Austin, Texas 2013 hiscall8888

Austin, Texas

My first impression of Austin was this is a nice looking city and the weather was great for February.

Monday evening the Lord provided a place to park at Greater Hills Baptist Church.  So, Tuesday I was off to do a little sight-seeing and spy out the land for ministry.  I really liked the Capitol Building and the downtown area.

JESUS Died and Paid for the Sin of everyone in Austin, TX But unless you believe and repent it will do you no good on The Day of Judgement.

Wednesday evening I went to get stuck in traffic so I could multitask. While others were seeing the cross lifted up and making all kinds of faces, I was memorizing scripture and practicing preaching it. I tell you again how last week in Houston I was so encouraged by the brethren who came to do street ministry there.  This week I was disappointed because there was no one to go out with.  Never the less, I prepare with the hope of being able to go to the streets and preach alone if necessary. Please be in prayer that the Holy Spirit will give me boldness to go and to fill my mouth with God’s Word that others may be saved.  Amen

Thursday, I thought it strange that I had met so few Christians.  Had I figured Texas wrong?  In Houston last week and now Austin I have not witnessed the conservative state or the Christian presence I had expected (Except the brothers that drove to Houston to share the gospel).  Several times this week, hostility and mockery were loudly heralded against the Lord Jesus Christ and His Cross.  Even personal threats directed to me and I have never seen these people before.  This one guy was too much with his mouth.  Just so you may know, I was born in the City and raised in the Country in the tradition of America past. (Discipline, Work, Honor and Respect)  After this guy yelled across the parking lot about what he was going to do to me, I turned facing him then unwrapped my sandwich and ate it.  This really made him hot especially when I ignored his threats, so he got in his car and sped away.  At the time there was nothing that I liked about this guy, I really thought he needed to be taken out behind the woodpile and after that given the gospel (Well that’s what I thought).

Austin, TX JESUS is coming in the clouds with power and great glory! JESUS died for your sin but you must repent and believe in order to be saved!

Austin, TX JESUS is coming in the clouds with power and great glory! JESUS died for your sin but you must repent and believe in order to be saved!

Friday it was time to press on!  So around and downtown the banner of Jesus Christ was flown, the gospel shared, people encouraged and prayed for.  It was much the same on Saturday downtown along Congress and 6th Street. I enjoyed “messing people up” as I call it giving away CD’s and other gifts along with the gospel. I love the expressions on people’s faces and the gratitude some express.  Giving really does bring down walls so I can share the gospel with some people one on one and others take the gospel with them.  I believe we should give the best quality gospel products as possible because I think they are less likely to be discarded.  What helps me a lot in this effort is when I go into a Christian Bookstore I look for the clearance Items. Sometimes I find discounts as much as 90% off on Music CDs, Videos, Books and so forth. For those who have handed me a few dollars or more along the Journey; “Thank You, So very much!”

Sunday morning I enjoyed the worship service at Greater Hills Baptist Church.  This week my fondest memories were of the Christians that encouraged me, all the people I met along the sidewalks and in the parking lots that I was able to talk with and pray for.  Thank you!

To everyone back home in Virginia and to those I have met abroad: Thank You for every prayer and support. Please continue praying because I’m realizing the benefits. I believe the road ahead will be rough but much more I am sure; “that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world” and “it’s no longer I who live but Christ that lives in me.”   Amen.

God willing, I’ll write to you again about this time next week.

Agape David

Houston, Texas 2013

Hello Houston, Texas!  Wow, this place is ginormous.  Getting settled took until Tuesday morning when the pastor at Autumn Creek Baptist Church said yes.  I spent most of the day doing office work and getting supplies.

Wednesday evening I went to explore downtown Houston and it was something to see.  In fact the number of people rushing to and fro was a bit overwhelming.  Wondering, what’s the hope of impacting Houston for Jesus Christ?  Not long after I found what I thought was a pretty good place to start.  I pulled over parking on an overpass where I spent more than two hours. On the right and to the left this is what I saw.

