Fresno, California 2013

Fresno, California 2013

Monday evening I arrived in Fresno and was glad to find a Chick Fila.  Returning to the truck I noticed a couple looking that way so I approached them.  They were excited about the cross after we had talked awhile, Steve asked so what are you doing now? I told them I was going to look for a church where I could unhook and park my trailer for the week.  Steve said to his wife Janet, why don’t we call your dad to see if David can park at his church.  That call took about 1 minute and I had a great place to call home here. You may recall difficulty I experienced just last week in LA.  But this week I did not have to wander around and through town knocking on any doors.  Praise God!  Thanks Steve, Janet and Victory Tabernacle Church of Clovis!

Settling in on Tuesday I wrote about the previous week’s events in LA and did laundry.   Wednesday I went to spy out the land for ministry opportunities.  Fresno was much smaller than the last two stops and I did not meet any co laborers so the challenge was to trust totally in the Lord and go wherever He directed.  While driving around downtown I noticed people filing down the sidewalks and found they were going to a minor league baseball game.  I parked and walked awhile when I turned the corner and saw a crowd waiting to be admitted into the stadium.  I was spying out the land for Thursday, Friday and Saturday but right before there were many souls standing and waiting.  I could not just turn around and leave, so I prayed, walked up the stairs and facing the crowd the Holy Spirit blessed me to herald the glorious gospel of God.  This went on until the line was down to a few and a security officer asked me to leave.  To which I complied and praised God for the gift of preaching!  Amen

Here’s the link to an excerpt of the Gospel preached:

Later I met a security officer who approached me about the truck.  George was so moved by the cross, He told of how he was from Egypt having won a lottery to come here and he has been here 3 years. George told of Jesus being there as a child and said the people in Egypt were waiting for Jesus to come and do a miracle there.  I told him that Jesus had done the miracle in the work of the cross and the next miracle will be in His second coming.  I explained the miracle of being born again and how you may know that you have eternal life.  George took it all in as the Holy Spirit was at work. I went back to visit with George a couple of times and will not soon forget our time together.

Thursday evening there was an event at the Sierra Vista Mall from 6-9pm called Rock the Mall.  I arrived about 2hrs early and maybe you already guessed I parked right at the entry way.  Hundreds of people filed in and out by the Jesus Truck.  I expected I might preach aloud between music sets but not this time because I would have been asked to leave. The Lord was at work with the Word and the Cross on full display.  An odd thing happened as earlier a lady approached enquiring about the Truck then saying ok I’ll be back.  About two hours later she returned very politely asking a few questions about ministry and then things turned personal.  Noticing no ring on my hand she made a few flattering comments then she asked don’t you desire a wife, don’t you want to go back to the life you had?  O’ no here I go: Go back to what?  I was lost but now I’m found, dead but now I live!   Jesus Christ has saved me!  I know love, security, provision and joy that never fail. I have eternal life through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and I belong to Him!  To which she responded something like oh, okay just thought I’d ask.  Of course that was straightforward and maybe a bit rough.  I don’t know for certain her intentions’ but it was a temptation from the enemy of my soul. “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1) Amen.

Friday evening there was a rap concert at the Fresno Convention Center where I handed out gospel tracks to approximately 95% there.  The crowd was so young, maybe that’s why so many received the tracts.  Well no, I think it was because the Lord went before me to prepare hearts.

Saturday night I went to River Park Mall which is upscale and an outdoor mall.  The parking lots were full with cars lined up to go in and other coming out.  I thought the best way to minister here was to get the PA system out and preach the gospel.  So, at the bus stop across the street from the biggest parking lot it was time to go, stand and speak.  In other words it was time for me to confess the Lord Jesus Christ again and again.  Maybe you’ve heard the expression, “They overcame by the Blood of the lamb and the Word of their testimony.”  So that I may encourage you; it is every Christian’s daily duty to confess Jesus Christ is Lord.  This is how we ought to start each day and then as faith increases we will look to repeat it again and again.  This repetition may take on differing forms as each one is gifted of The Holy Spirit and it will always be for purpose of God being glorified.  Amen.   Back to the story: While I preached Jesus and Him crucified for the remission of sin, I observed people across the street in the parking lot and others at the ATM standing still listening.  The preaching went on for about an hour before my voice started cracking so I packed up and left. Here again God provided the Word, Protection and I am praying for those who heard. Praise God!

Sunday morning I enjoyed Praise and Worship at Victory Tabernacle.  Afterwards I went for a drive to get something to eat. While driving through Downtown Clovis one block over I noticed a crowd and looking down the next block there was another crowd.  I went to get a closer look and found that the street was closed off for several blocks and the crowd had gathered to look at antiques, visiting shops and local venders.  I thought I was going to get something to eat and I did grab a hotdog but I knew it was time to preach again.  This day I tried preaching from a different vantage point, which happened to be in the middle of the street in the center of the intersection. No one was walking there and the projection of my voice would be enhanced by the surrounding structures. With amplification not needed all there was to do was pray, go, stand and speak.  So it happened that for more than 20 minutes all were compelled to come to Jesus Christ. Afterwards a young man wearing leather made a rapid approach to say thank you and with a sternness he said, “Keep on doing this brother don’t stop.”

Here’s a link to an excerpt of the Gospel call:

Then another gentleman came to me saying, thank you brother you really encouraged me, you know I go to college campuses to share the gospel but here in my own hometown I have not.  Then He said pray for me that I may preach right now.  So then my friend Rod stood in the middle of the intersection and preached about the prodigal son.  Then he stood there alone singing a hymn before the people.  Wow how that blessed me.  Thank you Brother Rod because in humility you confessed your weakness about not sharing the gospel, then you walked in faith by standing out speaking God’s word aloud and what devotion was expressed as you sang unto the Lord before all present. Praise God!  Amen.

So encouraged I moved two blocks down, standing in the intersection the gospel was heralded.  Opposition came twice in an effort to impede the Gospel from being heard.  But the Holy Spirit kept speaking which caused frustration and I think maybe brought embarrassment to those who come thinking they are being heroic before men.  So the preaching continued and just as I was finishing a police officer approached.  Whom, I greeted with a smile and handshake.  I was told they had received two complaints that I was bothering people and asked for my identification.  She said I have been listening to you and you have every right to exercise your 1st amendment rights.  Just be sure not to impede the flow of traffic and do not come after or approach people.  Just use your best judgment because if we get another call we may have to go a bit further looking into the specifics of the complaints.  Then after the records check came back we parted ways amicably.  It was finished, so I walked around talking to some folks and while doing so several thanked and encouraged me. Again, Praise God!

It was time to prepare to go to the next stop along:  The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

I included the links above to show how God continues to bless me to be faithful in answering His call!  This week as those past there are many of whom the Lord has sent to encourage me and I am so very grateful for each one.  To all the Saints that have and continue to support me as I go, certainly you have blessed me beyond measure and adequate words escape me.  But the confidence that I have towards you all in this is that God has missed nothing and in due time He will exalt you. So, to God be the Glory great things He has done!

Until next week, God willing I may write to you again.

Agape, David