Albuquerque, NM 2013

Albuquerque, NM 2013

Leaving Santa Fe having enjoyed the scenery little did I know that greater vistas were just ahead in Albuquerque?  Before I could jump right in I had to get settled and write about the prior stop.  It was Tuesday evening before I would find a place to call home here.  Thanks to First Baptist Church of Rio Rancho.

Wednesday evening and Thursday I went looking for places to focus on sharing the gospel. So it was Downtown proper from about 4:30 to 9pm. talking one on one with some who did not believe and with others who believed we discussed the importance of following the Lord in our daily lives.  All in all it was a great evening so that the few contentious remarks quickly faded away. Praise God!

Then on Friday, I went to the foothills of the Sandia Mountains, stood on a rock and preached the gospel in a small park along the scenic trail route.  When I decided to do this I took my camera to make a video.  The reason I did this was so I could review to learn what I need to improve on and second so you may see how the Lord is growing me in the Faith.  Well I set the camera down hoping it was right and by the time I stood up on the rock I was a little shaken as you may notice in the first couple minutes but after that it was on.  Check it out here:

It was such a blessing to me and of the few people who gathered no one left while I spoke. Later when I viewed the video I found that it stopped recording because the battery went out so that is why the closing plea is not complete and it did not capture the comments of those who spoke to me afterwards. I did learn a couple things from this.  Though the audience was below me as I was on an incline standing on a rock I think that I looked toward the camera too much.  Secondly I think God has given me a passion that comes across well with hearers at least for that time.  I must admit this was easier to do here before a few people as opposed to doing so in a bustling urban setting.  But all things are possible with God and even if I’m by myself I believe God is going to grant the boldness that I may do this soon in a bustling urban setting.  Please continue praying for me in this regard because your prayers have already been answered in so many ways along this Journey to date.

Saturday was a day of making rounds to stop here and there responding to those who were taken by the Cross and the graphics on the truck.  While at Panera I met some dear friends who love the Lord.  We had a great time of fellowship encouraging one another and they invited me to go with them to Sunday service.  Meet Daniel, Andrew and Shannon.

Meet Daniel, Andrew and Shannon

Meet Daniel, Andrew and Shannon Thanks it was great meeting you this side of eternity! Agape

Sunday morning I went to meet my new friends for the early service at Sagebrush Community Church Riverside Campus.  The Worship was sweet, the message strong and it was great to see my friends on more time this side of eternity.  Afterwards, I made ready and went for a Sunday drive.  Around, up, up and up the ram went until the heights of more than 10, 000 feet were reached! There on the Sandia Crest I stood looking out over thousands of square miles of God’s creation.  Awe inspiring yes along with which came the realization of me being very tiny.  But in that moment came security by way of realizing that the Greatness of God who created all things and who holds all things together is the One who thought so much of tiny little me and all the tiny people of the world, that He came to be like one of us with the express purpose to go the way of the Cross, to be crucified by tiny evil men and even more to be crushed by His own fierce, holy wrath as payment for sin!  Hallelujah!  O’ God who am I that You are mindful of me?  What Love is this that You laid down your life for me?  I could no longer stand but to my knees, with hands lifted and I praised Him who died for me and rose again! Hallelujah!


My soul longs, yes, even faints

My soul longs, yes, even faints
For the courts of the LORD;
My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. (Ps 84:2)

So at the heights I praised and prayed to the Lord my God! Then I was blessed to go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is Lord!

One young man I met was from Norway and he was pleased to hear the gospel.  Later, I met a Pager and Jenny from Santa Fe who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.  We had a great time of fellowship and prayer on the heights! (17 degrees and high winds could not prevail against the praises of God’s people)


Meet Pager and Jenny from Santa Fe who I met on The Sandia Crest! We had a great time of fellowship and prayer on the heights! (17 degrees and high winds could not prevail against the praises of God’s people)

Meet Pager and Jenny from Santa Fe who I met on The Sandia Crest! We had a great time of fellowship and prayer on the heights! (17 degrees and high winds could not prevail against the praises of God’s people)


My time in Albuquerque seemed to go fast and my experiences in the State of New Mexico have been enriched.  As I get further away from my hometown family and friends the Lord has so graciously provided.  This week as in others past I have connected with more of my family in the Lord and instead of saying goodbye I say; “God Bless You until I may see you all again”.  Amen

Until next week God willing, I will write you about the week of the crucifixion and the resurrection 2013.  The week has already begun in Las Cruces, NM.

