Los Angelas, CA 2013


Los Angeles, California 2013

Monday leaving Las Vegas there was great rejoicing as the wall of fear was crushed by The Almighty. Hallelujah!  Then there’s Los Angeles, a big City indeed where the roads are wide, intertwined, rough and crowded.  The ride from Vegas had its own test but now it intensified.  There was nowhere to park as space was so limited and parking prohibitions were everywhere.  There were gates, fences, no parking signs and cables hung across entry ways to church parking lots. There came a point that I would have moved on not stopping in LA but I could not be sure of finding parking even if I drove an hour north.  Exhausted and frustrated I parked and trusted the Lord to keep me through the night.  When I awoke my mourning was turned to Joy and here I have written some of it;

Tuesday morning I had the privilege of meeting some of the staff at Living Waters ministry.  Living Waters is an evangelism ministry.  They have an international television broadcast called On the Box.  They produce a varied assortment of gospel tracts, courses of study in evangelism and conduct seminars with hands on training around the country. This is a link to their website: www.wayofthemaster.com

Then I was able to sit in on the live morning telecast.  Afterwards some of the staff came out to see, “The JESUS Truck.”  This is when I met Marvin and Jaylean who invited me to park the trailer at their home.  Praise God!   Later that evening we enjoyed fellowship and dinner at Santa Monica Beach.  Wow this day was so much better than the previous and it continued.

Wednesday morning it was up and on the road at 6:15am going to the North Metro Station to street preach, handout tracts and do one on one witnessing.  I went to support and learn from Brother Tony who has been street preaching for years and it was great to spend time alongside of Him.  Tony is known to guard his microphone as not to hand it to anyone that wants to preach, so when He offered it to me I was humbled and with gratitude I preached Jesus Christ and Him Crucified for the remission of Sin.  Praise God! Amen.  You can go to Tony’s website here to learn more about his fulltime ministry: www.tmiano.com


Meet Tony Miano

Meet Brother Tony Miano


Wednesday evening I met Brother Jason Roberts and a crew of about 16 who go around the country sharing the gospel. They have a sign ministry, tracts and Bibles, one on one witnessing and street preaching as the Lord leads. This day we loaded up two vans and went to the Honda Center in Anaheim, CA to minister before the Rolling stones Concert.  From 5 to 8:30pm the signs were lifted up for all to see, tracts, Gospels of John were handed out.  Here I met Brother Robbie when I heard a clear clarion call to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin.  Wow what an encouragement for me to continue Lifting up my voice! So then at the main entrance Ronnie Preached on the Right and I on the Left to hundreds as the waited and slowly filed in to see the Rolling Stones.  I remember Ronnie preaching, “The Stone Rolled away! The Stone Rolled Away! The Stone Rolled Away!”   Afterwards at home we had a meal, fellowship and shared testimonies.

 Thursday I joined Jason Roberts and crew going Downtown Los Angeles to the Toyota Center to minister as the fans came to see the LA Kings playoff game. This was another great evening of sharing the gospel and fellowship afterwards.

Friday evening I enjoyed the privilege of going to Downtown Long beach to street preach alongside Brothers Joraycia and Tony from 5:30 to 8pm.

Saturday morning I went to Rodeo Drive and parked there.  The expressions were priceless.  At the crosswalks and walking with those crossing I spoke the gospel at a medium volume and in a compelling way.  I believe I saw the Holy Spirit at work in more than a few that morning.

Rodeo Drive LA, CA

Rodeo Drive LA, CA

  Then I was off to Huntington Beach and from 1:30 to 3:30pm I worked alongside Ray Comfort and Scotty as they gave the good person test and shared the gospel with many.  Ray is the founder of Living Waters and I encourage you to check out there ministry here: www.livingwaters.com

Meet Ray Comfort

Meet Ray Comfort

Saturday evening it was time for a repeat performance at the Honda Center in Anaheim, CA as the Rolling Stones were on again.  So it was with Brother Jason and the crew.  We had another great evening of diverse ministry where hundreds were impacted for the cause of Jesus Christ.  Afterwards we had a meal and great fellowship.  Then time to say good bye because Jason and the team were leaving in the morning for Chicago, IL for about a four week mission’s trip there.  Jason and friends are family to me and I miss them already but the cool thing is that in about 8 weeks our Journeys will intersect again. Yes!

When Sunday came I was ready for some rest so that is what I did.  The week was busy and went by fast.  In fact I had not seen Marvin and Jaylean since Tuesday night.  But Sunday night we had a few minutes to catch up and encourage one another.  We would have loved to have been able to spend more time together but were glad to hear about all the ministry opportunities God provided.  Here again I met true family in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Thanks again Marvin and Jaylean, until I may see you again.

Meet Marvin and Jaylean

Meet Marvin and Jaylean

 The Lord has abundantly blessed me the week in Los Angeles, CA.  What started out stressful and frustrating turned into a fruitful and most memorable week. I thank God that I did not keep going or pass over this stop in LA.  The gospel was preached to hundreds and I met dear family members here.  This is most precious and the joy it brings is fuel to continue; The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS! 

Brethren that you may be encouraged to come up a little higher meditate on this:

 Come, O house of Jacob, let us walk in the light of the LORD. (Isaiah 2:5) Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. (Isaiah 60:1)  For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6) to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’ (Acts 26:18)


Thank you all for every prayer you offer on my behalf that the Glorious Gospel of God may go forth into the entire nation.  For every encouragement and provision as each is very dear to me. What more could I desire but to live to honor the One who died for us and rose again. Until next week God willing I will write to you again.

                                                                   Agape, David