Baton Rouge, Louisiana 2013

Baton Rouge, Louisiana 2013

  The second of four stops in Louisiana is complete. But first I should make mention about the lapse in time from my last post:  After completing the prior stop in New Orleans, I flew to my home to Virginia for a week.  There I visited with friends, family and completed medical appointments.  All went well, except that it was hard to say goodbye again. This as much the case with my extended family in Christ as my biological family. You know who you are and that I love you!

  Now, here are a few details that come to mind while in Baton Rouge, LA.  Arriving safe on Monday the Lord provided a secure place to park the trailer at Istrouma Baptist Church.  When I say secure I mean fenced in and gate locked. 

  Tuesday while on the freeway I saw the car in front of me hit the wall, bounce across a couple of lanes and come back in front of me before coming to a stop.  The traffic was heavy and a tractor trailer was behind me.  The parts of the car flew everywhere and looked as if it was in slow motion.  Praise God that no one was hurt!   The young lady driving the car was understandably shaken.  After calling 911 I could not help but to hold and comfort her.  Once the emergency personnel arrived I said goodbye.  As I reflected on this I was reminded of the frailty and brevity of human life.  I mean this young lady could have died that day and what if she did not know Jesus as her Lord and Savior?  Kind of adds urgency to sharing the gospel doesn’t it?

Baton Rouge, LA 2013

Baton Rouge, LA 2013 hiscall888

  On Wednesday, I met a Louisiana State Policeman. When I was being pulled over, I remember thinking Lord what is this about?  The Trooper walked up and said, “When you went by, I told my wife on the phone, I have to go talk to whoever is driving the truck with the cross on it.”  This Homicide Investigator told me how he had wondered if people who had just minutes to live could call on the name of the Lord and be saved.  Then He shared how God had saved Him in such an urgent time in His life.  He told how the Lord said that his time to die had not come.  It is amazing to me how gracious the Lord is and what a treasure the testimonies are to me of men and woman whose lives are forever changed!  Before the trooper left he said, “If there is anything you need while in Louisiana call me.”  I think it goes without saying that I was glad to be pulled over by him.  Thank you Brother!

  Moving on to Thursday:  Remember that when I was in New Orleans the ministry trailer started to leak water and the brake warning light came on in the truck?  So, I went to get an estimate for the brakes and it was; $425.00 Ouch!  It had been about 25 years since I worked on a vehicle but I thought I would try again.  A good part of Friday and Saturday was spent on replacing the brakes and addressing other maintenance issues with the truck and trailer.  Saturday morning I felt like I got hit by a truck but was able to finish.  On the brakes alone I saved more than $325.00!  Praise God!  As for the leak in the roof the RV repairman tightened four screws with the hope that will stop the leak.  Otherwise it will cost $300.00 the remove and reseal the A/C unit in the roof.  Worst case scenario is that it may need to be done but I saved that much doing the brakes.

Along: The Journey 50 Sates One True Story JESUS!

  On Sunday I enjoyed worshiping the Lord at Istrouma Baptist Church.  Thank you Istrouma for the love and every coutesy that you all extended to me.  In the afternoon I made one more round through Baton Rouge flying the banner of the Lord Jesus Christ.  While at the capitol building I enjoyed meeting other believers. Having been encouraged by them I left to go and prepare to move on to the next stop along; The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

To Close:

  I thank God for His faithfulness past, present and future for saving and keeping me. 

 Dear Brethren,  Gratitude abides deep in my heart towards you all for every prayer, encouragement and support!  James 1:17 says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.  This is how I see all my dearly beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ!” Therefore I thank God for You!

Finally, May you grow in the Graces of God by realizing the Truth of His Word, the Power of His Spirit and the Love of Jesus Christ all the more each and every day!

                                                                   Agape, David