The Cross lifted up in Houston, TX

Thousands filed through from the left and the right.  Many of which looked up, others pointed, some took pictures, horns blew, hands waved and some expressed hostility.  This is what they saw:

Jesus came into the world to save sinners.

The Cross lifted up in Houston, Texas 2013

Pretty cool how the Cross being lifted up provoked quite a response. For some it seemed to bring encouragement and to others conviction. What a blessing in that it took away some of the overwhelming burden I had just a few hours earlier regarding the massive size of Houston.  At about 6:15pm the traffic was thinning and the sun setting so I made ready to leave.  Looking in the mirror I saw this:

Making sure that I was okay.

The officers walked up and the one asked “what are you doing here?” My reply was simply, “I decided to pull over and park for a while.” The officer asked the same question again and my reply was the same.  The answer was true and at least I thought the motive was apparent.  While I was there I did leave the truck to walk down the ramp to take a couple of pictures. Then when I returned to the truck I acknowledged some of those waving, giving a thumb up and those blowing the horn.  Back to the officer who said, “We received a few calls from motorist that were concerned that you might jump from the overpass” so you can’t pull over here.”  I told him I did not mean to alarm anyone and that I was grateful for the concern the callers expressed for my safety.  While waiting for the license check I remember thinking that most likely the calls were prompted by the offensive nature of the Cross being lifting up before men- “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (1 Corinthians 1:18)  And thinking how the ENEMY of our souls was concerned about the cross being lifted up before men drawing them to Christ- “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:14-15)

Thursday I spent the whole day in preparation for Sharing the Gospel outside the Houston Toyota Center.  This is where the events of the 2013 NBA All-star Weekend took place.  Thursday night I wrote this and posted on my Face book page:

“Today has been spent in the Word preparing to compel men to be reconciled to God. There will be several of us going Friday and Saturday evening as people file into Houston for the NBA All-star weekend. Pray for all of us going and for those hearing the Word of the Lord. Specifically, anxiety has hit me hard today. I’ve tried to deny it and walk without showing it but its here. The Lord has been so faithful. I’m confident knowing “The Battle is the LORD’s” and that I belong to Him so I go.”

Friday afternoon about 4pm I found a great place to park in order to do ministry. This was directly across the street of the main entrance into the Toyota Center. Paying the $40 fee I parked and walked to get something to eat.

The Gospel Jesus Saves presented at The NBA Allstar Weekend 2013 Houston, TX

Then at 5:45pm I received this email: “Come move your truck now off my lot!  It will be towed in one hour. You are not advertising or spreading God’s word on my property. We will refund your $40. You have until 6:45 pm.” I thought really!  I paid the fee, was parked in the spot as directed by the attendant and the receipt was posted inside on the windshield. I did not want to move but after obtaining advice I agreed but waited to the last minute.  The owner refunded the $40 and was glad to show me the way out.  Remembering he wrote “You are not advertising or spreading God’s word on my property” I took consolation in the fact that for more than 2.5 hours the cross was lifted up on his lot and the cost of disappointment was mine to bear but only for a short time as the Lord took that burden away.

The crew of four arrived about an hour later and then during the next 3 to 4 hours the gospel was preached again, again and again.  Tracts were distributed, one on one presentation’s of the gospel and many were prayed for.  The Holy Spirit moved throughout the evening and what a sight it was to behold.  Robby, Randall, Ryan and Don were so encouraging and the Holy Spirit had His way with me like never before.  The courage to plead for men to be reconciled to God came upon me and I was eager to take hold of the microphone at every opportunity.  One incident occurred when I was preaching; a man walked up and kissed me.  I did not break stride and in fact I forgot all about it.  Later that night while the whole crew was enjoying a meal and fellowship someone brought it up. I vaguely remembered and asked them, what seemed to be his intent?  The consensus was that he was being what I call a smart-aleck trying to disrupt the message. Looking back on this it’s incredible how this happened without me being moved by it.  That’s the Holy Spirit at work.  We finished about 2am.

