Tucson, Arizona 2013

Tucson, Arizona 2013

Hello Arizona!  More mountains in fact, Tucson is like a basin with mountains on every side.   One thing I noticed along the drive was the life spring was bringing to the sandy and barren looking terrain.  Throughout the week as buds opened and the cactus bloomed I saw the beauty in God’s creation through a different lens.

Arriving Monday evening April 1st, I settled in at Mountain View Baptist Church of Tucson.  Ministry here was for the most part limited to one on one discussions because of the truck graphics and the cross.  The Lord sent encouragement my way every day of the week.

My backyard in Tucson, AZ

My backyard in Tucson, AZ

Saturday evening in the mall parking lot there was a festival featuring a couple bands and beer.  When I saw the long line of people waiting to get in I remembered that I used to like them.  But now I hurt for them and wondered how ministry could be done here.  So, I asked one of the Deputy Sheriffs a few questions about the rules of engagement.  After answering my questions and He offered a suggestion; that I park the truck directly to the left of the stage on the other side of the fence.  That was a great spot because the opening was about 30 feet long well light between the stage and the venders!  So for more than 3 hours I witnessed the power of the cross by the various expressions it evoked.  Some expressed reverence, some looked puzzled, and then there was mockery, while others quickly looked away.  I continue to be amazed each time I witness these reactions because they validate the truth of God’s law having been written on man’s heart!  Secondly, I witness the working of the Holy Spirit and the great need to preach the gospel to every creature!

Sunday morning was a time of revitalization in corporate worship and fellowship at Mountain View Baptist Church.  Afterwards the joy continued as I was invited to have lunch with Doug and his wife.  During our time together it was rather remarkable seeing that we share many common experiences in ministry.  One was the clear calling to go and its priority.   Another commonality is the use of written, audio and video mediums as well as oral presentations of the gospel.  The Morgan’s recently completed a 30 year tour in Mexico. They partnered with Drive-in Ministries Around the Corner and Around the World. Who provided with a fifth wheel rig outfitted as a mobile Drive-in which included: Projector, Video screen, audio equipment and speaking platform.  The Morgan’s would go from church to church doing evangelistic outreach.  The Morgan’s said, “It was never about us, it was coming alongside each pastor to reach out to the lost.”  They told me how time and again they saw the hand of God at work in wondrous ways.  You can go to this link to check out Drive-in Ministries: http://www.drive-inministries.com/

Pretty cool Yes?   Also the Morgan’s provided contact information and encouraged me to talk with the director of that ministry.  So, the Lord continues to awe me and this week it was through the inspiration of meeting the Morgan’s. Praise God!

Throughout the week in Tucson, the Banner and the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ was lifted up before men and I pray many will be saved.  Amen.

The Cross in Tucson, Arizona. JESUS SAVES!

The Cross in Tucson, Arizona. JESUS SAVES!

Thanks, all of you at home and those abroad for the various ways you support me in the Lords work.  May the Love and Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ become all the more apparent that you may know the fullness to which we may obtain even now as we wait for the blessed hope in the age to come. Amen.

Agape, David