Houston, Texas 2013

Hello Houston, Texas!  Wow, this place is ginormous.  Getting settled took until Tuesday morning when the pastor at Autumn Creek Baptist Church said yes.  I spent most of the day doing office work and getting supplies.

Wednesday evening I went to explore downtown Houston and it was something to see.  In fact the number of people rushing to and fro was a bit overwhelming.  Wondering, what’s the hope of impacting Houston for Jesus Christ?  Not long after I found what I thought was a pretty good place to start.  I pulled over parking on an overpass where I spent more than two hours. On the right and to the left this is what I saw.

The Cross lifted up in Houston, TX

Thousands filed through from the left and the right.  Many of which looked up, others pointed, some took pictures, horns blew, hands waved and some expressed hostility.  This is what they saw:

Jesus came into the world to save sinners.

The Cross lifted up in Houston, Texas 2013

Pretty cool how the Cross being lifted up provoked quite a response. For some it seemed to bring encouragement and to others conviction. What a blessing in that it took away some of the overwhelming burden I had just a few hours earlier regarding the massive size of Houston.  At about 6:15pm the traffic was thinning and the sun setting so I made ready to leave.  Looking in the mirror I saw this:

Making sure that I was okay.

The officers walked up and the one asked “what are you doing here?” My reply was simply, “I decided to pull over and park for a while.” The officer asked the same question again and my reply was the same.  The answer was true and at least I thought the motive was apparent.  While I was there I did leave the truck to walk down the ramp to take a couple of pictures. Then when I returned to the truck I acknowledged some of those waving, giving a thumb up and those blowing the horn.  Back to the officer who said, “We received a few calls from motorist that were concerned that you might jump from the overpass” so you can’t pull over here.”  I told him I did not mean to alarm anyone and that I was grateful for the concern the callers expressed for my safety.  While waiting for the license check I remember thinking that most likely the calls were prompted by the offensive nature of the Cross being lifting up before men- “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (1 Corinthians 1:18)  And thinking how the ENEMY of our souls was concerned about the cross being lifted up before men drawing them to Christ- “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:14-15)

Thursday I spent the whole day in preparation for Sharing the Gospel outside the Houston Toyota Center.  This is where the events of the 2013 NBA All-star Weekend took place.  Thursday night I wrote this and posted on my Face book page:

“Today has been spent in the Word preparing to compel men to be reconciled to God. There will be several of us going Friday and Saturday evening as people file into Houston for the NBA All-star weekend. Pray for all of us going and for those hearing the Word of the Lord. Specifically, anxiety has hit me hard today. I’ve tried to deny it and walk without showing it but its here. The Lord has been so faithful. I’m confident knowing “The Battle is the LORD’s” and that I belong to Him so I go.”

Friday afternoon about 4pm I found a great place to park in order to do ministry. This was directly across the street of the main entrance into the Toyota Center. Paying the $40 fee I parked and walked to get something to eat.

The Gospel Jesus Saves presented at The NBA Allstar Weekend 2013 Houston, TX

Then at 5:45pm I received this email: “Come move your truck now off my lot!  It will be towed in one hour. You are not advertising or spreading God’s word on my property. We will refund your $40. You have until 6:45 pm.” I thought really!  I paid the fee, was parked in the spot as directed by the attendant and the receipt was posted inside on the windshield. I did not want to move but after obtaining advice I agreed but waited to the last minute.  The owner refunded the $40 and was glad to show me the way out.  Remembering he wrote “You are not advertising or spreading God’s word on my property” I took consolation in the fact that for more than 2.5 hours the cross was lifted up on his lot and the cost of disappointment was mine to bear but only for a short time as the Lord took that burden away.

The crew of four arrived about an hour later and then during the next 3 to 4 hours the gospel was preached again, again and again.  Tracts were distributed, one on one presentation’s of the gospel and many were prayed for.  The Holy Spirit moved throughout the evening and what a sight it was to behold.  Robby, Randall, Ryan and Don were so encouraging and the Holy Spirit had His way with me like never before.  The courage to plead for men to be reconciled to God came upon me and I was eager to take hold of the microphone at every opportunity.  One incident occurred when I was preaching; a man walked up and kissed me.  I did not break stride and in fact I forgot all about it.  Later that night while the whole crew was enjoying a meal and fellowship someone brought it up. I vaguely remembered and asked them, what seemed to be his intent?  The consensus was that he was being what I call a smart-aleck trying to disrupt the message. Looking back on this it’s incredible how this happened without me being moved by it.  That’s the Holy Spirit at work.  We finished about 2am.

Saturday evening it was time for Round #2 outside of The Toyota Center.  The same guys showed up and four others joined us. The events of the previous night were indeed memorable and this night would be well marked by the working of the Holy Spirit. We all enjoyed a meal afterwards and the fellowship lasted until about 2:30 am.  Those two days were exceptional.  Considering, Thursday’s prayer request one may see that God moved to give to me my heart’s desire.  Those two days I was spent for the sake of the gospel like never before. Praise God!  Amen.

Sunday I did not awake until after 12 noon.  I do not remember how long it has been since I did not attend Sunday Service.  Considering the assembly, the service and fellowship of those two days “I am at peace.”

Memories of the week in Houston will long be dear to me. The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

Memories of the week in Houston will long be dear to me.  I enjoyed meeting brethren, sharing testimonies, praying together and encouraging one another.  But an indelible mark has been left in me, by the work of the Holy Spirit and through the yielded vessels having made the choice to go for the sake of the gospel.  God has worked through each of you to encourage me and increase my faith. O how grateful I am for you all.  Until we meet again.

Back home in Virginia and throughout the country there are so many who are dear to my heart and not to write of how each and every one of you has blessed me, seems wrong.  My memory surely is inadequate and I’m thankful that God has it all on record. So, Thank You and I pray;

24 “The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
26 The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.”’ (Numbers 6:24-26)   Amen.

Hoping to write to you again about this time next week,

Agape David