Lake Charles, Louisiana 2013

Lake Charles, Louisiana 2013

The week in Lake Charles, Louisiana completes the 16th State along, “The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!”  This stop was unique in a few ways.  First of all when I arrived on Monday there was no need for me to search for a place to park and call home for the week.  You may recall that the week prior I attended the 2013 Louisiana Evangelism Conference.  There I met Brother Nathan Curtis who took interest in the mission the Lord has me on.  Nathan arranged parking at Cornerstone University in Lake Charles.  There I met the staff of the university and that of KELB radio.  Here my physical needs were taken care of right away making room for my faith to be grown in other areas.   This began Tuesday morning at 8:00am when I sat behind a microphone and in front of a camera.  Brother Nathan is a radio host for KELB radio and I was the guest speaker!   You may recall that I mentioned the following scripture in last week’s post; “I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide and I will fill it.”(Psalm 81:10)  This scripture seemed appropriate for me as I sat there in expectation that God would fill my mouth for Christ namesake.  In other words I was out of my comfort zone!  I know the Lord showed up because I didn’t freeze up and Nathan is quite the director.  In fact Nathan was like my personal public relations manager throughout the week.  He arranged an interview with the American Press and a story was printed in Saturday’s newspaper.  Wednesday afternoon I was in front of the camera again for an hour of live streaming webcast.

Thanks, Cornerstone University & KELB Radio Station

Thanks Cornerstone University & KELB Radio Station of Lake Charles, Louisiana by

On Thursday I drove about an hour away to join some friends in Port Arthur, Texas to share the gospel at Mardi gra.  Getting there early I set the prop up along with a small amplifier and microphone.   When the crew arrived we all went to work, handing out tracts, one on one witnessing, praying and Brother Randall Huffman took hold of the microphone and open air preached.  This was an incredible time serving together and seeing the Lord at work in many ways.  All of this was happening in a town known for its crime.  In times like these it is just as amazing to see how God unites men with various backgrounds and brings them together by the Spirit of the Lord to serve.  Finishing, we all joined in giving thanks to God for the time we had together and prayed for those who were ministered to.

Team JESUS Saves! Port Arthur, Tx Feb. 2013 along The Journey 50 Sates One True Story JESUS!

Friday morning I was back in the broadcast studio for another hour of trusting the Lord to fill my mouth.  Just maybe I was a little more comfortable this time or was it the skill of Brother Nathan?  

Saturday the main event was witnessing at the mall.  Here I go again, accepting another challenge of faith.  What I mean is, I thought of how much time I spend walking around and do not talk about the Lord!  I decided to have some lettering put on the back of my jacket; “JESUS SAVES”.  So that day I found what a burden that can be and is.  I’m thinking, what are you addicted to conflict?  Well no I do not like conflict!  However, I do want to continue growing in the faith.  It’s times like these when I feel the pressure of walking out my faith that God molds and shapes me for what’s yet ahead. I long to realize freedom from conflict and stress but it will not occur until the Lord brings the total redemption that all of creation eagerly waits.  Until then in weakness I fight against the flesh and know the Battle is the Lords.

Saturday I enjoyed having dinner at Nathan’s home along with the fellowship of many friends.  It was a homecoming of sorts for me.  As I go throughout this country it is always a delight when I meet and get to spend time with newly discovered family in the Lord. 

Sunday morning I enjoyed fellowship at First Baptist Church of Lake Charles and then Worship at Ridgeway Baptist Church. 

  My visit in Lake Charles was a nice way to wrap up the four stops of Louisiana. Having started in the City of New Orleans then going to Baton Rouge and Lafayette I have fond memories in everyplace.  I have seen the Lord at work and have been encouraged as well.

Thank you, Brother Nathan Curtis for your diligence and to Cornerstone University for the hospitality.  Thanks to KELB radio and it’s listeners for the honor to speak out about the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Try these two links for the radio interviews this week at KELB radio in Lake Charles, Louisiana. 

While making mention of a few, there are others that have no less been appreciated and all of them are a Joy to me even now as I continue The Journey 50 States One True Story Jesus!

   Once again God has provided everything I had need of and having been encouraged I am confident as I move on in answering His Call.  Your prayers, support and encouragement are highly regarded.  Until next week, God willing I hope to write to you again.

Agape, David Banton