Flagstaff, Arizona 2013

Having arrived back in Phoenix after a week at home in Virginia I had many praises for God!  More than I wrote in my last post.  That Friday afternoon while home I lifted something and my back screamed.  Saturday afternoon I was wheeled into the ER.  Then Sunday afternoon it was off to the airport for the flight back to Phoenix.  I was unable to lift anything nor could I take off my shoes and walking was slow and tedious.  But from the security checkpoint in Richmond through baggage pickup in Phoenix there was someone to help.  Oh one more thing when I arrived in Dallas I had a two hour plus layover.  When I looked at the monitor to see if my next flight was on time I noticed there was another leaving for Phoenix in 10 minutes.  So I went to see if there were any seats available and I arrived two hours ahead of schedule!  Praise God!

Then on Monday I pulled out of Phoenix and made it safely to Mountain View Church in Flagstaff, AZ.  Pastor Mike Irwin made me feel right at home there for the week.

I don’t have a lot to report because my pace was deliberately slow as I hoped for healing in my back.  There are some people I met whose encouragement meant a lot to me and I want to say, “Thank You”

A young lady named Kelsey who works at Chick-Fila was so excited about the truck because she loves JESUS!

I was blessed to meet Larry Sibley who is one of my Facebook friends.  We had a great time of fellowship and this was a time which we both were in need of.

Then there was Sharon who followed me until I stopped so she could encourage and invite me to church.

My friend George at the laundry mat who asked God to restore unto him the joy of His salvation!

Another was Sam at economy auto repair who fixed the low hanging tailpipe on the truck at no cost because I was his brother in Christ!

I doubt any of these people know each other but we all had one thing in common and that’s JESUS!  Thank you all.

Saturday afternoon I went for a ride up the mountain I had been looking at all week. It was beautiful so I took a few pictures along the way. The sun was brightly shining through hitting the white trees and evergreens. Here’s one of the pictures:


JESUS Saves!

Flagstaff, Arizona 2013 The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

I did not mean to take cartoon pictures but that is how they all came out.  Well maybe you thought I was brighter than that or not.

Moving on to Sunday worship service at Mountain View Church, Wow what a time of worship and preaching of the Word!  I stayed to worship a second time.  Pastor Mike called all to live a God exalted and Christ centered life.  Amen.

To sum up the week here, this town runs at a slower pace, is relatively small and this was perfect as my gait was slow.  I’m certain the Cross caused no small stir here, being seen and JESUS being the topic of discussion by many who live in Flagstaff.

Thanks to all the special people God sent my way this week and to everyone that supports me as I continue along, “The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!”

Until next week, God willing I’ll write you again.

Agape, David

p.s. one more for fun:

JESUS came into the world to save sinners.

JESUS came into the world to save sinners.

Phoenix, Arizona 2013

Phoenix, Arizona 2013

This posting is late because at the end of the week in Phoenix I flew to Virginia which is my home state.  While there I was blessed to enjoy fellowship with family and friends.  In fact I get spoiled by the affection they extend to me.  I need to shift gears now before I get home sick.



Now about the time I spent in Phoenix. Unfortunately this post will be very short because I did not take many notes.  I hope the pictures will make up for some of what is lacking.

Arriving Monday afternoon the Lord provided a great place to park for the week I served there and the week I was home.  Thanks, Redemption Church in Tempe, AZ.

Tuesday evening I picked up a P. A. System that I hope to use in sharing the gospel along “The Journey….”  That night I felt like a kid opening the boxes, putting things together and anxious to use it.  Like other gifts this one will bring challenges, excitement, and joy.  But it will also bring sorrow, confusion and contentions.  Not just to me, but much more too many others.  That’s what the message of the Gospel does!  So please pray that I may be a good steward using this tool to scatter seed in every town as it pleases the Holy Spirit.  Pray that the God will prepare hearts to receive the lifesaving message of Jesus Christ crucified and risen!

Jesus came into the world to save sinners.

Jesus came into the world to save sinners.

On Thursday I began testing the multiple applications of the P. A. system and found a problem.  Not with the system but with “THEY!”  We all have the problem “THEY” don’t we?  This awareness came while I was testing the system in the church parking lot; what will the church people and the neighbors think if they hear me doing this?  Then Friday evening “THEY” happened again when I arrived downtown to share Jesus.  Now I see that “THEY” has a stronghold in my life.  That’s kind of crazy because “THEY” does not have a name or names and “THEY” have not said or done anything to me.  So I have reservations about something that has not nor may even occur.  That’s silly isn’t it?  It begins with; what will they think if they see me setting the equipment up?   At times this has been all it takes for me to abort a particular mission.  That’s not silly.  That’s wrong!  Here are a few examples:

• But what will “They” think?

• But “They” will probably not like it!

• But what will “They” do!

• But “They” will never go for this!