Agape, David Banton

Amarillo, Texas 2013

Amarillo, Texas 2013

Finishing the week in Amarillo completes my journey in the State of Texas. Reflecting on the events of Houston, Austin and Dallas Texas left something to be desired.  There were precious moments in each town, like in Houston when brethren came together to preach the glorious gospel of God.  Meeting and enjoying fellowship is so dear to me.

My last day in Dallas brought trial that indeed tested my faith and made me so weak.  But God brought me through it and strengthened me.  Monday afternoon I set out for Amarillo which was about a 7 hour journey.  Along the way I appreciated driving for miles seeing very little development and traffic.  This brought calmness to my weary body and mind.  So I enjoyed chasing the sun for about four hours.

Chasing the sun between Dallas and Amarillo, Texas by hiscall888 2013

Chasing the sun between Dallas and Amarillo, Texas by hiscall888 2013

Then the darkness came, the wind began to forcefully blow and the next two hours was like a wrestling match.  Something darted out in front of the truck and after realizing that it was tumble weed I caught my breath. At about 9:30 pm I arrived in Amarillo where the temperature was 33 degrees with 40 mph winds!  When I left Dallas it was 86 degrees and calm. I wrote most of this to show how God blessed me to continue along the journey just a few hours after the most agonizing time in my life.

On Tuesday morning I met with Bruce who is the director of facilities at First Baptist Church in Amarillo.  I was provided a safe place to park with electricity. Yes! It had been three weeks since I had that luxury and some of that time I was not well. Praise God!  This was the beginning of many blessings in Amarillo, Texas.  Like when I went to Chick File where the employees were quick to express their love for JESUS!  This was the first response like this along the journey and throughout the week I enjoyed spending time there. Another blessing happened outside of the Wal-Mart.  I had been inside a few minutes and then going outside I saw that there were several people looking at the Cross and taking pictures. As you may imagine the opportunity to minister was tops and the same happened three different days at this Wal-Mart.  All of this brought back memories I have of the Wal-Mart in Minot, North Dakota.

Then the most encouraging experience of the week in Amarillo was meeting Brother, Randy Boehmer. Randy is on a journey to share “JESUS Saves” along America’s highways and byways.  I heard about Randy from someone that was standing in line to order food.  The guy in line had a pleasant demeanor, so I asked “what is the hope that is within you?”  From there I would find out that he is a believer and then he told me about a man traveling to share the gospel and where I could find him.  Of course I was excited so straightway I went to find him. About that time a light show began in the sky, the winds blew, the rain was coming and I saw Randy’s ring out in the field. I drove out to meet Him and we spent a few minutes together before Randy had to go batten down the hatches.  We agreed to meet Sunday afternoon so we could talk about the Lord.


Randy Boehmer JESUS Saves! Amarillo, TX March 3, 2013

Meet; Randy Boehmer JESUS Saves! Amarillo, TX March 3, 2013

Saturday I made the rounds again; Chick filet, Wal-Mart and the Mall parking lot.  It’s so cool that when people gathered around the Cross in parking lots that no one said you need to leave.

Sunday morning I enjoyed worship service at First Baptist Church of Amarillo.  Then I was off to fellowship with Brother Randy.  It was cold and windy, I sat down next to the woodstove in Randy’s place and the aroma of bacon set the stage for a most memorable time of fellowship.  Maybe I should have said set the stagecoach in instead of set the stage, but that wouldn’t be correct either.  Okay, I have held you in suspense as long as I could.  Randy’s rig is a Covered Wagon drawn by a team of mules. Yes that right, “Covered Wagon drawn by a team of Mules!”  The sign on the wagon reads “JESUS SAVES Ask Him.”   Well since the “Covered Wagon” is out of the bag take a look for yourself;

Randy Boehmer's rig JESUS Saves! Amarillo, TX March 3, 2013

Randy Boehmer’s rig JESUS Saves! Amarillo, TX March 3, 2013

Yes, what a sight to see and maybe more incredible was the time of fellowship we enjoyed. Earlier I wrote about sitting by the wood stove and the smell of bacon; that’s because Randy has done a remarkable job of outfitting the wagon.  The woodstove never goes out and cooking is no problem.  Then there are two solar panels mounted on top of the wagon that produce electricity for lights, a laptop and other small devices.  So while it was blustery outside we were warm and I enjoyed a couple plates of hot beans with turkey sausage, bacon and other seasonings.  My Dad is going to be upset that I didn’t send some home.