Saturday evening it was time for Round #2 outside of The Toyota Center.  The same guys showed up and four others joined us. The events of the previous night were indeed memorable and this night would be well marked by the working of the Holy Spirit. We all enjoyed a meal afterwards and the fellowship lasted until about 2:30 am.  Those two days were exceptional.  Considering, Thursday’s prayer request one may see that God moved to give to me my heart’s desire.  Those two days I was spent for the sake of the gospel like never before. Praise God!  Amen.

Sunday I did not awake until after 12 noon.  I do not remember how long it has been since I did not attend Sunday Service.  Considering the assembly, the service and fellowship of those two days “I am at peace.”

Memories of the week in Houston will long be dear to me. The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

Memories of the week in Houston will long be dear to me.  I enjoyed meeting brethren, sharing testimonies, praying together and encouraging one another.  But an indelible mark has been left in me, by the work of the Holy Spirit and through the yielded vessels having made the choice to go for the sake of the gospel.  God has worked through each of you to encourage me and increase my faith. O how grateful I am for you all.  Until we meet again.

Back home in Virginia and throughout the country there are so many who are dear to my heart and not to write of how each and every one of you has blessed me, seems wrong.  My memory surely is inadequate and I’m thankful that God has it all on record. So, Thank You and I pray;

24 “The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
26 The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.”’ (Numbers 6:24-26)   Amen.

Hoping to write to you again about this time next week,

Agape David

Lake Charles, Louisiana 2013

Lake Charles, Louisiana 2013

The week in Lake Charles, Louisiana completes the 16th State along, “The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!”  This stop was unique in a few ways.  First of all when I arrived on Monday there was no need for me to search for a place to park and call home for the week.  You may recall that the week prior I attended the 2013 Louisiana Evangelism Conference.  There I met Brother Nathan Curtis who took interest in the mission the Lord has me on.  Nathan arranged parking at Cornerstone University in Lake Charles.  There I met the staff of the university and that of KELB radio.  Here my physical needs were taken care of right away making room for my faith to be grown in other areas.   This began Tuesday morning at 8:00am when I sat behind a microphone and in front of a camera.  Brother Nathan is a radio host for KELB radio and I was the guest speaker!   You may recall that I mentioned the following scripture in last week’s post; “I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide and I will fill it.”(Psalm 81:10)  This scripture seemed appropriate for me as I sat there in expectation that God would fill my mouth for Christ namesake.  In other words I was out of my comfort zone!  I know the Lord showed up because I didn’t freeze up and Nathan is quite the director.  In fact Nathan was like my personal public relations manager throughout the week.  He arranged an interview with the American Press and a story was printed in Saturday’s newspaper.  Wednesday afternoon I was in front of the camera again for an hour of live streaming webcast.

Thanks, Cornerstone University & KELB Radio Station

Thanks Cornerstone University & KELB Radio Station of Lake Charles, Louisiana by

On Thursday I drove about an hour away to join some friends in Port Arthur, Texas to share the gospel at Mardi gra.  Getting there early I set the prop up along with a small amplifier and microphone.   When the crew arrived we all went to work, handing out tracts, one on one witnessing, praying and Brother Randall Huffman took hold of the microphone and open air preached.  This was an incredible time serving together and seeing the Lord at work in many ways.  All of this was happening in a town known for its crime.  In times like these it is just as amazing to see how God unites men with various backgrounds and brings them together by the Spirit of the Lord to serve.  Finishing, we all joined in giving thanks to God for the time we had together and prayed for those who were ministered to.

Team JESUS Saves! Port Arthur, Tx Feb. 2013 along The Journey 50 Sates One True Story JESUS!

Friday morning I was back in the broadcast studio for another hour of trusting the Lord to fill my mouth.  Just maybe I was a little more comfortable this time or was it the skill of Brother Nathan?  

