Las Vegas 2013

Las Vegas, Nevada 2013

I rolled in Monday night April 29th in the dark then all of a sudden there was a sea of lights.  About 30 minutes later I arrived at Hope Baptist Church and for the 1st week this was home base.  On the way here I had a setback when I was about half way from Flagstaff a tire blew on the trailer which ripped the fender apart.  So I unhooked the trailer and took the wheel off and drove about 35 miles to get a new one.  I was not comfortable leaving everything onside the desert road and was glad to see it there when I returned. Then I removed the ripped fender put the new tire on and drove to get the other tire they had so there was a new one on each side.

on the way Vegas

So this was how the week started.  I was still nursing lower back pain as well.  That along with the fact that I had to repair the fender to make the trailer street legal was trying to say the least.  The good news is that I was able to find a fender and by Monday I had primed, undercoated, painted and attached it to the trailer.  I was also blessed to have the other 2 trailer tires replaced.

Early in the week I met up with a friend of mine Chris through Facebook.  Chris heads up the Los Vegas Outreach and is a member of First Baptist Church of the Lakes.  I was invited to go out Friday night to join other street preachers and was excited about that.  Then Friday evening about 5:00 while I was in Wal-Mart I started to have hard abdominal pains and I thought oh no not again.  I called Brother Kris in Louisville, KY again and asked Him to find out where the nearest VA hospital was.  Then I went to lie down and when I awoke in the morning the pain was gone.  Praise God!  Saturday evening I went to my friends Chris and Shannon’s for fellowship and dinner which was the best.  Afterwards on my drive home through the Las Vegas Strip I was burdened seeing the masses walking up and down the sidewalks.  What I mean is life is short and eternity is rapidly approaching everyone out there on the streets!  I know the certainty of death and the coming judgment of God!  I know that faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the only remedy!  While all this was going through my mind I saw a billboard which read; “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.  No, God is not mocked for whatsoever a man sows that also shall he reap!”  Not only did that confirm the burden on my heart for those people, but as I applied the same principle to my week of weak ministry there.  I concluded that it would be shameful for me to leave having not raised my voice crying out Jesus Christ and Him Crucified for the Remission of Sin!  Then I saw clearly that I had allowed the enemy of my soul to come in a little at a time until a stronghold was established.  Specifically FEAR!  I’ve made it known that the desire of my heart is to be spent for the namesake of the Lord Jesus Christ.  God indeed knows and of course the devil does too.  The reoccurring back, abdominal pain and other deterrents most likely are not coincidental.  Furthermore the Lord provided a PA sound system about 5 weeks ago now and the only use had been a couple test ran in the church parking lot. Now to the point; I thought this is enough and it was time to walk in faith.  I thought of the wall of Jericho and saw that wall as the stronghold of fear keeping me from making public proclamations of the gospel.  The plan of attack was to stay another week in Las Vegas and every day God gave me the ability to physically go then I would go!  No matter what I would not let fear be a factor and I trusted that if I went for 7 days straight then the wall like at Jericho would come down.

I shared this with Brother Chris and with First Baptist Church of the Lakes.  They prayed for and invited me to park at their location for the week.

Here’s a brief recap of the 2nd week:

Monday May 6th or Day 1 at Freemont Avenue and East Canopy.  Preached aloud several times off and on from approximately 6:30 to 11:30pm.  Accompanied by; Brother Drew who lifted up a wooden cross, Ed and George handed out tracts, engaged many in explaining the gospel and at times they engaged those who came to interfere with the preaching of the gospel.

Tuesday May 7th   Day 2 at Bellagio Fountain Las Vegas Blvd. Preached aloud taking turns with Brother Chris Raymond  7:30 till 10:30.

Wednesday May 8th Bellagio Fountain 4:30 to 6:00pm Preached Solo.

Thursday May 9th Bellagio Fountain 8:15 to 10:45pm Preached Solo.

Friday May 10th Bellagio Fountain 7:30 till 10:30pm Accompanied by Brothers Steven and Tony who preached about a block away while I preached at what I call my spot in Vegas now.

Saturday May 11th, Day 6 Bellagio Fountain 8:30 to 10:00 Preached Solo.

Sunday May 12th Day 7 Bellagio Fountain 7 to 9pm Accompanied by Steven and Sister Lydia who handed out gospel tracts and engaged  one on one with those who stopped. Brother Chris and I alternated Preaching.

Brethren for seven days God kept me, the Holy Spirit moved through me that the name of the Lord JESUS Christ and JESUS Christ and HIM Crucified was preached to hundreds each of the seven days!  Praise God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!!!  The stronghold has been crushed the wall of fear has come down!  Hallelujah!

Here’s a link to one of many preaching sessions

Here’s a personal entry I made on April 26th, 2013.  “Am so inadequate to sufficiently carry out this calling.  God must do it!  Holy Spirit come fill me Please!  Amen.”

There are many things that happened those two weeks in Las Vegas and I know that what happens in Vegas does not stay in Vegas. Talk about impacting the world for the Lord Jesus Christ, strategically speaking this place must rank high as one of the best locations in America to preach the gospel aloud in the streets.  Being confident that the Word which was preached will accomplish that which God intended, I pray that many who heard have come to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  As for the others my prayer is that the Holy Spirit will brood over them, bringing conviction of sin leading to Godly repentance and that other laborers be sent to water the seed sewn. Amen.

Thanks to all who provided my needs, encouraged and prayed for me.  I have been richly blessed by you, humbled and encouraged. To my Brothers and Sisters on the front line it was an honor to go into the fields and labor alongside of you.

Dearest Brother Chris and Sister Shannon,

With a few tears as I remember how you took me in as your own, I hope to see you again this side of heaven and simply say “Thank you” that is until I see you again this side or the other.    Agape

The banner of Jesus Christ was flown throughout and around Las Vegas, the gospel was preached aloud in the streets. Thus, God has blessed me abundantly being spent for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ’s great name. O’ to the Joy of the Holy Spirit and To God be the Glory!!!  Amen.

Once again God has provided everything I had need of and having been encouraged I am confident as I move on in answering His Call.     Your prayers, support and encouragement are highly regarded.  Until next week, God willing I hope to write to you again.

Agape, David

Note I Hope to post a link to a couple videos within 24 hrs.