Austin, Texas 2013 hiscall8888

Austin, Texas

My first impression of Austin was this is a nice looking city and the weather was great for February.

Monday evening the Lord provided a place to park at Greater Hills Baptist Church.  So, Tuesday I was off to do a little sight-seeing and spy out the land for ministry.  I really liked the Capitol Building and the downtown area.

JESUS Died and Paid for the Sin of everyone in Austin, TX But unless you believe and repent it will do you no good on The Day of Judgement.

Wednesday evening I went to get stuck in traffic so I could multitask. While others were seeing the cross lifted up and making all kinds of faces, I was memorizing scripture and practicing preaching it. I tell you again how last week in Houston I was so encouraged by the brethren who came to do street ministry there.  This week I was disappointed because there was no one to go out with.  Never the less, I prepare with the hope of being able to go to the streets and preach alone if necessary. Please be in prayer that the Holy Spirit will give me boldness to go and to fill my mouth with God’s Word that others may be saved.  Amen

Thursday, I thought it strange that I had met so few Christians.  Had I figured Texas wrong?  In Houston last week and now Austin I have not witnessed the conservative state or the Christian presence I had expected (Except the brothers that drove to Houston to share the gospel).  Several times this week, hostility and mockery were loudly heralded against the Lord Jesus Christ and His Cross.  Even personal threats directed to me and I have never seen these people before.  This one guy was too much with his mouth.  Just so you may know, I was born in the City and raised in the Country in the tradition of America past. (Discipline, Work, Honor and Respect)  After this guy yelled across the parking lot about what he was going to do to me, I turned facing him then unwrapped my sandwich and ate it.  This really made him hot especially when I ignored his threats, so he got in his car and sped away.  At the time there was nothing that I liked about this guy, I really thought he needed to be taken out behind the woodpile and after that given the gospel (Well that’s what I thought).

Austin, TX JESUS is coming in the clouds with power and great glory! JESUS died for your sin but you must repent and believe in order to be saved!

Austin, TX JESUS is coming in the clouds with power and great glory! JESUS died for your sin but you must repent and believe in order to be saved!

Friday it was time to press on!  So around and downtown the banner of Jesus Christ was flown, the gospel shared, people encouraged and prayed for.  It was much the same on Saturday downtown along Congress and 6th Street. I enjoyed “messing people up” as I call it giving away CD’s and other gifts along with the gospel. I love the expressions on people’s faces and the gratitude some express.  Giving really does bring down walls so I can share the gospel with some people one on one and others take the gospel with them.  I believe we should give the best quality gospel products as possible because I think they are less likely to be discarded.  What helps me a lot in this effort is when I go into a Christian Bookstore I look for the clearance Items. Sometimes I find discounts as much as 90% off on Music CDs, Videos, Books and so forth. For those who have handed me a few dollars or more along the Journey; “Thank You, So very much!”

Sunday morning I enjoyed the worship service at Greater Hills Baptist Church.  This week my fondest memories were of the Christians that encouraged me, all the people I met along the sidewalks and in the parking lots that I was able to talk with and pray for.  Thank you!

To everyone back home in Virginia and to those I have met abroad: Thank You for every prayer and support. Please continue praying because I’m realizing the benefits. I believe the road ahead will be rough but much more I am sure; “that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world” and “it’s no longer I who live but Christ that lives in me.”   Amen.

God willing, I’ll write to you again about this time next week.

Agape David