Amarillo, Texas 2013

Amarillo, Texas 2013

Finishing the week in Amarillo completes my journey in the State of Texas. Reflecting on the events of Houston, Austin and Dallas Texas left something to be desired.  There were precious moments in each town, like in Houston when brethren came together to preach the glorious gospel of God.  Meeting and enjoying fellowship is so dear to me.

My last day in Dallas brought trial that indeed tested my faith and made me so weak.  But God brought me through it and strengthened me.  Monday afternoon I set out for Amarillo which was about a 7 hour journey.  Along the way I appreciated driving for miles seeing very little development and traffic.  This brought calmness to my weary body and mind.  So I enjoyed chasing the sun for about four hours.

Chasing the sun between Dallas and Amarillo, Texas by hiscall888 2013

Chasing the sun between Dallas and Amarillo, Texas by hiscall888 2013

Then the darkness came, the wind began to forcefully blow and the next two hours was like a wrestling match.  Something darted out in front of the truck and after realizing that it was tumble weed I caught my breath. At about 9:30 pm I arrived in Amarillo where the temperature was 33 degrees with 40 mph winds!  When I left Dallas it was 86 degrees and calm. I wrote most of this to show how God blessed me to continue along the journey just a few hours after the most agonizing time in my life.

On Tuesday morning I met with Bruce who is the director of facilities at First Baptist Church in Amarillo.  I was provided a safe place to park with electricity. Yes! It had been three weeks since I had that luxury and some of that time I was not well. Praise God!  This was the beginning of many blessings in Amarillo, Texas.  Like when I went to Chick File where the employees were quick to express their love for JESUS!  This was the first response like this along the journey and throughout the week I enjoyed spending time there. Another blessing happened outside of the Wal-Mart.  I had been inside a few minutes and then going outside I saw that there were several people looking at the Cross and taking pictures. As you may imagine the opportunity to minister was tops and the same happened three different days at this Wal-Mart.  All of this brought back memories I have of the Wal-Mart in Minot, North Dakota.

Then the most encouraging experience of the week in Amarillo was meeting Brother, Randy Boehmer. Randy is on a journey to share “JESUS Saves” along America’s highways and byways.  I heard about Randy from someone that was standing in line to order food.  The guy in line had a pleasant demeanor, so I asked “what is the hope that is within you?”  From there I would find out that he is a believer and then he told me about a man traveling to share the gospel and where I could find him.  Of course I was excited so straightway I went to find him. About that time a light show began in the sky, the winds blew, the rain was coming and I saw Randy’s ring out in the field. I drove out to meet Him and we spent a few minutes together before Randy had to go batten down the hatches.  We agreed to meet Sunday afternoon so we could talk about the Lord.


Randy Boehmer JESUS Saves! Amarillo, TX March 3, 2013

Meet; Randy Boehmer JESUS Saves! Amarillo, TX March 3, 2013

Saturday I made the rounds again; Chick filet, Wal-Mart and the Mall parking lot.  It’s so cool that when people gathered around the Cross in parking lots that no one said you need to leave.

Sunday morning I enjoyed worship service at First Baptist Church of Amarillo.  Then I was off to fellowship with Brother Randy.  It was cold and windy, I sat down next to the woodstove in Randy’s place and the aroma of bacon set the stage for a most memorable time of fellowship.  Maybe I should have said set the stagecoach in instead of set the stage, but that wouldn’t be correct either.  Okay, I have held you in suspense as long as I could.  Randy’s rig is a Covered Wagon drawn by a team of mules. Yes that right, “Covered Wagon drawn by a team of Mules!”  The sign on the wagon reads “JESUS SAVES Ask Him.”   Well since the “Covered Wagon” is out of the bag take a look for yourself;

Randy Boehmer's rig JESUS Saves! Amarillo, TX March 3, 2013

Randy Boehmer’s rig JESUS Saves! Amarillo, TX March 3, 2013

Yes, what a sight to see and maybe more incredible was the time of fellowship we enjoyed. Earlier I wrote about sitting by the wood stove and the smell of bacon; that’s because Randy has done a remarkable job of outfitting the wagon.  The woodstove never goes out and cooking is no problem.  Then there are two solar panels mounted on top of the wagon that produce electricity for lights, a laptop and other small devices.  So while it was blustery outside we were warm and I enjoyed a couple plates of hot beans with turkey sausage, bacon and other seasonings.  My Dad is going to be upset that I didn’t send some home.

There is so much to write about our time together but I will touch on just a couple more.  Part of Randy’s testimony and one most notable event happened while he and others where going through the material belongings of a deceased loved one.  Certain comments were made and God really opened Randy’s eyes about worldliness. Meaning all is vanity i.e. the material treasures of man come to nothing and men striving in worldly ventures come to nothing as well.  Randy testified how God saved him and about the process of preparing to go.  That is to go: laying up treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not corrupt and destroy.  Randy sold his home and most all his possessions.  A large portion of the proceeds went to pay for the mules which pull the “JESUS Saves” wagon.  Randy tells of how God has provided everything he has needed and not just for him but for the team of mules as well.

Randy Boehmer and his workforce declaring; JESUS Saves! Amarillo, TX March 10, 2013

Randy Boehmer and his workforce declaring; JESUS Saves! Amarillo, TX March 10, 2013

You may read more stories about Randy at this his Facebook page Randy Boehmer, travelin’ for Jesus.  Or just Google; Randy Boehmer

As you may imagine I was greatly blessed, encouraged and humbled through our time of fellowship.

I think a fitting title to this particular story could be; “The Virginian and The Cowboy for JESUS meet in Amarillo, Texas 2013.”

In closing I will make a few final points.  Texas with the few noted exceptions seemed distant to the cross.  In Dallas 14 of the last 24 hours were the most agonizing of my life.  But God kept me through it all.  Even so I was drained because since I was with the brethren preaching the gospel in Houston, I could not find anyone to partner with in ministry.  Then because of the medical issue the night before and facing a three hundred mile drive to a town that I knew no one in was a bit scary.  So I arrive in Amarillo, where it is literally flat lands, dusty, windy and barren of greenery.  But God has awed me again!  God showed up when I was dry and in a dry place!  From the first encounter to the last while in Amarillo, God poured out the rain!

Thou, O God, didst send a plentiful rain, whereby thou didst confirm thine inheritance, when it was weary. (Psalm 68:9)

O Dear God,

Thanks for getting me to Amarillo safe!

Thanks for providing a place to park with electricity at First Baptist Church of Amarillo!

Thanks for every encouragement and the opportunities to minister at Chick Fila, Wal-Mart and The Mall!

Thanks for the sweet fellowship with Brother Randy Boehmer!

Thanks for taking away the pain when I prayed that Saturday night in Dallas!

Thanks for all those who have and continue to support me by prayer, encouragement and in giving.

Thanks for keeping me that I may go to the next stop along; The Journey 50 Sates One True Story JESUS!    Amen

From Santa Fe, New Mexico,

It has been a delight to write you boasting in God’s goodness towards me.  My prayer is that God will make His manifest presence all the more known to each of you. The scriptures that come to mind concerning you in regard to this are:

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.  (Matthew 7:7-8)

And this is the confidence that we have in him, that if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:  And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. (1 John 5:14-15)

Looking unto the time when together we may rejoice in the presence of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.  “JESUS Christ the LORD!”

Agape, David