There is so much to write about our time together but I will touch on just a couple more.  Part of Randy’s testimony and one most notable event happened while he and others where going through the material belongings of a deceased loved one.  Certain comments were made and God really opened Randy’s eyes about worldliness. Meaning all is vanity i.e. the material treasures of man come to nothing and men striving in worldly ventures come to nothing as well.  Randy testified how God saved him and about the process of preparing to go.  That is to go: laying up treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not corrupt and destroy.  Randy sold his home and most all his possessions.  A large portion of the proceeds went to pay for the mules which pull the “JESUS Saves” wagon.  Randy tells of how God has provided everything he has needed and not just for him but for the team of mules as well.

Randy Boehmer and his workforce declaring; JESUS Saves! Amarillo, TX March 10, 2013

Randy Boehmer and his workforce declaring; JESUS Saves! Amarillo, TX March 10, 2013

You may read more stories about Randy at this his Facebook page Randy Boehmer, travelin’ for Jesus.  Or just Google; Randy Boehmer

As you may imagine I was greatly blessed, encouraged and humbled through our time of fellowship.

I think a fitting title to this particular story could be; “The Virginian and The Cowboy for JESUS meet in Amarillo, Texas 2013.”

In closing I will make a few final points.  Texas with the few noted exceptions seemed distant to the cross.  In Dallas 14 of the last 24 hours were the most agonizing of my life.  But God kept me through it all.  Even so I was drained because since I was with the brethren preaching the gospel in Houston, I could not find anyone to partner with in ministry.  Then because of the medical issue the night before and facing a three hundred mile drive to a town that I knew no one in was a bit scary.  So I arrive in Amarillo, where it is literally flat lands, dusty, windy and barren of greenery.  But God has awed me again!  God showed up when I was dry and in a dry place!  From the first encounter to the last while in Amarillo, God poured out the rain!

Thou, O God, didst send a plentiful rain, whereby thou didst confirm thine inheritance, when it was weary. (Psalm 68:9)

O Dear God,

Thanks for getting me to Amarillo safe!

Thanks for providing a place to park with electricity at First Baptist Church of Amarillo!

Thanks for every encouragement and the opportunities to minister at Chick Fila, Wal-Mart and The Mall!

Thanks for the sweet fellowship with Brother Randy Boehmer!

Thanks for taking away the pain when I prayed that Saturday night in Dallas!

Thanks for all those who have and continue to support me by prayer, encouragement and in giving.

Thanks for keeping me that I may go to the next stop along; The Journey 50 Sates One True Story JESUS!    Amen

From Santa Fe, New Mexico,

It has been a delight to write you boasting in God’s goodness towards me.  My prayer is that God will make His manifest presence all the more known to each of you. The scriptures that come to mind concerning you in regard to this are:

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.  (Matthew 7:7-8)

And this is the confidence that we have in him, that if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:  And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. (1 John 5:14-15)

Looking unto the time when together we may rejoice in the presence of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.  “JESUS Christ the LORD!”

Agape, David

Dallas, Texas 2013

Dallas, Texas 2013

Maybe I had grand expectations about Dallas because of how it’s been portrayed in the media.  But the memories of the week there are not so grand after all.  I believe some of it has to do with what I’m looking for. That is I hope to meet others who are excited about JESUS.

Tuesday evening I went to the mall, it was pretty upscale and after walking around a little while I sat down and started writing.  This is what I wrote:

Weep and howl O’ you rich man for the misery that is about to befall you.  You have worshipped man and man’s manipulation of the very elements which I created and set before you.  Yet there is neither abiding value nor life to be found in all of the worldly treasures.

O’ I would that you had praised The LORD Your GOD, but you have not!  You have forgotten that I AM the One who gave you the power to obtain wealth.

O’ little man what shall become of you and all your riches.  Have they provided for your eternal soul?  Surely, I say unto you they have not!  But they will testify against you on The Day of Judgment!

O’ little man, what shall you answer on the Terrible Day of LORD?  But I say you shall not speak one word.

O’ little man, listen to ME!  Repent of all your wickedness!  MY Wrath is even now upon your head!  Repent that you may receive mercy and pardon for all your wickedness.

