self and the plea unto God, biding the Holy Spirit to come, fill and have His Way in each of us.  We overloaded the van and others joined later.  Upon arrival the Cross was hoisted and the precession to the target began.  There in the middle of the street a young man began to preach. Everyone else scattered to engage with those who stopped or paused at this spectacle. During the better part of three hours 4 or 5 different preachers took turns compelling people to come to Christ.  While the rest were at work as the Holy Spirit lead.

Bourbon Street New Orleans 1-11-2013

  During this event I personally engaged both numerically and qualitatively more people for the sake of Christ than ever before (as far as I know).  What I witnessed was God working through ordinary people to impact many with the compassion of Christ.  Through the preaching of the Gospel, hearing testimonies of Gods power in transforming lives, seeing tears on both sides of the isle, words of encouragement and people praying in the streets for one another.  All this happened in a place which is probably written off by most.  As if the people here are beyond help.  I know, because I was one of them.  But now my eyes have been opened because I have seen firsthand that not everyone is totally intoxicated.  Now I have looked into the eyes of hurting, searching and broken hearts.  I cannot just pass them by and thus deny the Power of God to save them.  After all, I know the One of whom there Heart desires and He has come! He has come! He is here!

 His name is JESUS!  Amen.

Saturday, I was low keyed because I was spent and my voice was raspy. In the evening I enjoyed the worship service at Celebration Church.  Here again I was refreshed.  Thanks, Celebration Church for your part in making the week in New Orleans more than pleasant.

In appreciation, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary it was an honor to be with you.

Special thanks go out to Raven Ministries International for an awe inspiring experience.

  To all the Saints, Please join with me in prayer: Pray you therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest. (Matt 9:38)  Consider how you may be one of those who go.  Please let me know how I may be in prayer for you.  I desire to be a source of encouragement to you along the narrow way.  Thanks for all that you do on my behalf.        

Agape, David

FB David Banton (HisCall)

Gulfport, Mississippi 2013

Gulfport, Mississippi 2013

  This was the 4th and final stop in the State of Mississippi.  The New Year began and like my birthday last week I celebrated.  There was no fanfare rather a quiet jubilee at the prospect of being blessed with more time to lift up Christ before men.  Don’t get me wrong I’m anxious to see JESUS as He is.  For now I hope to live long, honorably serving the One who died and rose again!  Amen.

  I had a great place to call home for the week. Not just a quiet place to park but great fellowship compliments of Pastor Rick Carter and the congregation of Bible Baptist Church.

Gulfport, MS along: The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

  The scenery through Mississippi had left me to desire more and this stop delivered.  I enjoyed the view of the Gulf.  The white beach went on for miles and when the rays of light met the water they danced glistening with brilliance.  The canvas at sunset displayed remarkable blue water and colors in the sky that could not be reproduced by man.  Praise God!

  Throughout the week I enjoyed meeting and talking to many people.  Yet I have sorrow for most of them.  Because they do not know the One of whom their heart longs for.  I do, He is here and His name is JESUS!

  The burden was lightened while in worship and fellowship Sunday morning and evening. Thanks Bible Baptist Church for your commitment to win souls to Christ!  It is encouraging that you maintain reverence for God above all other things.  Thank you for receiving me in the love of Christ.  I was richly blessed.

  I enjoyed flying the banner of Jesus Christ throughout Gulfport, Biloxi and Christian Pass, MS.  The week was restful and the Lord provided more than my needs. As I continue along the Journey I ask for your continued prayer. 

  God willing I’ll write you again in about a week, rejoicing in what the Lord has done!  Amen.

Agape,  David

Gautier, Mississippi 2012

Gautier, Mississippi 2012

  Who would have thought that I’d spend Christmas here? Not me! I never even heard of Gautier. I arrived on Christmas Eve knowing and decided to take the ministry trailer to Wal-Mart. The plan was to play Christmas music in the parking lot until they closed at 8:00pm. When I arrived the place was packed and I was excited about the possibilities. Then I went inside and asked the manager’s permission. Well, so much for my brilliance. What happened to go and just do it? I’ve had the boldness in the past and it worked the vast majority of times. Of course on occasion I’ve been approached and asked to close up shop and I have. The good news is that I parked against the building between the two front doors and the graphics were at work until closing time. I Praise God for that as it may have been more effective than what I had in mind.

  As for Christmas Day it was very quiet. Later in the evening there was excitement as the sky darkened and tornadoes came nearby. Here’s  a short video of the excitement I wrote about and Merry Christmas 2012!

  I set up home base at Crossroads Church of the Nazarene. The week was the most uneventful to date. I did not see anyone at the church until Sunday morning. But I was sure glad to see them then.

  During the week in Gautier on three separate occasions, I met Police Officers! Who approached to me and it was not long before I found out they were Christians. Basically I was told, to have at it in this town. Looking back I laugh at how I could say of Gautier, “the force was with me.” (hint: Star Wars, “may the force be with you”) The week did end well; I was blessed to attend evening worship service at Jesus Christ Baptist Church!

Jesus came into the World to Save Sinners!

On the 3rd day the Son arose!

  This post is pretty short: the weeks pace was slow and the way a little lonely. Maybe next Christmas I will be with hometown family and friends. Notice I did not write, “I will be Home.” That’s because my home is with the Lord Jesus Christ. I praise the Lord that He is always with me!

  Once again, I sincerely thank all of you for the various ways you support me in the Lords work. I pray that we all would take into account how we use the gift of time. Considering that God, has granted to each of us a specific window. The bookends: our first breath and our last breath. As time passes it cannot be regained. Right now, is the only time that we know we have? So let us redeem the time, living to honor the One who died for us and then Rose again. Amen.

 Until next week God willing I may write to you again.  

          Agape, David