Why do the opinions of others weigh so heavily on my decisions and yours?  To be free from what “THEY” may think would be so liberating.  Don’t you agree?  I need to stop and acknowledge how God has worked in me because the “THEY’s” are less than they used to be. Praise God!!!   But God promises us better than that. The key to being free from the tyranny of public approval is found and established in a deep and abiding faith in Christ finished work on the Cross!  O’ how often have I and will I entertain thoughts, ideas and suggestions sent by the enemy!  Secondly, O’ am I not walking in unbelief of God’s promises?  That’s it! That’s the root of all fear!  Unbelief stops me in my tracks!

The fear of man brings a snare: but whoso puts his trust in the LORD shall be safe. (Proverbs 29:25)

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)

For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. (Galatians 1:10)

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matthew 28:18-20)

Those are but a few of God’s promises, I believe that if I have sincere abiding faith in any one of them, the “THEY’s” will be powerless.

Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except by Me.

Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except by Me.

Going back to Friday night ministry on Mill St. from 4:30 until about 8:30 on Mill Street It was one on one witnessing as people walked up looking at The JESUS Truck.  It’s still amazes me how the Cross makes the impact that it does.  I think God knew how it would enhance my witness to the world.  Because it draws people my way and I have to be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within me.  Then from about 8:30 on I did meet five different organizations that were there to evangelize.  It was very interesting to see differing methods, some offering tracts, one caring a cross, another hoisting signs, one group singing rap and giving testimonies and another preaching.  Friday night ministry on Mill Street was a memorable one.  Though, I did not use the P.A. System I was blessed to share the gospel, encourage and pray for many.

Saturday I spent most of the day getting ready to fly out early Sunday morning for a week at home in Virginia.

In closing I arrived back in Phoenix on Sunday evening.  Then Monday I made it to the next stop along; The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

Thanks to everyone back home in Virginia and to everyone who has and continues to encourage me to follow JESUS!  I hope to write you again in about a week with good news about what the Lord has done.  Please continue praying and text, email or call me so I may know how I can pray for you.

Agape, David

Tucson, Arizona 2013

Tucson, Arizona 2013

Hello Arizona!  More mountains in fact, Tucson is like a basin with mountains on every side.   One thing I noticed along the drive was the life spring was bringing to the sandy and barren looking terrain.  Throughout the week as buds opened and the cactus bloomed I saw the beauty in God’s creation through a different lens.

Arriving Monday evening April 1st, I settled in at Mountain View Baptist Church of Tucson.  Ministry here was for the most part limited to one on one discussions because of the truck graphics and the cross.  The Lord sent encouragement my way every day of the week.

My backyard in Tucson, AZ

My backyard in Tucson, AZ

Saturday evening in the mall parking lot there was a festival featuring a couple bands and beer.  When I saw the long line of people waiting to get in I remembered that I used to like them.  But now I hurt for them and wondered how ministry could be done here.  So, I asked one of the Deputy Sheriffs a few questions about the rules of engagement.  After answering my questions and He offered a suggestion; that I park the truck directly to the left of the stage on the other side of the fence.  That was a great spot because the opening was about 30 feet long well light between the stage and the venders!  So for more than 3 hours I witnessed the power of the cross by the various expressions it evoked.  Some expressed reverence, some looked puzzled, and then there was mockery, while others quickly looked away.  I continue to be amazed each time I witness these reactions because they validate the truth of God’s law having been written on man’s heart!  Secondly, I witness the working of the Holy Spirit and the great need to preach the gospel to every creature!

Sunday morning was a time of revitalization in corporate worship and fellowship at Mountain View Baptist Church.  Afterwards the joy continued as I was invited to have lunch with Doug and his wife.  During our time together it was rather remarkable seeing that we share many common experiences in ministry.  One was the clear calling to go and its priority.   Another commonality is the use of written, audio and video mediums as well as oral presentations of the gospel.  The Morgan’s recently completed a 30 year tour in Mexico. They partnered with Drive-in Ministries Around the Corner and Around the World. Who provided with a fifth wheel rig outfitted as a mobile Drive-in which included: Projector, Video screen, audio equipment and speaking platform.  The Morgan’s would go from church to church doing evangelistic outreach.  The Morgan’s said, “It was never about us, it was coming alongside each pastor to reach out to the lost.”  They told me how time and again they saw the hand of God at work in wondrous ways.  You can go to this link to check out Drive-in Ministries: http://www.drive-inministries.com/

Pretty cool Yes?   Also the Morgan’s provided contact information and encouraged me to talk with the director of that ministry.  So, the Lord continues to awe me and this week it was through the inspiration of meeting the Morgan’s. Praise God!

Throughout the week in Tucson, the Banner and the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ was lifted up before men and I pray many will be saved.  Amen.

The Cross in Tucson, Arizona. JESUS SAVES!

The Cross in Tucson, Arizona. JESUS SAVES!