O’ little man, look unto the Cross!  Look unto MY Only Begotten SON hanging upon the Cross! Look unto HIM who was slaughtered for the sin of the world!

O’ little man, can you see Him on the Cross?  I say unto you, Look!  Can you see the slaughtered Lamb hanging on the Cross?

O’ little man, if you can see the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world; then fall down and Worship Him!  Stay down and Worship Him who bleed and died for you!  Worship Him I say!

O’ little man can you not even speak?  What then is your treasure?

O’ little man, soon and very soon your life shall be required of you and I will do unto you according to the treasure of your heart.   Amen.

Pretty heavy stuff I know but let me tell you that “David Banton” was one like them who worshipped things and not the One who created them!  Let me ask you: Can you look unto the Cross and see Jesus? Do you esteem Jesus as your greatest treasure?

GOD or Gold?  The answer is in your heart!

GOD or Gold? The answer is in your heart!

Wednesday was a slow day and I was not feeling well so that night I asked God to renew me as I slept.  Thursday afternoon while at the Laundromat, I noticed a man reading scripture.  When I was close enough, I could see that He was reading in the book of Leviticus.  So I engaged him in a conversation and what a blessing this man was to me.  I was built-up in the faith, encouraged and enriched in the Word.  Upon parting I was confident that Brother Lincoln Allen and I would meet again in glory.

Friday I drove to downtown Fort Worth to fly the banner of Christ and then back to Dallas in time to get caught in traffic.  At times I like to raise one of the props in the back of the truck.  I hoped to do that Friday and Saturday but I was without strength.

Sunday morning I enjoyed Worship Service at Grace Bible Church in Dallas.  Later I had the pleasure to meet and thank Pastor David Wilson of Greater Cornerstone Baptist Church for allowing me to park at their church. Afterwards I laid everything down in the ministry trailer preparing to leave early so I could travel 3 hours Sunday and the other 3 hours Monday morning to my next stop along the journey.  About 2pm I filled the gas tank and grabbed a sandwich to go.  Then 2:15pm marked the beginning of agony that I will never forget. I was driving, had taken two bites of the sandwich when intense pain hit in my lower right abdomen and knew I had to go to the hospital right then.  I called my friend Kris and asked him to find the VA hospital for me.  Kris sent me the address, there was a 20 minute drive ahead and the only hope I had was that God would get me there and He did.  The ER was packed and for more than four hours extreme continuous agony was my lot in the waiting area.  I could not hold any of it in and I called out to God praising Him, I cried out for Mercy from those working there but it did not come. I wanted to lay down anywhere but was told I would be arrested if I lay on the floor.  The pain was more than words can express and after some time I saw no hope at all.  I just wanted someone to say it’s going to be okay that this to would soon pass.  About 7pm they took me in and started testing, about 8pm they gave me pain medicine which brought relief from 9 to 10pm.  At 10pm I wrote this text to update Kris, “Dr. just came in CT shows kidney stone caught before it got to my kidney.  He is waiting to hear back from specialist what to do.  Since I arrived here I have had about one hour of relief, it took two shots of morphine and now it’s coming back.  I really never imagined agony like this and I think what agony the lord suffered for sin and I’m crying, I want to finish well for Him.  I pray that if I must die in pain that it will be for the Lord’s Name sake.  But no matter what The Lord has saved me.  Agape

So, at 10pm the pain started again and I was scared really scared.  I began to pray that God would take the pain from me, but before I finished I knew that I did not believe it would be done.  Then, I repented of my unbelief and began praising God for who He is, for what He has done and what He has promised to do.  Straightway, God took away the pain and even until the time of this writing.  Oh’ I shall forever praise Him!    At 4:00am I was in my truck with medicine and I wrote a text to another friend Rev. Houston Franklin, “Brother, Keep praying the enemy hits hard but I am not finished until the Lord says so. Leaving Dallas Veterans ER, after 13 hours and 3 shots of morphine for a kidney stone.  I go to a dark and cold home this morning but that’s nothing compared to the hope I have unto the resurrection of eternal life in the Lord Jesus Christ!  So, I go because The Battle and The Victory is The Lords.  Amen.”

The Lord saw me home safely, gave me good sleep and by 3pm Monday I was blessed to be on my way to the next stop along; The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

Dallas, Texas 2013 along; The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

Today I will end short of “Thanking every one of You whom I love.” But I have hope that I may write to you again in about a week.


Agape, David Banton