Saturday the main event was witnessing at the mall.  Here I go again, accepting another challenge of faith.  What I mean is, I thought of how much time I spend walking around and do not talk about the Lord!  I decided to have some lettering put on the back of my jacket; “JESUS SAVES”.  So that day I found what a burden that can be and is.  I’m thinking, what are you addicted to conflict?  Well no I do not like conflict!  However, I do want to continue growing in the faith.  It’s times like these when I feel the pressure of walking out my faith that God molds and shapes me for what’s yet ahead. I long to realize freedom from conflict and stress but it will not occur until the Lord brings the total redemption that all of creation eagerly waits.  Until then in weakness I fight against the flesh and know the Battle is the Lords.

Saturday I enjoyed having dinner at Nathan’s home along with the fellowship of many friends.  It was a homecoming of sorts for me.  As I go throughout this country it is always a delight when I meet and get to spend time with newly discovered family in the Lord. 

Sunday morning I enjoyed fellowship at First Baptist Church of Lake Charles and then Worship at Ridgeway Baptist Church. 

  My visit in Lake Charles was a nice way to wrap up the four stops of Louisiana. Having started in the City of New Orleans then going to Baton Rouge and Lafayette I have fond memories in everyplace.  I have seen the Lord at work and have been encouraged as well.

Thank you, Brother Nathan Curtis for your diligence and to Cornerstone University for the hospitality.  Thanks to KELB radio and it’s listeners for the honor to speak out about the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Try these two links for the radio interviews this week at KELB radio in Lake Charles, Louisiana. 

While making mention of a few, there are others that have no less been appreciated and all of them are a Joy to me even now as I continue The Journey 50 States One True Story Jesus!

   Once again God has provided everything I had need of and having been encouraged I am confident as I move on in answering His Call.  Your prayers, support and encouragement are highly regarded.  Until next week, God willing I hope to write to you again.

Agape, David Banton

Lafayette, Louisiana 2013

Lafayette, Louisiana 2013

This week started out with a bang!  Wait not that kind of Bang.  The first person that I spoke with in Lafayette told me about a two day Evangelism Conference Sponsored by the Louisiana Baptist Convention and that it started in about 45 minutes!  I jumped into the truck and straightway went to First Baptist Church of Lafayette.  I arrived just in time to hear the first speaker and the house was packed.  I think I was beside myself!  But since I don’t know exactly what that term means, I was excited!  Over the course of two days and evenings I heard many speakers from around the country and I enjoyed the entertainment of a few well-known artists.  What’s more I met some very dear Christians with whom the fellowship was sweet.  And a couple of contacts were made that I believe will bear fruit next week.

Louisiana Baptist Convention Evangelism Conference 2013

Louisiana Baptist Convention Evangelism Conference 2013 in Lafayette, at First Baptist Lafayette

On Wednesday, I had time to catch my breath and begin preparing for the week here in Lafayette.  First thing was to write about the week in Baton Rouge and then go spy out the land for ministry.

Thursday I began the day by going to The Mall of Acadiana.  There was a man in uniform waiting to speak with me when I got out of the truck. He said I want you to know that you are welcome here!  I thought wow really?  My reply, I appreciate hearing that because that’s not usually the case.  He said I know and I’ve wondered for a while why I’m here.  Then he said again, you are welcome here and I do not want you to be surprised when you have others come up to you and say the same thing as you travel.  God has people everywhere that you will go.  Then he asked, you know persecution will come along the way?  I replied, Yes the Lord said it would be that way and I believe God has prepared me and will keep me.  He said very well, smiled and walked away.

I spent the rest of the day there sharing the gospel inside and out in the parking lot.  I believe this was the most productive time of ministry at a Mall to date.  I cannot recall a single time that I was not acutely conscious of every move I made.  Most of which was because I usually park up front near the main entrance of the mall and I have seen the impact the Cross and Graphics have on those who pass by.

