Las Cruces, New Mexico 2013

Las Cruces, New Mexico 2013

The four hour drive through New Mexico was enjoyable because of the nice weather and scenery.  Calvary Baptist Church provided a great place to park with 30amp service!

Leaving for Las, Cruces I was pretty excited, considering this was the first Resurrection Sunday for me being on the road and how Las Cruces actually means, “The Crosses!”  That’s really awesome because this town has been on the schedule for at least six months and I did not know what it meant nor that I would be there then!  This reminds me of the first stop along the journey which was in Cumberland, KY and the State Park that I stayed in the first night is called, “Kingdom Come!” Both events were awe inspiring to me.  So back to being excited, you may remember that I wrote asking for prayer so that I would have more boldness to preach the gospel in public.  Well, the week prior to Las Cruces I was blessed to preach the gospel in a public park.  So the next hope I had was to preach the Cross at the place called Las, Cruces the week we celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ!  The stage was set and with high hopes I went to bed.  In the middle of the night I awoke with nagging pain in my upper back and left shoulder.  I did not sleep well that first night and throughout the week it was much the same.  As a result it was a low keyed and disappointing week.  But time and again as I flew the banner of the Lord Jesus Christ in and around town the Lord sent encouragement my way.  As I drove motorist blew their horn, waved and gave a thumbs up more often than any place before.

New Mexico along; The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS! 2013

New Mexico along; The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS! 2013

On Friday I met some friends who invited me to attend service with them that evening.  During the service we reflected on the last supper and had communion.  Thanks, Mesilla Park Community Church.

During Sunday service at Calvary Baptist Church I met a dear couple who invited me over for lunch.  Wow what a blessing. The meal was great and the fellowship so sweet. Both my dear friends have spent most of their lives as mission workers.  More than 30 years as Wycliffe Bible Translators and having been to many countries around the world.  Even more humbling is the fact that they plan to leave again in September.  I was deeply humbled by their testimonies and so encouraged by their example and willingness to continue on past, what’s commonly known as retirement years.

That kind of wraps up the week in Las, Cruses but instead of leaving so short let me bring to your attention something I wrote 2.8.2013;

Dear Brethren,

I hope we all will take a serious look at the issues that occupy so much of our energy, resources, time and affections.  The enemy of our souls tempts us every day and in numerous ways.  I think we lose sight of that oh’ so much!  The deceiver has us chasing many, many vain glories like; materialism, the fountain of youth, prestige and how many; “good causes” are championed in vain?  How about being deceived into thinking we are pleasing the Lord Jesus Christ?

Hello!  How long do we regurgitate the same things over and over again?  How long will we run on the treadmill and get off to jump back on?  Do you get the point?  No, I mean do you really see what’s going on?

Please stop and consider your actions!  What are you habitually doing, talking about and being spent for?  Are those actions both in word and deed for the name’s sake of the Lord Jesus Christ and the furtherance of The Gospel?  How about are the same for the encouragement and building up of the brethren?

Do we evaluate report and encourage resistance against things that God has told us would happen?  Shall our testimony before the world deny the power of the Holy Spirit in that we continue in bondage as loving the things of the world?  Do we build up one another by being sympathetic of ones sin and not call them to come up higher?

Look at and reflect on your actions and the patterns of your life.

Who appoints all kings and rulers in this world to serve His purposes? (Vote and Move on. We have a KING).  Will injustice decrease before Christ’s return? (Everyone needs to be Born Again).  Will immorality decrease? (Cut off and cast every ungodly thing from among you and your Household for You can only serve one master).

Jesus has called us out of the world to represent Him to the lost and dying world.  Every born again believer “IS” the Salt and the Light of the World. The measure of time that God has given each of us will shape eternity for you, me and the souls of others.  Time past cannot be regained and the Bible says we all will give an account to God.  Our assignment is:  The Gospel.

The call is to take action! Let us repent that we may obtain God’s mercy and forgiveness!  We must be in the Word and Doers of the Word!  We must be diligent in asking, seeking and knocking until the Holy Spirit overtakes and sets us free from the bondage of seeking vain glories!   O’ that we may be spent in honor of; “the One who died for us and rose again.”  Amen

If this does not prick your heart or in other words seems ridiculous to you:  Then I hope you will seek the Lord while He may be found because time is running out.  God has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness by the man Christ Jesus!

Jesus said, “Not every one that says unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”(Matt 7:21)

I hope that writing these things are an encouragement to you.  Though there is a degree of sharpness in the way I write, it is my hope that you know it comes from a heart of love for you.

Happy Resurrection Sunday!

In closing;   God has provided everything I had need of and having been encouraged I am confident as I move on in answering His Call.     Your prayers, support and encouragement are highly regarded.  Until next week, God willing I hope to write to you again.

Agape, David