Dallas, Texas 2013

Dallas, Texas 2013

Maybe I had grand expectations about Dallas because of how it’s been portrayed in the media.  But the memories of the week there are not so grand after all.  I believe some of it has to do with what I’m looking for. That is I hope to meet others who are excited about JESUS.

Tuesday evening I went to the mall, it was pretty upscale and after walking around a little while I sat down and started writing.  This is what I wrote:

Weep and howl O’ you rich man for the misery that is about to befall you.  You have worshipped man and man’s manipulation of the very elements which I created and set before you.  Yet there is neither abiding value nor life to be found in all of the worldly treasures.

O’ I would that you had praised The LORD Your GOD, but you have not!  You have forgotten that I AM the One who gave you the power to obtain wealth.

O’ little man what shall become of you and all your riches.  Have they provided for your eternal soul?  Surely, I say unto you they have not!  But they will testify against you on The Day of Judgment!

O’ little man, what shall you answer on the Terrible Day of LORD?  But I say you shall not speak one word.

O’ little man, listen to ME!  Repent of all your wickedness!  MY Wrath is even now upon your head!  Repent that you may receive mercy and pardon for all your wickedness.

O’ little man, look unto the Cross!  Look unto MY Only Begotten SON hanging upon the Cross! Look unto HIM who was slaughtered for the sin of the world!

O’ little man, can you see Him on the Cross?  I say unto you, Look!  Can you see the slaughtered Lamb hanging on the Cross?

O’ little man, if you can see the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world; then fall down and Worship Him!  Stay down and Worship Him who bleed and died for you!  Worship Him I say!

O’ little man can you not even speak?  What then is your treasure?

O’ little man, soon and very soon your life shall be required of you and I will do unto you according to the treasure of your heart.   Amen.

Pretty heavy stuff I know but let me tell you that “David Banton” was one like them who worshipped things and not the One who created them!  Let me ask you: Can you look unto the Cross and see Jesus? Do you esteem Jesus as your greatest treasure?

GOD or Gold?  The answer is in your heart!

GOD or Gold? The answer is in your heart!

Wednesday was a slow day and I was not feeling well so that night I asked God to renew me as I slept.  Thursday afternoon while at the Laundromat, I noticed a man reading scripture.  When I was close enough, I could see that He was reading in the book of Leviticus.  So I engaged him in a conversation and what a blessing this man was to me.  I was built-up in the faith, encouraged and enriched in the Word.  Upon parting I was confident that Brother Lincoln Allen and I would meet again in glory.

Friday I drove to downtown Fort Worth to fly the banner of Christ and then back to Dallas in time to get caught in traffic.  At times I like to raise one of the props in the back of the truck.  I hoped to do that Friday and Saturday but I was without strength.

Sunday morning I enjoyed Worship Service at Grace Bible Church in Dallas.  Later I had the pleasure to meet and thank Pastor David Wilson of Greater Cornerstone Baptist Church for allowing me to park at their church. Afterwards I laid everything down in the ministry trailer preparing to leave early so I could travel 3 hours Sunday and the other 3 hours Monday morning to my next stop along the journey.  About 2pm I filled the gas tank and grabbed a sandwich to go.  Then 2:15pm marked the beginning of agony that I will never forget. I was driving, had taken two bites of the sandwich when intense pain hit in my lower right abdomen and knew I had to go to the hospital right then.  I called my friend Kris and asked him to find the VA hospital for me.  Kris sent me the address, there was a 20 minute drive ahead and the only hope I had was that God would get me there and He did.  The ER was packed and for more than four hours extreme continuous agony was my lot in the waiting area.  I could not hold any of it in and I called out to God praising Him, I cried out for Mercy from those working there but it did not come. I wanted to lay down anywhere but was told I would be arrested if I lay on the floor.  The pain was more than words can express and after some time I saw no hope at all.  I just wanted someone to say it’s going to be okay that this to would soon pass.  About 7pm they took me in and started testing, about 8pm they gave me pain medicine which brought relief from 9 to 10pm.  At 10pm I wrote this text to update Kris, “Dr. just came in CT shows kidney stone caught before it got to my kidney.  He is waiting to hear back from specialist what to do.  Since I arrived here I have had about one hour of relief, it took two shots of morphine and now it’s coming back.  I really never imagined agony like this and I think what agony the lord suffered for sin and I’m crying, I want to finish well for Him.  I pray that if I must die in pain that it will be for the Lord’s Name sake.  But no matter what The Lord has saved me.  Agape

So, at 10pm the pain started again and I was scared really scared.  I began to pray that God would take the pain from me, but before I finished I knew that I did not believe it would be done.  Then, I repented of my unbelief and began praising God for who He is, for what He has done and what He has promised to do.  Straightway, God took away the pain and even until the time of this writing.  Oh’ I shall forever praise Him!    At 4:00am I was in my truck with medicine and I wrote a text to another friend Rev. Houston Franklin, “Brother, Keep praying the enemy hits hard but I am not finished until the Lord says so. Leaving Dallas Veterans ER, after 13 hours and 3 shots of morphine for a kidney stone.  I go to a dark and cold home this morning but that’s nothing compared to the hope I have unto the resurrection of eternal life in the Lord Jesus Christ!  So, I go because The Battle and The Victory is The Lords.  Amen.”

The Lord saw me home safely, gave me good sleep and by 3pm Monday I was blessed to be on my way to the next stop along; The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

Dallas, Texas 2013 along; The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

Today I will end short of “Thanking every one of You whom I love.” But I have hope that I may write to you again in about a week.


Agape, David Banton