San Francisco, California 2013

San Francisco, CA 1013

Arriving in San Francisco was no easy thing with the traffic, driving through the clouds and the typography reminded me of Pittsburg, PA.  What I mean is this city sits amidst hills and valleys.  Soon I found parking would be like it was in Los Angeles, almost nonexistent. But unlike LA when I would have gone out of there because of frustration, now I remained calm.  About two hours into the search I came upon a vacant  office park next to a marina and parked long enough to get a good night rest.  In the morning God provided a place to park for the rest of the week at First Baptist Church of South San Francisco.

The Marina San Francisco

The Marina San Francisco

Wednesday I rode around town looking for places to preach the gospel and beginning that night here’s a recap through Sunday evening.  Downtown Wednesday night about 9pm I turned on the PA system and preached at a busy intersection for about an hour.

On Thursday, I drove to get a cup of coffee when I noticed a lot of people going the same direction on the sidewalk.  I found that the San Francisco Giants where playing a game in about an hour so I grabbed my bag and headed for the stadium.  Talk about impromptu, I was just getting the first cup of Java for the day.  None the less, once there I set the PA system up and preached the gospel while many filed in to see the game.  About 20 minutes into it I noticed a police officer who stood listening for a minute or two and then walked away. Praise God! I stayed until the crowd dwindled. On the walk back to my vehicle although being drained by the preaching, I was singing and praising God for blessing me. Hallelujah! Amen.  A little later around 4pm I found Union Square which is a park right in the middle of the downtown San Francisco shopping district.  The locals and tourists from around the world came by this way and many congregated here.  So at the corner of Geary and Powell St.  I walked up the stairs, set up the PA and facing the intersection the gospel was heralded aloud.  During which I heard a few snide remarks which is expected, later as I neared closing there came a very vile mouth man screaming in my face but to no avail. The Holy Spirit kept the words of the gospel going out of my mouth, the vileness left and continuing until tired I closed.  What a day this was and I slept well.

Friday I enjoyed exploring the board walk along the bay downtown.  People were coming, going, coming and going.  I thought I would preach there if not that day another but that did not happen.  What did happen was I bought a piece of fresh baked olive bread, a cup of hot tea, then sat on a bench overlooking the bay, gave thanks to God and basked in the blessedness of God towards me.  Oh the olive bread and tea was so good.  Afterwards, I felt so rejuvenated and headed for Union Square.  It was Friday evening around 6pm and the place was bustling so it was time to impact the world for The Lord Jesus Christ!

Then at the top of the stairway, the PA system set with the volume high and the Holy Spirit moved that the Proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ and Him Crucified for the remission of sin went out for all to hear. A while into it an Asian woman waved from across the intersection until I waved back, confirming the word was being clearly heard that far away and what encouragement it brought to me. Hecklers quickly came and went until near the end one stood to the right of me and this one did indeed try my patience.  He stayed a while, and then politely excused himself when the police officer came up the stairway to speak to me.  The officer was very professional when he informed me that the use of sound amplification was not allowed.  He stated, “I’m also a Christian and appreciate what you are doing just don’t use amplification, but Carry On.”  With this I had no problem and I praised God for the honor to be able cry aloud the time He gave to me.

Here’s a video clip of Friday evening:

Saturday evening I return to Union Square and instead of preaching out across the road intersections I did post as to speak to those in the park.  So without the amplification the gospel was proclaimed.   All Glory be to God!  Amen.

Sunday morning I attended worship service at The Russian Tabernacle as I had met one of the pastors and his wife earlier in the week that extended the invitation.  Although I did not understand the words of the hymns I thought how awesome the choirs of heaven must sound with all the differing tribes singing unto God.  The message was preached with an interpreter and the Lords Supper was administered after due reflection. The time here was very special and the memory will long be with me.  Thank you.

Sunday evening I drove downtown to reminisce about the weeks activities.  I remembered how it was when I arrived, how the housing was stacked so tight and the major attraction being high end shopping. I was really at a loss as to understanding why so many live here.  Esthetic beauty could hardly be found and what of a quiet place to sit and think?  I thought of the people from differing parts of the world who flock here and for what?  To be able to shop the best name brands? I wonder if they think this is; “America at its best.”  In my estimation it’s not even close!  Does this not speak so very loud of materialistic idolatry?  This week the Lord has had me to plead, plead and plead again for souls to be saved!  But did any really have ears to what the Spirit of the Lord said?  Are they not altogether deaf and dead men walking straightway into eternal destruction? Will not such as heard the word of the Lord and ignore it suffer even greater damnation?  No doubt that will be the case and the weight will be on each one as God metes it to each in His perfect judgment! O dear brethren let us not lose hope in pleading for the souls of the lost!  May we be all the more diligent in obeying the great commission!  No doubt the Lord our God is always at work, even when we faint He does not and so we can say; To God be the Glory great things He has, He is and He will do!  So Rejoice and again I say Rejoice for the Lord is our Shepherd!  Amen.

Sunday evening as I stood looking at the people in Union Square I was moved to go, stand and preach one more time.  On this occasion I walked out and turned to face those sitting in the sun, calling them to repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  O’ God help them all!  Amen.

Here’s a video clip of Sunday service in Union Square;

In closing I’m not so sure of what to say except:

The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
 He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.

 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.
 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord
Forever.    Amen.            (Psalm 23)

Until next week, God willing I may write again.  Love you all!