That night I was reflecting on the day’s events and then especially on the words the security officer had spoken.  I mean He delivered the message without what I call any fanfare before during or after.  He was clear, concise and warranted confirmation that I both heard and understood what was said.  Oddly enough I did not see him again that day, all day Friday nor the short visits I made Saturday and Sunday.

Friday I went back to the place where I was welcome. One reason was to see if I might enjoy the same freedom in sharing the gospel there like the day before.  Wow, throughout the entire day the witness of Jesus Christ went fourth unimpeded.  When leaving I felt that I knew something of what it means to be spent (worn out) for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ.  While driving home I noticed a Christian Bookstore and decided to stop (Thinking that I would just take a quick look and go because I was so tired).  But within a few minutes things would dramatically change.  There I met a dear brother and his three children and then a husband and wife all of which were attracted by the Cross on The Jesus Truck.  Their love for Jesus was so evident that everyone throughout the store could see and hear.  The Joy of the Lord was issuing forth out and through them, being expressed in the shedding of tears, testimonies, praises, words of encouragement and speaking the Word.  This happened in the middle of the store and then moved into the parking lot. The looks on the faces of onlookers seemed to be of curiosity.  It reminds me when Jesus said, “By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another.” (John 13:35)

As for me there are a few occasions when I have no consciousness of time.  It happens during events like the above, when engaged in pure worship and when I may be fully engaged in direct prayer with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. When I finally arrived home the last two lines I wrote about today was; “Much more than I write tonight, the Lord has blessed me abundantly this day!”

Saturday I noted, while at Chick Fila the hood graphic drew four young men. One of them objected saying it looked like I was being critical.  But after a few minutes of conversation He apologized saying I want to follow Jesus but do not want to be called Christian based on what I’ve seen of others.  Ouch! (A sad and most probable, true story).  Let us be all the more diligent to live beyond reproach. Amen.  I gave this young man a cd of the gospel and praise & worship cd.  He hugged and thanked me. (The one who came critical left a friend) The Spirit of the Lord was there!  Praise God!

Now, Saturday evening there was a Mardi gras parade downtown from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.  I made the Jesus Truck parade ready hoping to find a way to join in. Soon I found that would not be the case and later I understood why it was best that I didn’t get in.  Then on to plan B which entailed parking two blocks away in the restaurant and bar district. After having enjoyed red beans and sausage I walked to catch a glimpse of the parade.  I was stunned at what I saw!  Both sides of the street were lined with people who were reaching up, cheering, begging hysterically.  These actions were directed to men and woman who had exalted themselves as marked by crowns and other adornments to suggest deity. The whole thing was blasphemous.  Again both sides of the street were lined with people who were reaching up, cheering, begging hysterically and for what a string of beads or a plastic cup!  All of which depended on the mercy and sovereignty of those passing above them.  I tell you that I was shocked by the idolatry, wickedness and blasphemy.

What about Psalm 81:10 Where God says, I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide and I will fill it.

So I went to the truck, hoisted a prop in the back, lite it up and waited.  When the parade was over I spoke with a few people that came my way and closed for the day.

Hell's taking prisoners!

Christians Engage! Hell’s taking prisoners!

Earlier in the week I met a young man who invited me to come to the church he attended.  Sunday morning I went there and it was difficult for me to stay until it was over.  The events of the past 18 hours had taken a toll and I was ready for rest and to renew my mind.

What a roller coaster ride it was during the week in Lafayette.  There was so much I Praise God for!  But as for the stain of sin leaving it’s ugly mark I pray Lord Jesus Come, but Lord not my will rather Your will be done.  Amen

I close this week’s post a little different than normal.  I find that in the process of writing I bear some of the associated emotions and this can be tiring.  But please know that it is not a burden to me to do this but rather it is a labor of Love that you may in some measure be encouraged.

I thank God and you all for every encouragement you have been and continue to be for me.  Until next week God willing, I may finish in the State of Louisiana and write to you again.

Agape, David