Thanks, all of you at home and those abroad for the various ways you support me in the Lords work.  May the Love and Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ become all the more apparent that you may know the fullness to which we may obtain even now as we wait for the blessed hope in the age to come. Amen.

Agape, David

Las Cruces, New Mexico 2013

Las Cruces, New Mexico 2013

The four hour drive through New Mexico was enjoyable because of the nice weather and scenery.  Calvary Baptist Church provided a great place to park with 30amp service!

Leaving for Las, Cruces I was pretty excited, considering this was the first Resurrection Sunday for me being on the road and how Las Cruces actually means, “The Crosses!”  That’s really awesome because this town has been on the schedule for at least six months and I did not know what it meant nor that I would be there then!  This reminds me of the first stop along the journey which was in Cumberland, KY and the State Park that I stayed in the first night is called, “Kingdom Come!” Both events were awe inspiring to me.  So back to being excited, you may remember that I wrote asking for prayer so that I would have more boldness to preach the gospel in public.  Well, the week prior to Las Cruces I was blessed to preach the gospel in a public park.  So the next hope I had was to preach the Cross at the place called Las, Cruces the week we celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ!  The stage was set and with high hopes I went to bed.  In the middle of the night I awoke with nagging pain in my upper back and left shoulder.  I did not sleep well that first night and throughout the week it was much the same.  As a result it was a low keyed and disappointing week.  But time and again as I flew the banner of the Lord Jesus Christ in and around town the Lord sent encouragement my way.  As I drove motorist blew their horn, waved and gave a thumbs up more often than any place before.

New Mexico along; The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS! 2013

New Mexico along; The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS! 2013

On Friday I met some friends who invited me to attend service with them that evening.  During the service we reflected on the last supper and had communion.  Thanks, Mesilla Park Community Church.

During Sunday service at Calvary Baptist Church I met a dear couple who invited me over for lunch.  Wow what a blessing. The meal was great and the fellowship so sweet. Both my dear friends have spent most of their lives as mission workers.  More than 30 years as Wycliffe Bible Translators and having been to many countries around the world.  Even more humbling is the fact that they plan to leave again in September.  I was deeply humbled by their testimonies and so encouraged by their example and willingness to continue on past, what’s commonly known as retirement years.

That kind of wraps up the week in Las, Cruses but instead of leaving so short let me bring to your attention something I wrote 2.8.2013;

Dear Brethren,

I hope we all will take a serious look at the issues that occupy so much of our energy, resources, time and affections.  The enemy of our souls tempts us every day and in numerous ways.  I think we lose sight of that oh’ so much!  The deceiver has us chasing many, many vain glories like; materialism, the fountain of youth, prestige and how many; “good causes” are championed in vain?  How about being deceived into thinking we are pleasing the Lord Jesus Christ?

Hello!  How long do we regurgitate the same things over and over again?  How long will we run on the treadmill and get off to jump back on?  Do you get the point?  No, I mean do you really see what’s going on?

Please stop and consider your actions!  What are you habitually doing, talking about and being spent for?  Are those actions both in word and deed for the name’s sake of the Lord Jesus Christ and the furtherance of The Gospel?  How about are the same for the encouragement and building up of the brethren?

Do we evaluate report and encourage resistance against things that God has told us would happen?  Shall our testimony before the world deny the power of the Holy Spirit in that we continue in bondage as loving the things of the world?  Do we build up one another by being sympathetic of ones sin and not call them to come up higher?

Look at and reflect on your actions and the patterns of your life.

Who appoints all kings and rulers in this world to serve His purposes? (Vote and Move on. We have a KING).  Will injustice decrease before Christ’s return? (Everyone needs to be Born Again).  Will immorality decrease? (Cut off and cast every ungodly thing from among you and your Household for You can only serve one master).

Jesus has called us out of the world to represent Him to the lost and dying world.  Every born again believer “IS” the Salt and the Light of the World. The measure of time that God has given each of us will shape eternity for you, me and the souls of others.  Time past cannot be regained and the Bible says we all will give an account to God.  Our assignment is:  The Gospel.

The call is to take action! Let us repent that we may obtain God’s mercy and forgiveness!  We must be in the Word and Doers of the Word!  We must be diligent in asking, seeking and knocking until the Holy Spirit overtakes and sets us free from the bondage of seeking vain glories!   O’ that we may be spent in honor of; “the One who died for us and rose again.”  Amen

If this does not prick your heart or in other words seems ridiculous to you:  Then I hope you will seek the Lord while He may be found because time is running out.  God has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness by the man Christ Jesus!

Jesus said, “Not every one that says unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”(Matt 7:21)

I hope that writing these things are an encouragement to you.  Though there is a degree of sharpness in the way I write, it is my hope that you know it comes from a heart of love for you.

Happy Resurrection Sunday!

In closing;   God has provided everything I had need of and having been encouraged I am confident as I move on in answering His Call.     Your prayers, support and encouragement are highly regarded.  Until next week, God willing I hope to write to you again.

Agape, David